Member Reviews

To be totally upfront, the ending of this story caught me off guard. I initially assumed it was just about two boys trying to outdo each other in the "best dad" department, and I figured it would wrap up with a friendly draw. While it does have that vibe, it definitely took a turn I didn't see coming.

The plot surprised me in a good way, though! I loved how it unfolded, and it kept me engaged throughout and it made for an entertaining read.

Overall, it's a charming story that brings a smile. This read was light and enjoyable.

Thank you Net Galley and Charlesbridge for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Thank you NetGalley, Charlesbridge, and Fran Pintadera for the early access copy of My Dad is the Best.

My Dad is the Best tells the story of two boys who compare their Dads through a series of silly and outrageous comparisons. This is a queer-positive story with a surprise ending that demonstrates that all families are their own.

This will be a fun read aloud for young readers.

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A short but very cute story about two boys who fight over which dad is stronger. With a wonderful happy ending ;)

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What a cute book! My daughter loved reading this one with me and seeing the amazing illustrations. I think this is a beauty way to shoe kids that all parents are amazing

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This is a sweet, queer-positive book with adorable illustrations. I'm going to buy a copy for my nephew's son, who is being raised by two loving fathers and will enjoy this book once he learns how to read!

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Absolutely precious! I loved the colorful illustrations and heartwarming story <3
We need more LGBTQ representation in the children's picture book space.

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A very cute and silly book showing two boys competing for who has the best dad. They keep trying to outdo each other until a very funny thing happens. When it does there are even more surprises. Great ending,
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the eARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This is a lovely warm book to read in these chilly days. I appreciate that while the text is more focused on the dialogue between two little boys, pictures show a bigger story with dads getting their characters fully shining through. I like that this book takes such a boyish topic like "whose dad is stronger" and integrates with it many different forms of strengths beyond just the physical one. Illustrations are absolutely beautiful too, I took good 10 minutes looking at pictures and colours while reading the book. Fully recommended for everyone who needs a little bit of a gay joy in their days.

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In the early pages of this book, I knew I wanted to carry it in my store. By the end, it had become a new favorite! Two young boys are having a game of one upmanship about how strong their dads are: mine can lift a truck, MINE can balance on a skyscraper, etc. The claims and pictures get more and more outlandish until one of the dads can't keep up, tumbling to the ground a little banged up. In the next few pages, we see how the other dad takes care of his cut, brings him soup, etc... until the readers and the little boys realize that the dads are actually falling for each other. It's just an adorable, big hearted book, and I love how matter of fact the book is about two big, strong, some would say macho men (based on how the boys view them) falling in love.

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This is a cute picture book with an unexpected punch line. The situation is real, i.e. boys boasting about their father's superhuman skills. But no one would have imagined things could escalate into THIS!
The illustrations and the text are a brilliant match.

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This was the cutest book ever! Perfection! I only have one very minor, very tiny suggestion.


At the end where the one kids says "Seems to me my dad loves your dad", the other kid should have responded with "Well, my dad loves your dad, too, but better". It would be funny and continue the theme of the book.

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This had so much I loved! The illustrations are absolutely wonderful, the expressions on the character's faces were so engaging. I think kids will love the back and forth bragging between the characters as it gets more and more outlandish. The repetitive text that builds throughout the story is a sure winner for read aloud time. All of those elements of the story had me thinking it was going to be a five star read. Unfortunately, the turning point in the story, which I thought I would love the most, ended up being a bit clunky. I'd say this is aimed at lower elementary students, and because what's real and not real is a big focus for them when reading a story, the development of the relationship between the dads happening so quickly, and happening in the "this couldn't happen in real life" world of the story I think will make it confusing. I wish the two kids in the story had at the turning point started comparing more realistic aspects of their dads (like maybe one makes the best cake in the world and the other makes the best burgers in the world and then we see all four of them sitting down to a meal together, etc). Then there could have been clues in the illustrations that the grown ups were growing closer and developing feelings for one another and that the two families were blending into one. The way it was depicted here was somewhat abrupt and again happened in the context of events that were very clearly not based in reality. It just came across as sort of out of the blue. I think this one had outstanding potential but only partially delivered on what I hoped it would. Still worth a read though and still a great read aloud pick.

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I jump at the chance to read any LGBTQIA+ kids books and was really excited to see this one pop up.

The illustrations were really sweet but ultimately the book felt really repetitive (even for this genre of children’s books) and the “twist” felt a little abrupt but it was still cute. I had really been hoping the boys were brothers and dads were both their dads, but it was more of a meet cute. The book felt like it needed a few more pages to flush out the story a little better.

Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC of this title in exchange for my honest review!

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Great cover, great title, super illustrations, but kept waiting for a lesson at the end that spoke to the boys' one-up-manship. It builds and builds, and gets sillier and sillier (elephants pregnant with triplets!), which I think kids will love. The illustrations are so detailed, and they reinforce the story in a wonderful way. In the end, the Dads are friends, but nothing about the boys. I would have loved a more solid ending that spoke to the kids. Thanks to NetGalley and Charlesbridge for the eARC!

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Solid. Cute. I think I would have preferred a page or two more of one-upping. The ending is cute, wonder if they had considered going back to one-upping here as well...

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