Member Reviews
It took me a little longer than normal to read through this book because it is so packed full of useful information. It's actually a little overwhelming how much useful information is here ... which the authors address in their conclusion. My advice ... read the conclusion first so that you know what you're getting in to.
I work with a few different, small, non-profit organizations and the all are stuck, looking for money and exploring the idea of more sponsorships. While this book looks to target larger organizations than I generally work with, the principles and methods remain the same.
The book is divided into four main parts: Planning, Sales, and Servicing (with a section of Appendices that includes a 'Sponsorship Agreement Pro Forma). Authors Kim Skildum-Reid and Anne-Marie Grey do a very nice job of getting the information out, starting with a broad look and then detailing it down to specifics.
I was particularly impressed with the 'Planning' section, which was broken down into three main parts: Internal Planning, Marketing Plan, and Implementing the Marketing Plan. Even for those smaller organizations that aren't going to follow through with the sponsorship search, this planning section is useful for organizations to market themselves.
The book is dense with information and highly recommended for anyone looking to get more recognition for their organization, even if there is no follow-through for a sponsorship.
Looking for a good book? <em>The Sponsorship Seeker's Toolkit (Fourth Edition)</em> by Kim Skildum-Reid and Anne-Marie Grey is a very thorough book, and highly recommended for anyone interested in the subject.
I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.