Member Reviews

*4.5 Stars*

A short book but a lot packed in it. I really liked the cruise setting. The main character annoyed me sometimes and I had to remind myself that ze was 12, so immaturity was a given.
I really liked the side characters, especially the moms.
Overall, it was a great read, very short but so sweet and filled with so so many feelings.
I absolutely will have to read more books by Caroline Huntoon.

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6th grader Piper is content with zir life, although wishes that there was a way to feel more authentically like zemself at school. After a disastrous school dance experience, ze wants to blend in more than ever. Even worse, zir mom wants to go on a cruise with Piper, Mom's girlfriend Gwinny, and Gwinny's son. Piper begins to plan an epic breakup for the moms. After all, ze wants to keep things the same...

Something this book does very well is walking the line between being a book about a kid who happens to be nonbinary and being a book about being nonbinary. There are elements of both representation and education here for all readers. Kids in particular will empathize with Piper's parent and friend drama, while also getting to read about and experience neopronouns. Some dated pop culture references aside, I think this book will be a meaningful one for individual readers and classroom/library collections.

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