Member Reviews

This is the second book featuring Grace Morton. I loved the first book so much I couldn't wait to read this and it didn't disappoint. Another exciting read and Nicole Trope has become one of my favourite authors so much that I have downloaded another of her books. Grace is a brilliant character who would do anything for her daughters which is totally understandable if a little dangerous at times. These two books are a must read.

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Over protective mother Grace doesn't like her daughters boyfriend, so when he goes missing and Cordelia is accused of murdering him Grace goes into Mama bear mode..

This is a terrific read and to be honest i didn;t know what to think of Grace.. she comes across as a tad psychotic at times.

I resally enjoyed this book, it has some twists, some red herrings and a lot of drama. I was OMG'ing on almost every page..

It's brilliant

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Book Title: A Mother Always Knows
Series: Grace Morton Book #2
Author: Nicole Trope
Publisher: Bookouture
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: December 9, 2024
My Rating: 4 Stars
Pages: 257

In " Not a good Enough Mother" we are introduced to Grace Enright aka Grace Morton who was Ava Green’s Assistant - we also find out that Ava is her Grace's daughter.
In this story we are introduced again to Grace who is being a bit (a bit??) over protective with her daughter Cordelia.

Grace doesn’t like Cordelia’s choice in boyfriend Garth. Cordelia is twenty-four and Garth knows she will come into a nice Trust Fund when she turns twenty-five. He is thirty- three and sometimes treats her like a child
Grace decides to follow him aka stalking him ~ she uses a disguise as he has surely seen pictures of her.
She discovers that Garth has secrets worse than she imagined and she knows Cordelia is in danger.

When Garth goes missing Cordelia is upset however the next thing we know the police are accusing her of his murder.
Grace, of course, goes into protective mode and wants to clear her daughter.

This is my seventh Nicole Trope story!. I love her psychological thrillers and look forward to the twists and turns and ‘Big Reveal’
Book #1 was a WOW read for me so went into this story with high expectations. Perhaps a little too high as although I enjoyed it was not quite the Big Wow of " Not A Good Enough Mother".

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for granted me this Great early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for December 9, 2024.

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Book two in this series, Grace returns in this second book about her daughters. I don't wanna be dramatic, but this book was brilliant. Could not recommend it more! Have never read a book so fast!

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★★★★ 4.5 stars

Mother. Daughter. Killer...?

For those of you who have not yet read the first book, "Not A Good Enough Mother" , go grab yourself a copy and read that first because this one will make a lot more sense alongside that one.

We meet Grace again, picking up from where the first book left off, as she boards the plane from Sydney to Melbourne. This time with her daughter Cordelia firmly on her mind. Since Grace's life imploded six years ago, Cordelia has refused all contact with her mother blaming her for all that had happened. Grace is the first to admit that she certainly made mistakes and has regretted them ever since. But Cordelia refuses to forgive her mother and Grace can hardly blame her.

But a mother always knows when their child is in danger. And sensing that Cordelia was, Grace left Sydney and flew to Melbourne where she knew her daughter was now living. She has remained in the background whilst keeping an eye on Cordelia from afar through her instagram profile, where she noticed here daughter's supposedly devoted boyfriend make some inappropriate comments. Inappropriate in that if he really loved and cared for her daughter, he wouldn't make such snide or backhanded comments to her. Grace didn't trust him and she needed to know that Cordelia was safe with him.

Once again Grace takes on the persona of an assistant, this time in the boyfriend's law firm filling in for a week while the regular admin assistant was on leave. But the moment she steps into his office she knows something is wrong. Garth isn't here and as it is a weekday he is meant to be. After all, he claims to work all the hours God sends, doesn't he? At least that's what he tells Cordelia. But is it the truth?

After her life fell apart so spectacularly six years ago, Cordelia Morton ran. She took herself off to the UK to try and forget for a while. And it did...for a while. Until she met handsome and charming Garth Stanford-Brown. And she confided in him all about her past and he seemed to understand. And she loved him all the more for it. So when she decided to return to Australia, Garth followed her taking up a position in their sister firm down under. And for four and half years, life was perfect. Until it wasn't.

When cracks began to show, Cordelia wiped them away to invisible, devoted as she was to Garth. But then one day he disappears and her anger turns to worry as her texts to him go unanswered.

And then the police knock on her door. And Cordelia realises she's in trouble. There is only one person who can help her. One person who can understand what she's going through. The one person she vowed she would never ever speak to again. Her mother.

"Mum I need you. Please come."

That's all Grace needs to come running when she receives the text from Cordelia. But can Grace unravel the mystery of what happened to Garth in time to save her daughter?

Going overboard with disguises, Grace stalks, waits, watches and a bunch of other erratic behaviours that are questionable at best. Grace knows Garth is not good for her daughter and the deeper she delves, the more she questions what really is at play here. Assume nothing. Believe no one. Question everything.

And get ready for one delicious ride!

I enjoyed this book more than the first one I think because the pace was much faster. I literally devoured it in under a day. There were loads of red herrings, twists and questionable characters. The first book may have had that shocking reveal at the end, but this one had the speedier pace to keep you racing through the pages until the very end.

A quick and easy read that was thoroughly entertaining.

I would like to thank #NicoleTrope, #Netgalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #AMotherAlwaysKnows in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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A Mother Always Knows is a fast paced read that had me racing to the end.

Mothers truly believe that we always know.

I support this theory and so does Grace who is edging her way back into her daughter Cordelia's life.

Cordelia has not spoken to her mother in 6 years but when trouble comes her way she turns to her Mum who is desperate to get back in her life.

Grace is not your average mother .

Cordelia does not make the best choices or decisions.

Nicole Trope ramps up the tension and suspense (she is a master at this) with secrets, lies, deception, red herrings and twists and turns you will not see coming.

Although this is the second book in the series it absolutely can be read as a standalone.

I did but I will warn you , it wont be long to go you read the first in the series.

Highly recommend any of Nicole Trope books and A Mother Always Know is no exception.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for another amazing twisted read.

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A great sequel to the first book! Absolutely love the main character Grace and how devoted she is to her daughter and helping her solve her problems even though her daughter wants nothing to do with her. This book wasn’t quite as great as the first since the twists were not as shocking or exciting as the first book when we found out the relation to Ava and Grace. But still an amazing quick read! I hope the author continues this series because I have grown to love Grace and am interested in her journey!

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Nicole Trope is a favourite of mine and auto buy author. She writes the best psychological thrillers with relatable , but yet kind of mad characters. So far I yet have to read a book of hers that I don’t like. This one was fabulous. I did reread book one to be up to date, but I think this can also be read as a standalone.
Grace was a fabulous characters with all her flaws. It’s up to you to find out, will mothers always know best?

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I requested this not realizing I hadn't read the first so ran out and got it...zoomed through it and then zoomed through this one. Was so good!! Every character had a reason and perfectly aligned with each other. Great twist. Loved! Hoping there's more to come. Tge writing style just draws you in.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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This talented author has written a page turner. The realistic characters kept the story moving. So not try to guess the ending too early because there are red herrings. Thanks Netgalley

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Grace has maybe not always been the best mother, but she certainly does what she can now to make up for it.

We have met her in the first book where we learnt about her background story. Did she use the best method to solver her problems? No, not at all but she was indeed very effective.

Now she has another thing on her mind and although mothers don't always know best, they sure often see through things. Her daughter might not be convinced, but Grace does try to make amends.

When you are surrounded by lying and cheating people, the only thing that is left for you to do is to lower yourself to their methods. It seems to be the only thing they understand...

You can read this book as a standalone, but I do think it's best to read the previous book too. It will make the outcome much more shocking and dramatic in my opinion. :)

I never thought it would turn out like this, although I did hear alarm bells going off very loudly whilst reading certain parts. I always love it when people get what they deserve. 

A great book I have enjoyed very, very much. 5 stars

Thank you

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A whopper of a psychological thriller.
A mother who i couldn't help feeling sorry for.
A daughter who i wanted to shake, several times!
Fabulously written tale with twists and omg moments galore.
Finished this in two sittings.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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I stare at the photo of my beautiful daughter. Her hair is shining and her face is lit up with a smile. The man with her looks so happy too. But my mother’s instinct is screaming. I know something is terribly, terribly wrong. And I know what I have to do… Good book! This book had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, a great who done it and a few twists and turns. The story was interesting! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is 9th Dec. This book was an easy and engaging read. It has plot twists that I couldn’t predict which made it more engaging!

The characters Cordelia and Grace were interesting to say the least!

The ending was mind-blowing that twist wow I’d highly recommend!


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This was a good sequel to the original story. It can be read as a standalone but I had a better experience having read the first book. I was so curious to see how the story would evolve and I was caught off guard on a couple of twists. I loved the pace of the story. I literally finished it in an afternoon. Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Grace returns in this second book about her daughters. She now focuses on Cordelia who has not spoken to her since her father died in the fire her mother set. However, once her boyfriend goes missing and the police think she is responsible, she calls upon her mother for help. Lo and behold if past doesn't meet present in this book. Some mothers will do anything!!

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A Mother Always Knows
By: Nicole Trope
Pub date: December 9, 2024
Publisher: Bookouture

Mothers always seem to know what is best for their children, in most circumstances. Some mothers can be overbearing but well-meaning.
THIS mother will be one of those types of mothers. She knows her daughter’s boyfriend Garth is not what is best for her daughter.
She has GONE OVERBOARD, with disguises, stalking and other erratic behavior. When Garth goes up missing her daughter is beside herself. Little does she know what her mother is up too.
Get ready for one DELICIOUS ride. Trope novels are one I can read in one sitting, because they keep me engaged to find out WAHTS NEXT!!!

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