Member Reviews

The full nest is another great insightful read by Fiona!
Such an insightful look into family life and how it changes/the different stages that you go through as your children grow up and leave the family nest, the altered dynamics at home, the way it affects your relationship as a couple and then the added factor of looking after an elderly parent and grandchildren added into the mix as your family grows and you are needed more and more. Raw, unfiltered and totally relatable for so many women experiencing empty nest syndrome, the menopause, and being pulled in so many directions but hold with wit, humour and realism that will resonate with so many at a similar stage in life!
A great read that I would highly recommend
Thank you NetGalley for this early read

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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This is a perfect five-star read for anyone who wishes they had the perfect family. I will be honest at times I wanted to give a couple of the characters a really good talking too, like Carly and Frank, her for being a doormat at times and him for being him at times, I know that life is complex and sometimes we go just go with the flow and we also do what we think is best for others I get that, but it still frustrated me, but that’s the beauty of writing like this, it impassions you to really care about the people on the page. Family aren’t always what we think they should be and sometimes we see them on social media looking all matchy and happy, and you look at your own and feel lacking, this is a story to show you that we are all different and made up differently, and how we thin we may be saving someone else, but really we aren’t, Also about how you should never eat anything out of date, something my nanna did when we moved her house, for the fourth time in 10 years and found some times that went out of date 17 years previously, so the tins had been alive almost half as long as I had in that time and moved more times than I had. Even if it’s a waste of food, throw them away!! Pick this up to have a good laugh, and have a real look at what family is like and why we should all communicate more, now if you don’t mind I’m off to call my mother, just because, as this story will make you want to do that connect with family or someone special, even if it’s just to thank them for not moving in with you, or if they did just to remind them that you love them as we do take them for granted sometimes. Overall, I gave this five-stars, and in places it didn’t deserve it, but it’s a proof, so you have to allow for editing and sometimes personal taste, the story was strong and pulled me in, really making me care and that’s what I find most important in a story.

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You never stop being a parent and a mum especially. When Carly and Frank's two girls leave home there is only 22yr old Eddie left in the nearly empty nest. Carly is planning what life will be like for her and Frank when Eddie eventually gets his act together but for the moment he is a spoilt man child lying around the house.

Just as Eddie moves out Carly's elderly father has an accident and moves in with her. He is not an easy man to please and Carly once again has a spoilt man child in her home.
Frank is not much help to her ,in fact he makes everything much worse,but that's men for you.

I really enjoyed this book, it was very true to life. Most animals kick their young out of the nest or the den at an early age. I think it's probably only us humans who feel we should put up with the lives we created for the rest of ours, we never stop worring about them.
I really like Carly's character and how she just put up with everything. I'm not too impressed with Frank,another man child and I didn't really agree with his explanation of why he didn't support Carly.
I always enjoy Fiona Gibson's books and although this one wasn't quite as funny as the others it did have funny moments peppered through it.
I found it a nice easy read for this time of year.

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I found this story rather sad, it’ll certainly strike a cord with many mums in their late 40’s/50’s who are going through “life”. Empty nest syndrome is a real thing for many and having to care for an elderly parent is brought to life with a real touch of reality. The characters are all flawed (aren’t we all?) and there seems to be one crisis after another. Although the ending is sweet, you know that isn’t how it works long term! This isn’t as funny as many of her books, more down to earth and thought provoking - 3.5 stars from me

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publishers for an arc in exchange for an honest review

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I really like this author. This book does not disappoint. Realistic characters keep the story moving quickly. Even the title is intriguing. Family problems…family fun…dysfunctional episodes…what next? The main character is quirky, and even though her family gets to her, at times, she keeps going on. A page turner… A cannot put down novel... Enjoy. Thanks Netgalley.

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