Member Reviews

Wow, what did I just read? A short story that will take some mulling over. It was interesting, definitely kept my attention.

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Faced past, exciting, gripping, suspenseful, shocking, and dramatic! What would you do if you woke up in a place you didn't recognize, had no memory of how you got there, and had no idea how to get out????? That is Sophie's dilemma in The Hidden.

Sophie is freaked out and frightened when she finds she is locked inside an unknown place with a countdown on display. Then she is joined by a blast from her past and neither of them knows what is going on and why they are there!

I loved how fast paced this book was. It had me thinking that this would make a great 'Black Mirror' episode or a great suspense thriller movie. There is never a dull moment. I was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next and how things were going to end.

Huge props for this being entertaining, shocking and suspenseful. I listened to the audiobook and thought the narrator did a great job. This is a fast listen/read that involves characters being 'trapped' and trying their best to figure out why and how to get free. This made for a thrilling and exciting read.

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In usual Kmod fashion, she drew me in immediately and kept me captivated the whole time. The characters were great, I enjoyed the multiple timelines, and the narrator was excellent.

Warning - this is one of her darker novels.

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Rating: 3.5/5 Stars
Pub Date: 9/26 (ebook and physical) 11/5 (audiobook)

The Hidden follows Sophie after waking up from what she thought was another night of blacking out until she realizes she is stuck in a house with no way out and a clock counting down. Enter her ex, now the two must figure out why they are there and how to get out alive.

The Hidden is told in a nonlinear timeline jumping from the past to the present giving us a great backstory to who Sophie was, and what exactly happened in her past to bring her to her present. It was super easy to follow though I felt like the story was a little disjointed at points; almost as if parts were missing (then again, I could have just spaced out at points, who knows). There is a very small cast of characters in this one, so it is really easy to keep track of who and to get to know the characters.

As per every KMod book, this one is fast paced with some suspenseful parts that left me panicking. I love how all of her work is super bingeable and you can read them in one sitting. The ending felt a bit too abrupt for my liking, I feel like I wanted that to be more flushed out. But still a solid read.

I listened to this one via audiobook and Gail Shalan was great! My only complaint was that I was not the biggest fan of her narration of men with deep voices. Other than my nitpicking I thought this was great. Listened to it in one sitting! Definitely recommend the audiobook.

Overall, not one of my favorites of KMods, but she does have some pretty awesome bangers out there. I've seen some stellar reviews for this one as well so be sure to check this one out! Huge thank you to Kiersten Modglin, Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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What do you do when you wake up and realize you’ve been kidnapped, you can’t remember what happened, and you don’t know who you can trust?
What’s happening to you, you could NEVER imagine it happening to you, you’ve only seen it in horror movies.

Reader - You’ll be shocked when you finish this one!

Thank you so much Dreamscape Media, Kiersten Modglin, and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and honestly review this book.

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⚰️⚰️ I did not like this one at all. It was a cheap rip off of Saw, and it failed miserably. I can’t think of one redeeming quality about this book. It was boring and hectic at the same time. The back and forth between past and present was not necessary. I listened to the audiobook, and the narrator was in a constant state of panic that made it annoying to listen too. It was a very short book, which is good, I guess, because there was no substance to it at all. This is the second book by this author that I’ve read and didn’t enjoy. I received this copy from NetGalley and am leaving my honest review. #thehidden #kierstenmodglin #netgalley #arc #thrillerbookstack #thrillerbooklovers #thrillerbooks #books #booksbooksbooks #bookstagram #readmorebooks #ilovebooks

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ARC Review
Quick and entertaining! It wasn't super twisty, but you were left wondering what was really going on the whole time you read/listened to it, so it kept you intrigued. I'd recommend! Also, the audio was really well done with the different character's voices

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୨⎯ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒔 ⎯୧
rating: 2.5
plot: 2.5
characters: 2
writing: 2.5
narration: 3.75

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

°•*⁀➷ the rundown
I've read The Guilty One by Modglin and really enjoyed it, it was fats paced and kept me on my feet and trying to decipher the characters but with The Hidden, I was let down.

We have two timelines from Sophie's POV and the plot or idea is so interesting and could've been such a thrilling and captivating story... but the execution was so bad that it was a huge miss for me. I'm still left with so may questions, the main one being why?? like yes, I know it just happens and people do it for no reason but still, why them? why those specific characters?? it just doesn't make sense. and then, there's also no development between the actual story. even though a few days are supposed to have passed, it's poorly written so there is no connection between the characters. there's more focus on Sophie and her best friend than anything, and I didn't mind but when it was only the smallest part of the story, I ended the book frustrated. I feel like the book was incomplete and rushed. There needed to be more meat to the story, mainly the houses and the characters interactions. they were barely interacting inside and it was just boring for me.

I'm still intrigued by the author but this was a big miss for me and I wouldn't recommend if you're looking for something gripping and interesting.

ᯓ thank you netgalley and dreamscape media for the ALC.

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If there is one thing about Kiersten Modglin, she can WRITE a thriller.

This totally enthralling thriller had me on the edge of my seat for its entirety. When Sophie finds herself in an unfamiliar home after a night out, she doesn't immediately panic but she never could have guessed what would come next... and neither did I! At no point did I know where the story was going to go or who to trust. I was suspicious about literally every single character, both past and present. I also really liked the length of this book. It was just the perfect size for the story.

This is my third KMod book and she never ceases to surprise me. I honestly cannot believe the sheer amount of books that Kiersten Modglin puts out in a short amount of time... The fact that her books continue to be top tier quality is a testament to her talent!

Thank you Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for this audiobook arc.

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Ok, everyone who reads and is on Instagram knows certain authors. Kiersten Modglin made an appearance in the writing community several years ago and puts out multiple books a year. Like an extraordinary amount - more than 50 books in 6 years. She is also fantastic at managing her social media presence and has created a rabid fan base that calls her KMod and LOVES every single book she writes. I'm not that fan. I read her - I've probably read at least half her books. Some are great. Some are ok. The Hidden was the latter. As an audio book it kept my interest and drew me in immediately. Another Modglin skill - get the reader hooked early. The narrator did an excellent job.

Main character Sophie wakes in a room she doesn't recognize and assumes she drank too much and went home with someone. But who? And where is she? And what is going on? A great premise and one that made me want to know more. I listened to this continuously through one day and was enjoying it ......until the end. It felt like a let down. Like, "time to finish this story and move on to the next book."

I honestly would prefer fewer novels that were longer and more developed but who am I to offer advice to a woman writer who has cleverly created a successful career for herself?

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I will read all of Modglin’s books without question, but some are better than others. This one was a little rough. I loved the idea and how it felt like something that could realistically happen (as terrifying as that is), but I hated the characters and there’s a pretty detailed consensual-turned-rape scene that was rough to read.

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The narrator did a fantastic job of portraying the fear that Sophie felt as she woke up in a room with no idea where she was or how she got there. The panic as she tries to escape the room only to find out that isn't possible. She is all alone in the room with just thoughts which help her spiral out of control. She can't help wondering who would do this to her and why?

I liked how you weren't sure who to trust and that my anxiety spiked as the whole thought of being unable to exit a locked room. The story got more bizarre and I loved it.

This is another K-mod win. I can't get enough of her books.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this quick audiobook!

I was not expecting the ending at all, and why she was in the apartment with Elliot. It is fast paced from the beginning and a quick enjoyable listen!

Definitely recommend!

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This was my first KMod book, I have others on my TBR. I really enjoyed this, it kept me interested, up until the end. I really feel like the end fell a little flat. It had so much potential!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for a free ARC of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

WOW- this has to be one of the best psychological thrillers I’ve listened to in a really loooong time! I was completely hooked- on the edge of my seat every step of the way.

The plot twists were completely unpredictable, and I found the FMC totally intriguing. I loved how it switched from present day to the past.

What an amazing listen!! I really enjoyed the narrator as well.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This book was so MESSED UP! This felt like an episode of a wild crime drama. This book had me on the edge of my seat and I was terrified for Sophie for the whole book. I am still in shock from this book. 😱 Kiersten Modglin delivered with this twisted story!

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I'm a huge Kiersten Modglin fan, so I was really excited to listen to this one. Narration was great. As for the story itself, it was bananas, in the best way possible.

Engaging, pulled me right in, I spent about 80% of the book trying to guess what was actually going on and who was behind it. When I finally did guess it made me wonder if things like this really happen, guessing that there probably is some truth to it.

This one will stick with you for a bit after you finish.

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Thank you to the author and publisher for this arc! Fun fact, I am a big fan of KM and also pre-order this book so I already had the kindle version of this book locked and loaded on my Kindle but decided to give it a listen instead.
As an audiobook, I thought the narrator did an excellent job! I know next to nothing regarding what goes into preparing for narrating a book, but my experience with this one was excellent - the narrator expressed plenty of emotion, was clear and concise, and seemed to meet the challenges expected of them to create effective characters in this book.
The book itself was not bad, but it wasn't my favorite of Kiersten's. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't overly memorable for me either.
I feel like I have read this b0ok before, so in that regard, for me it was a miss - but still entertaining in its own right.
3 stars

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Kirsten Modglin does it again with her latest, "The Hidden". Not only does the story keep you engaged but the narrator was a wonderful reader as well.

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Publication date: November 5, 2024.
Available in Paperback and e-book today!!


The narrator, Gail Shalan, did a brilliant job of keeping the store alive, as well as telling through dual POV. This is now one of my favorites from Kiersten Modglin and kept me on the edge of my seat. 'The Hidden' is action packed and will give you goosebumps, and the ending will shock you!!

Thank you NetGalley, @kierstenmodglinauthor , and Dreamscape Media for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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