Member Reviews

I just really did not like the writing style in this book and I didn't feel like the chapters flowed very well so it made it hard for me to care. Also I expected a bit more from the AI to make it feel more threatening or as if it is in love with him but basically she just read his search engine and if that scares you I have news for you... like what do you think those cookies are about that we accept and reject? Not for me!

Killer App by Dr. James R Gregory, this is a book with two short stories. One is about a journalist who wants to get ahead, but not with hard work and due diligence and lies to his uncle to get an appointment that he really is ill equipped for. he is supposed to write articles on AI, but instead downloads an app named AMI who essentially writes the articles for him soon. However, Ami’s starts knowing things that she couldn’t possibly know secret personal information that he never divulge to her, nor is it in his computer. When he tries to uninstall the app cannot when he tries to order another computer as soon as he opens it. Her app is installed already. It seems he cannot get away from her, but he hasn’t seen anything yet soon she will take over his life. The next story is about Steve and his wife Nancy. they’re at a pivotal part in their marriage, where their youngest is off to college, but instead of suffering from empty nesters on the whim Steve buys property he impulsively decides to turn into an RV park. it’s in Virginia and Steve has always been a fan of history so before any planning is done, he wants to go over his new property to see what artifacts he can find. He orders a metal detector called an aura detector on the Internet and is amazed at what it can do but as ill prepared for what it does and where it takes him. I really enjoyed these two stories and think the second one is my favorite although the first one was very scary in a real world sort away I love books about time travel and so the second one has to be my favorite. from the title of this book alone I knew I was going to enjoy it and I certainly did. It is a book I recommend to those who like stories about AI and future technology and the things that can go wrong with it. #NetGalley, #DoctorJamesRGregory, #KillerApp,