Member Reviews

So simple but such a great idea and activity for kids to be a part of❤️ I can see this being a staple in classrooms!

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Kindness Rocks shows how the Kindess Rocks Projects works in practice and its purpose. The artwork is very cute and shows a diverse collection of kiddos and family compositions. Overall, it's a cute and easy read and would be a great way to explain the project.

Thanks to Familius and NetGalley for an eARC of this book for an honest review.

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This was such a good book! I loved how detailed the illustrations are. I will definitely be putting this one on the list to buy for my son

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This book has a bright and colorful cover that definitely caught my eye and would encourage me to pick it up off the shelf. I think the idea of painting messages on rocks is so sweet. What a fun and easy way to brighten someone’s day! I think this book will encourage children to do it in their neighborhoods!

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A cute book! I like this a lot because my kids and I have painted rocks and hid them around our town to brighten someone's day. A wonderful idea!!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing me with a free digital copy in exchange for my honest opinions.

I love this! It's such a cute idea. I like the illustrations and the multiculturalism.

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Such a sweet book and a great lesson on how the littlest of things can brighten someone’s day and start a chain reaction. I also love the diversity of characters represented in the book.

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