Member Reviews

4 Stars

**Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced copy of Beansprout n exchange for an honest review.**

What happens when you do everything right, and it just doesn’t work out?

Full of lessons and beautiful illustrations, we enjoyed reading Beansprout. All the kids In Mrs. Greenes class are doing an experiment using “Mystery Seeds”. Each child is given a seed along with the perfect instructions, to make this seed grow. The students are having to learn patience, as they await the first sprout. Finally the time has come for action to happen, and all the kids are excited to see the seeds sprouting. One kid in particular has done everything- exactly how the instructions said, but ends up being let down with no sprouts at all. You will have to read to see what happens. At first I was a little let down by the end of the book, but then I thought about the lesson being taught here. If at first you don’t succeed - TRY AGAIN. There are lots of lessons in this tiny book that I think would be perfect for younger students. I would definitely recommend.

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Ms. Greene has a special assignment for Ben and the rest of his classmates. They're each going to pick a random mystery seed, predict how it will grow, and then wait for the magic to happen!

The only problem is that Ben's seed, whom he affectionately names Bean, doesn't grow. Even when the rest of his classmates' seeds have sprouted, Ben's pot is empty. But after sitting with his sadness and mustering up a lot of courage, Ben discovers that just because something doesn't work (or grow!) the first time, doesn't mean you can't try again.

This is such a cute book with a wonderful message — and I LOVE the art style!

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a fun book about how to respond when things don't work out the way you want them to. The little boy in this book is doing a class project about seedling growth. The teacher walks them through all the steps of the scientific process: choosing a mystery seed, making predictions about what plant it will become, etc. Ultimately, when the experiment doesn't work out how Ben expected, I was pleasantly surprised that the message was about being resilient, tempering disappointment and moving on to another discovery. Some might be left unsatisfied by the sort of open ending, but I liked it! I also LOVED the papercut illustrations depicting the children and the seedlings. I could especially see having this in a classroom library.

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Sarah Reul, you have pure talent, this book was so incredibly darling! I could not get over how adorable the meaning, the characters, the illustrations, and each word was! This book was phenomenal. Wonderfully done.

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A sweet story set in a diverse classroom where the teacher hands out seeds and the children predict what each seed will grow into. But one seed doesn't grow. A story of anticipation, disappointment, adjustments, and hope for the future. Not something young readers will notice (I think), but the author's dedication at the end will cause you to rethink the book's meaning (and could be a bit triggering, and sad for adults). Loved the title's play on words "beansprout" and "beans sprouting," and the wonderful illustrations. Thanks to NetGalley and Charlesbridge for the eARC for this charming book.

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We loved Beansprout! At its core, Beansprout is a story of perseverance and coming up with new plans when things don’t quite go as expected. With a distinct style and gorgeous illustrations, we had a great time reading this book as a family.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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