Member Reviews

You know what? Fine, I enjoyed it. The world building was quite original, and I really liked the plot and overall story, but for me, the best part was the romance. I really enjoyed not having an Alpha mal guy for once, and the characters just had sooo much chemistry, omg. It was a really good time and a great discovery.

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NetGalley ARC review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4.5)

I did not expect to get *everything* this story delivered and all I can say is that I enjoyed myself.

Pros: cute animal companion, language creation, magic system, unique worldbuilding

Cons: Arthurian legends (references might be missed), abrupt romance, chaotic plot at times

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Some books just have that special shine, and this one absolutely does. When the author offered me an ARC of their new fantasy, I jumped on it—and wow, it did not disappoint.

The story takes off at full speed and never slows down. River Greer is racing to the hospital when she’s tricked by someone she thinks is a doctor… and suddenly finds herself in another world. Thule is a fascinating mix of Arthurian legend and Victorian-era society, and River is thrown into the deep end—mistaken for a runaway duchess, forced into rigid social rules, and stuck dealing with a powerful (and infuriating) duke.

The adventure is nonstop, the world-building is rich, and River’s voice is sharp, witty, and impossible not to love. I devoured this book and desperately need more!

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Great fantasy read for the season. Loved the characters and story line. Great narrator. The cover of the book is also beautiful

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I absolutely loved this. The amount of detail into this fantasy world completely sucked me in and held me there. I was at one point confused with all the information that the reader is presented with, but I kept going and it was well worth it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

4/5 ⭐️

Fellow romantasy lovers, give this book a chance! River is taken to the world of Thule, where she is mistaken for missing royalty. Her journey leads her to finding answers about her past, including her mom, and her dying sister who is still on earth. There were a few parts that felt dull and I had to push myself to read through. The ending, however, was amazing. I so wanted everything good for River.

I can't wait to read more from C. Monk!

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I was really exited for this book, but it just didn't catch my attention. It felt a little slow. I get that the misogyny is a part of the whole narrative, but i could not get past it. I do like that the main character combats it a lot tho.

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This book was incredibly well-crafted in terms of world-building. It was the first time I experienced a story with such detailed and immersive world-building that truly made me feel like I was there alongside the characters. The writing felt smooth and fluid, though I have to admit that at times it felt a little draggy. To be fair, I think this was more because I wasn’t expecting it to be as long as it was; knowing that in advance would’ve helped me pace myself better.

I listened to the audiobook provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The narration was excellent, and the narrator brought the story to life in a way that kept me engaged throughout.

I really enjoyed the main character. She’s strong and determined, and I admired how she refused to let anything or anyone stand in her way as she pursued her journey. The romantic interest was well-written, and as I’m sure the author intended, he frustrated me to no end at the beginning—but in a good way!

That said, my favorite character has to be the capybara. I know the author might roll their eyes at this, but honestly, it had so much personality and uniqueness that it made the book stick in my head for days afterward. Every time the capybara appeared, I felt excited because I knew I was about to laugh at something clever or endearing.

The main character’s backstory was another highlight for me, though I did find myself getting lost at times. The intense world-building demands close attention to every detail, and it’s easy to miss important elements that become crucial later on. Still, I have to applaud the editing—it felt cohesive and polished from start to finish.

This book felt like reading an entire series in a single volume. It didn’t leave me frustrated or hanging, waiting for a second part, but instead left me feeling satisfied and grateful for the experience. That’s a rare and valuable quality these days, especially when so many books seem to rely on sagas to tell their stories. I truly hope to see more from Camilla Monk in the future, as this book stands out as a testament to her storytelling skill.

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This felt like the beginning of a great saga! Loved the characters and the storyline! The world building was rich and immersive! And ooh the betrayals.... I hope to experiences more of this world in the future!

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This book had me hooked from the start! The world of Thule is such a fascinating mix of Victorian vibes, Arthurian legend, and a touch of sci-fi, and it’s easy to get swept up in its rich, magical setting. River and Hadrian’s connection felt genuine, and while their romance leaned into insta-love, the chemistry between them made it work. The little touches, like River’s quirky family and Hadrian’s dry humor, added so much charm, and I absolutely loved details like River’s dad tattooing people and getting paid with a duck named Baguette.

That said, there were moments where River felt more like a spectator than an active player, and the story’s quick pace didn’t always give her room to shine. Some of the misogyny in the setting felt heavy-handed, and I would’ve liked to see River push back more. Still, the engaging plot, clever humor, and heartfelt moments made this a really enjoyable read. If you’re into historical fantasy with a splash of sci-fi and swoony romance, this is worth checking out!

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Of Blood and Light de Camilla Monk. J’ai pu écouter la version audio grâce à NetGalley France

J’ai tardé à me lancer dans cette chronique car je ne sais pas trop comment présenter ce roman, que j’ai beaucoup aimé par ailleurs.

🤔 Comment décrire l’univers créé ici par l’autrice? C’est comme si la légende arthurienne rencontrait l’époque victorienne sur une autre planète où les animaux de compagnie sont des capybaras.

C’est vrai que dit comme ça, ça pourrait sembler n'importe nawak, mais absolument pas, l'univers créé par Camilla Monk est vraiment très riche et passionnant.

Je vais essayer de résumer sans spoiler et ce n’est pas facile du tout 🤯

Le roman commence à notre époque, aux Etats-Unis, à l’arrière d’une ambulance où une jeune fille, vraiment très mal en point, est accompagnée de sa sœur qui veille sur elle. Cette dernière, notre héroïne, River, se fait enlever à l'hôpital car on l’a prise pour quelqu'un d’autre, et elle est transportée sur une autre planète: Thule qui semble bloquée à l’époque victorienne (bonjour la patriarcat!!!!😡). Elle y rencontre Hadrian, un chevalier de la Table Ronde qui recherche sa femme, Isolde, qui s’est enfuie (et ressemble comme deux gouttes d’eau à River). Tous les deux vont devoir collaborer (et plus si affinités) pour rien de moins que sauver Thule d’un terrible fléau (et peut-être même plus que ça!)

Voilà le postulat de départ, l’intrigue est très bien menée, agrémentée de quelques twists qui nous tiennent bien en haleine jusqu’au bout. J’ai vraiment passé un très bon moment de lecture-écoute.

Il y a aussi plusieurs références à des films: Alice au pays des merveilles, le magicien d’Oz, Interstellar… Je suis sûre que j’ai dû en rater, mais c’est très chouette.

Concernant l’audio, c'est une belle réussite: la narration à deux voix est très agréable (une pour River et l’autre pour Hadrian), d’ailleurs les voix étaient très bien choisies. Il y a des bruitages et de la musique d’ambiance, ce qui rend l'écoute assez immersive. Il y a des effets sonores pour les flashbacks avec comme un écho sur les voix, c’est très sympa. Vu que l’autrice a créé un langage (à la Tolkien, chapeau bas, quel travail!), le Thulian, pour les besoins de son histoire, c’était top de pouvoir l’entendre.

🤩 Bref, la version audio est vraiment chouette, je la recommande.

Maintenant, je me concentre sur certains éléments arthuriens qui m’ont particulièrement plus:

- toutes les explications sur d’où vient la légende arthurienne telle qu’on la connaît (je ne spoile pas, mais c’est vraiment intéressant)
- les références à Merlin (Myrwin), Arthur, Mordred et les personnages familiers
- nous avons des chevaliers de la Table Ronde (descendants des anciens) qui ont des épées et gantelets qui peuvent se matérialiser à partir de leurs tatouages, super badass!!
- la créativité de l’autrice autour de la magie
- Lancelot est une femme, la magistrate en chef de la Table Ronde et elle a un lien très fort avec le lac Nimue.
- on rencontre Mordred (pas si méchant que ça)
- le traitement d’Excalibr (Urchalyps dans le roman) est vraiment TRÈS original.
- on fait un tour à Brocéliande (et s’il y a une suite, j’espère bien qu’on y passera plus de temps)

Seul bémol à mon sens, un petit goût de trop peu. Il existe une novella Of Pears and Spears qui traite de personnages secondaires dans l'intrigue, histoire de passer un peu plus de temps dans cet environnement foisonnant. J’espère une suite, certains arcs sont terminés mais il y a largement de quoi faire avec cet univers.

Pour info, le roman n’existe qu’en anglais, pour l'instant…

#legendearthurienne #arthurianlegend #roundtable #kingarthur #merlin #thule #broceliande #capybarras #OfBloodAndLight #NetGalleyFrance

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I have never listened to an audiobook that was read this way, and I absolutely loved it. With the first person POV being a woman, but bringing in a male narrator for all the male parts? Amazing. I was absolutely melting at the MMC and all his endearment in his own language.

The plot was fast paced, intriguing, and romantic. The world building and magic system was well thought out and explained. I am impressed that this is a stand-alone!

Great audiobook and story!

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Things i loved about this audiobook
*Narration is excellent and held my attention
* World building is good,
*The characters were well written
*Low spice

I enjoyed the banter and sparks between River and the Duke. Overall it was a fun read, very fast paced and full of intrigue.

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Rating: 3.5

C. Monk is a literary genius when it comes to creating fairytale worlds of every fantasy reader's dreams. Her ability to transport you to another world just based on her intricate descriptions of landscapes within the world of Thule in the Kingdom of Logres is unmatched. River, the story’s heroine, is captured and taken from Earth to Thule, a world stuck in the Victorian era by Arthurian standards. Unsure of her surroundings, River must navigate this new enchanting world to find a way back to her family on Earth. C. Monk takes The Nights of the Round Table and gives us this gripping tale of self-discovery and slow a burning romance. This novel will leave you wanting in the best ways possible.

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Of Blood and Light is a standalone novel set in an Arthurian world. We follow our female main character, River, as she is taken from her sister’s bedside in hospital. She is transported to a world parallel to her own, known as Thule, where she finds that Arthurian legends are true and she just might be part of them.

Starting off this audiobook, I was very intrigued. The beginning chapters are very attention grabbing and the voice acting is great! I was very into it from the start. If anything is gonna grab my attention, it’s world parallels and fantasy retellings. We meet Hadrian, our male main character pretty early on. At the same time, we learn that River will have to pretend to be Hadrian’s wife. Let me just say… we know where this one is headed.

I love a good forced proximity storyline when it’s done right and… this was done RIGHT! The “will they - won’t they” nature of their relationship was real!! I was rooting for them but also, I was very worried. I don’t want to spoil anything but, there are problems with this scheme.

The world building was really good, having capybaras in a fantasy book was not on my 2024 bingo card, but I’m here for it. Can we talk about how CUTE that was?! Adorable! But it also made me laugh a lot. And speaking of animals, that bonus epilogue… a fight with a duck… PERFECTION. That’s all I will have to say about that.

The only thing I would say is that I did predict a few things would happen. I knew where some of the plot twists were headed and who would turn out to be a bad guy. I’m not usually fussed about figuring these things out since I like to Nancy Drew my way through stories, but I know that not everyone is into it.

If you’re into Arthurian retellings or world building and funny fantasy books and even capybaras and duck fights, this book is for you.

Thank you NetGalley, Yaypub and C. Monk for this advanced audio review copy in exchange for an honest review.

3.75 ⭐️’s

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Thank you to NetGalley & Yaypub for letting me listen to the ALC - I devoured the last 50% of this book, nothing could make me put it down!

Our FMC River is taken from her sisters bedside in the hospital, and transported to a parallel universe called Thule - which happens to be full of Arthurian lore! There she meets "his grace" Hadrian, and must pretend to be his wife to make it through this mysterious new world (and you just KNOWWWW that forced proximity is good!!!).

The world building was so vivid & intriguing (did somebody say pet capybaras?), and I loved the modern humour in a Victorian-esque setting! Some of it was a bit silly & goofy - but in a way that sort of reminds me of Zodiac Academy which is one of my favourite series!

I did listen to the audiobook, and I must say as a British person listening there are definitely some dodgy accents... But if you can look past them, it's definitely a good listen! There are a lot of people & places, so did get a little confusing at times, but I'm also not very clued up on Arthurian legends so maybe if you knew slightly more it wouldn't be as overwhelming!

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Not going to lie, I didn’t really know what to expect for this book, but I was pleasantly surprised! Who can mix ‘aliens’ with Arthurian legends to modern-day AND bodice-ripping vibes? Camilla Monk. That’s who! lol… She somehow made it all WORK and did it well at that. Probably one of my most memorable reads this year. The audiobook version was soooo good. The narrators fully embraced their characters and made the story fun and engaging. The story was refreshing, full of depth, and I’m swooning over Hadrian and even more over River. You’ll stop a few times and think, ‘what the… am I reading?’ but you’ll follow. Thule and capybaras and unicorns and the Knights of the Round Table… ALL of it; even this mystical language. I don’t know exactly what he’s saying but I UNDERSTAND. ;) Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am looking forward to more from C. Monk.

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Of Blood and Light" by C. Monk is a fresh and captivating fantasy that blends modern-day elements with Victorian charm.

The blending of modern-day humor with a Victorian setting brought a lot of laughs, particularly as River tried to navigate the formalities of Thule. It was a fun and unexpected contrast I didn’t know I needed!

While I usually gravitate toward pure fantasy worlds, the mix of contemporary and Victorian elements was a delightful change of pace. The intricate descriptions of Thule’s languages and landscapes painted such a vivid picture, it felt like I was there with River.

The plot twists kept me hooked, and though the spice level is minimal, the story itself was compelling enough to hold my attention. It had a graphic novel meets fantasy-dystopian vibe that felt unique and exciting.

If you’re looking for an engaging read with a mix of romance, fantasy, and fresh twists on familiar tropes, I’d definitely recommend giving Of Blood and Light a try!

The story follows River Greer, a modern teenager who is unexpectedly transported from Earth to Thule—a magical, mythic world steeped in love, intrigue, and danger. In Thule, she encounters Hadrian Landevale, a duke struggling with personal and political issues. His wife has mysteriously disappeared, and their world has an ominous blight, and River's arrival only adds to the chaos.

As River navigates this uncharted realm, she uncovers key truths about herself that might hold the power to save Thule—but no spoilers here!

Key Tropes:
* (My favorite) Enemies-to-Lovers: The fiery tension between River and Hadrian is undeniable.
* Forced Proximity
* Arthurian Legend
* Victorian Setting
* Parallel Universe
* (My other favorite) Magical Bloodline: This was my personal favorite! The concept of magic as a healing, connective force was refreshing and added an emotional layer to the story.

This was a fresh take on fantasy that had familiar tropes but new plots! The character dynamics definitely kept me intrigued!

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It took me a little bit to really get into it, but I enjoyed Of Blood and Light. I listened to the audiobook, and I only had two issues with it…

1. It was a duet, and there were several points throughout where the female narrator had recorded what the male narrator was supposed to say, and either it was said twice, or they just didn’t fix it to replace his audio with hers.
2. The male narrator was kinda mid. He did good as far as different accents for the fmc’s dad vs “his grace”, but he didn’t really change anything up for the other men of Thule, and sometimes I didn’t realize “his grace” wasn’t the one talking.

There were a lot of names that were extremely similar, and sometimes I would get lost on what exactly was happening with who. Not sure if that would have been easier to distinguish if I had read it vs listened to it.

I will say that I probably would have rioted if River and Hadrian had not gotten together in the end. I did absolutely love their story together.

My only other real issue was that it felt like the fight against the big bad was anticlimactic and rushed. I feel like it could have been drawn out more and been much more difficult for the main characters to get rid of. That specific part was a bit of a flop.

All-in-all, though… I did enjoy the book as a whole and would recommend it to others. :)

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I want more!! Of Blood & Light by C. Monk was a truly engrossing book. It is just book #1 of The Thule Cycle - I'll be waiting (im)patiently!
River Greer is very protective of her sick little sister, Sage. One night, River rushes Sage to the hospital via ambulance, but River is abducted and is taken to an entirely new world. The worldbuilding, in fact, was stellar - ummm, capybaras? Sign me up!! It was also cool how this world shut off Earth decades ago, and the trinkets from Earth now capture a high cost. The MMC Hadrian was not awesome at first, but as he opened up and the reader learned why he is the way he is, I grew to love him.

I LOVE River as a FMC. She is a baddie, and her sense of humor is so fun. Adventure, great dynamic between the main characters and a story line unlike any I had read before - a total win.

Sarah Kisko and Brennen Blotner did a wonderful job bringing life to the narration - great pitch and speed.

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