Member Reviews

What a beautiful, heartfelt story... told through the eyes (and noses) of three dogs! ❤️❤️❤️

Liam is a simple guy. He works hard. He found a girl to love (Sabrina) and he loves hard. He's a bit of a commitment-phobe, but his heart is in the right place.

So, when he finds a dog that is kind-of being abused, on one of his job sites, he makes an offer to the owner to buy the dog outright from him! He does not want Archie (a labradoodle) to suffer anymore. He thinks this is a good thing...but, his a bit upset that he did not consult her. After all...she does spend a lot of time with the dogs! (Of note: they already have 2 dogs. Riggs, an Aussie herding dog, who Liam loves and is devoted to! And Luna, a lovable Jack Russell Terrier...who is devoted to Sabrina.) But, they all seem to get along fine in the long run.

When a tragedy occurs, their lives are ripped apart as the dogs are separated and brought to a shelter. 🐾

We then explore the personalities and traits of each of the dogs...and hear, through the author, the thoughts of the dogs. They are described to a T, and I so enjoyed reading about each of them! They were a delight!

But, at the same time, we also read about the experiences each of them had...from trying to be trying to escape from trying to stay alive on the streets...(with other dogs who are NOT so nice, and other humans who are downright nasty and mean spirited!)

That being said this book brought so much JOY into my life with all the happy, sweet things that happened...and it was just wonderful! I was smiling ear to ear.
And then in the next moment, my eyes are brimming with tears and I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest....and we are in the dregs of depression....

But again, this was SO WORTH THE READ!! And one that IMO should NOT be missed!! Absolutely LOVED it!! ❤️⭐️❤️⭐️

5+ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨✨✨💫💫💫 for me!!

Thanks so much to #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for an ARC of the audiobook which is due to be released next week on ****** 10/29/24 ****** SO, look 👀 for it then!

#MyThreeDogs by #WBruceCameron and narrated wonderfully by the author!!

⭐️Aussie Herding Dog named Riggs (hopelessly devoted to HIS person, and willing to herd the dogs ANYWHERE to get them back together again!)
⭐️Jack Russell Terrier named Luna (hopelessly devoted to her person…and SMART)
⭐️Labradoodle named Archie (that will lick you to death upon meeting!)
⭐️ Humans who are willing to do anything thing to help
⭐️ Friends made along the way…both human and canine…
✨✨✨ Dogs…that…love…unconditionally…❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks so much for reading! And if you ‘liked’ my review, please share with your friends, & click ‘LIKE’ below… And, let me know YOUR thoughts if you read it!! 📚⭐️

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I really enjoyed this book. I love that the book is read as if the dogs are humans. This just goes to show how no matter what you are or if you are an animal- we do get separation anxiety and the bonds we have run deep. This is a book that I am comfortable re listening to with my grade school aged child. I would have a hard time being separated from my people. The author does a great job of telling a story of what could happen on the streets and some of the situations you may encounter. the way the author nails each of the dogs breeds and putting it to a character is spot on.

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W. Bruce Cameron is a master story teller from the dog's perspective. I love how he seems to have such insight into what dogs are thinking and why they act the way they do. My Three Dogs is a heart breaking story of love and loss but, as always the dogs keep you believing in all that is good!
I was able to listen to the audiobook and as always, I enjoy listening to the author reading his own work!

Thank you Net Galley, W. Bruce Cameron and Macmillan Audio for the opportunity to preview this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

The novel and audiobook are expected to be released Oct. 29, 2024.

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I am new to W. Bruce Cameron books and I really enjoyed this story. I am a sucker for a heartwarming story involving dogs. I like that the dogs each had their own stories and adventures, both good and bad, along the way. The author also did a great job of portraying the dogs personalities and some of the traits of their breeds. There was also a story going on with the humans in the book as well. It had dogs, a little bit of a love story & an ending that I enjoyed. Yes, parts of it may have been predictable but that wasn't a bad thing in my eyes! I thought this was a great story!

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What a heartwarming novel by W. Bruce Cameron. Being a dog lover myself, this book pulled at my heart strings and made me want to hug my own dogs and never let go. 😭

Although somewhat predictable, I couldn’t stop listening to the audiobook. I wanted so badly to hear how the trio got back together and reunited with their pack.

I loved this through and through. 4.5 ⭐️’s.

*Thank you to NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for the ARC*

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For being so short, this book takes awhile, kinda drags
Made me go through my family and make sure they have plans for their pets if something happens
Brad is a terrible person, and even with his shitty past, no excuse to just leave the dogs and straight up lie to the girlfriend

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I'm really sad to say I think W. Bruce Cameron has lost his spark. His dogs purpose and dogs way home series are some of my favorite books of all time. They are so sweet and felt so genuine and loving. Now though he's focusing on more human issues. I understand wanting to try new writing new thing but he's. He's writing the same stuff but it has none of the original charm of his other works. I have been really disappointed in his writing lately and this book was just another disappointment.

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