Member Reviews

3.5 stars
The beginning was a little to repetitive but the messages in the rocks made each page stand out. There was a good mix of diversity in this book. It encourages children to "pay it forward" with a kindness rock. The title was a good play on words: not only are children seeing examples of what kindness rocks could look like, but it is also saying being kind is a cool thing!
The last page explaining what kindness rocks are and how to join this project is very informative not only to children but to adults. Educators can use this book to aid with a lesson plan, librarians can use it to come up with a program, and parents/caregivers can use this as a family activity or a neighborhood experience.

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This story was full of hope as young children faced various hardships through the encouraging messages passed on through painted rocks. I loved the story itself and how it encourages children to pass on kindness. The words themselves were pretty basic, told in verse that did not change throughout so that the illustrations did most of the storytelling, I only wish there had been a bit more variety through the book to support that.

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Kindness Rocks is an amazing initiative that has been around for a long time. This book shows young readers what the intent of the “craft project” is supposed to bring to others. I love the last page which brings the description about The Kindness Rocks Project as well as how to join the project. The illustrations are amazing and I think this book would be a great read to children before participating in the project.

Thank you to NetGalley and Familius for the advanced reader copy. This book will be published on March 11, 2025.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy

This is probably one of the most important books you can read to a child. There may not be a more important life lesson for young children than it is to be kind. As the book says, "kindness rocks!"

I also really liked the beautiful and vibrant illustrations in this book. A charming and heartwarming story. Pick up this book for your kid!

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Kindness Rocks by Megan Murphy is a beautifully illustrated picture book that sends a message that children can look to their environment to improve their mood as well as to improve another's state of being. It is perfect for our Summer Reading program in 2025. The back of the book contains tips for starting your own Kindness Rocks project.

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This was so cute! The illustrations were phenomenal! I loved the unique names that were used. My daughter and I love to look for kindness rocks, and leave kindness rocks that we have made. I also like that this book tells about the kindness rock project so more people can get involved Thank you NetGalley for the arc and exchange for my honest review.

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The cover captivated me-as the world could use more kindness and love that this book has ideas to take that kindness out into the world, in the form of beautiful rocks!

I feel like earlier readers will love the predictable nature of the book, but stretch their decoding skips with the introduction of new names. I noticed a lot could be decoded without too many exceptions to rules.
Would love to have in my classroom to share with students. Will recommend!

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Thank you NetGalley and Familius for the electronic copy of "Kindness Rocks" by Megan Murphy. This book will be released on March 11, 2025.

This is a great book to use in a classroom or a library to introduce a kindness project. This book has a series of children who are not having the best day. Then they find a kindness rock while they are out and about. The rocks have kind words that help turn the child's day around. They are then left with a brilliant idea. In the end the last child brings the kindness rocks to a bigger audience by having his school participate in a kindness rock project.

The cover is appealing with bright colors. The pictures inside the book are also very vibrant and colorful. I also love that the end of the book their are ideas/instructions on how to create your own kindness rocks. I will be posting a review for this book on Goodreads, Amazon, and my Instagram account once the book has been released.

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Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for the eARC! This book does a great job explaining the Kindness Rock project. This book shows the power of a small act of kindness can turn someone’s day around for the better which I really like! A great message for young readers!

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This book tells kids the method and purpose behind the movement of leaving uplifting messages painted on rocks around a community. I think teaching kids the meaning behind something that they see regularly is a great idea.

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This is an adorable picture book about the happy stones you sometimes find along the road. The concept of pay it forward plays a big role in this story. In the story you meet all kind of children from a neighborhood. They help, encourage and support each other by decorating pebbles with kind messages and putting them in places where they can be found. The bright colorful pictures contribute to the kind message of this book. The story mentioned all kind of children having a bad day, the story would have been more interesting to me, when it would give a little more detail about the sort of ‘bad’ day.

Altogether a sweet picture with a kind message.

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Just recently one of the high school clubs I advise painted Kindness Rocks. It has been a tradition at our high school for at least five years. Students will often show me the rocks that they find around campus. Most of the time students keep them, but sometimes they pass the rocks along to others who are in more need of that particular message.

The story “Kindness Rocks” follows a group of children as their days are turned around by the kind messages of others. In turn, they pay it forward and create their own Kindness Rocks to help others.

This book would be great as part of a project where older students bring a copy of “Kindness Rocks” and rock painting supplies to a class of younger students. The older kids could read the book to the younger ones then the two groups could then create rocks to leave around campus or the community to spread messages of kindness.

I received an advance review copy for free from Netgalley and Familius Books, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I absolutely adored this book! The e-book was formatted perfectly for viewing on a kindle colorsoft.

For my child’s school / we have to complete a community service project. We incorporated this fun story and made rocks to share in our community. The kids had fun and loved learning about the positive impact they are capable of having on strangers.

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How can you brighten someone's day when you don't know them or their problems? Try painting a smooth rock with a simple message and you BOTH will feel better! Read along in the book to see how kindness can leave a trail to follow
The illustrations by Jiajia Hamner are simple, brilliantly colored, and meaningful.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to everyone, but especially to a school or your local public library!
I requested and received a temporary uncorrected e-file on Adobe Digital Editions from Familius via NetGalley. Thank you!
Avail Mar 11, 2025, #KindnessRocks by Megan Murphy with Laurel Alyesworth illustrator @Familius#NetGalley @CBCBook @goodreads @bookbub @librarythingofficial @barnesandnoble @waterstones ***** #Review @booksamillion @bookshop_org Ages 3 and up @bookshop_org_uk @childrensbookcouncil #TheKindnessRocksProject #PictureBook #CaringAndSharing

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Oh my gosh this book is so cute! The artwork is beautiful and the story and message is so precious. My kids and I love looking for these rocks in a local town. They love this book! Thank you NetGalley!

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I am a teacher, but I’m also Girl Scout leader. I have heard of many troops and scouts decorating rocks with positive affirmations or kind words. I love that there’s a book to explain it. I did feel that the books words could’ve been improved on throughout the book it was a bit too simple like they were trying to make it like a Dr. Seuss book that repeats itself however it didn’t really bring life to the characters.

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I was so pleased to find each page only had about a sentence on them, just right for early readers. Not only that, but this concept is the best! :)

I will definitely be joining the Kindness Rock Project with my family and I hope this publishing brings more people to the cause.

I'll be buying this when it comes out along with recommending it to everyone I know who has children.

{Thank you bunches to NetGalley, Megan Murphy, JiaJia Hamner and Familius for the DRC in exchange for my honest review!}

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A wonderful picture book from the founder of The Kindness Rocks Project, highlighting the power of kind words and actions. My children were aware of the Kindness Rocks Project and have previously created beautiful rocks to place in various public places locally. This book has re-ignited their creativity and desire to ‘pay it forward’. We appreciate that the illustrations showcase diverse characters in a variety of real-life situations, to promote discussion and empathy.
This book is ideal for every family, classroom or school library – to encourage kindness and empathy.

With thanks to Familius for the digital review copy, via NetGalley. This review is voluntary, and all opinions are my own.

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I received an electronic ARC from Familius through NetGalley.
Readers see how a small kindness like an encouraging note written on a rock can help so many people. One young boy had a really bad day and found a rock with "It's okay" written on it. He painted another rock and left it for someone else to find. From here the circle of kindness spreads and finishes with a class choosing to paint rocks and share them. The illustrations capture the characters' emotions and the way they change when they find the encouraging notes. Informative text on kindness rocks is included at the end. Perfect book to introduce being kind and sharing encouragement with others.

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For people who like: interesting creative projects

In five words: children - kindness - rocks - messages - colorful

Positive points: For those who aren't familiar with 'kindness rocks', these are painted rocks or pebbles which often feature positive words or quotes and are left for others to find and collect them. This book is perfect to teach children about empathy and kindness as it discussses situations they can relate to. Furthermore it sparkles the creativity of children and adults alike. Because after reading this book and looking at the website, I'm sure lots of them will want to try this out and create their own kindness rocks.

Negative points: The plot of this book was too repetitive without adding something new and the illustrations didn't really appeal to me.

More info: Read all about the Kindness Rocks Project on the official website:
A tutorial on how to create a kindness rock can be found at and a motivational movie about kindness can be found at

Rating: 2,5* rounded up to 3* because it promotes kindness

Publication date: 11.03.2025

*Thanks to NetGalley and Familius for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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