Member Reviews

A very different premise to any book I’ve read before. Out of all the cowboys, sports and office romances, competing auctioneers was a refreshing change.

Myles has waited for the opportunity to become an auctioneer of his own lane, and as a colleague retires, the possibility becomes more likely. That is, until they hire Hunter, the prodigal daughter of world-famous auctioneer and his opportunity is lost.

Myles and Hunter have to navigate their new working relationship whilst Myles is harboring bitter feelings towards the woman who has stolen his job. But close proximity is a hell of a trope, and the competition quickly becomes less of a rivalry and more of an attraction.

This was a fast-paced, easy read. There was no slow burn, which I’m grateful for as the main characters admit the inevitable sooner rather than later.

As much as I enjoyed it, it felt more like a quick pallet cleanser before moving onto other heavier reads. The plot isn’t very intense, as there aren’t very memorable events that happen. Although, there is a small storyline of violence against women that should come with a trigger warning.

Myles is almost a Prince Charming style character, swooping in to save the day. He’s honest and open, which prevents the whole “just tell her!!!!” plot that usually drives me insane.

I feel like I may have enjoyed this book more if I knew about their line of work. But I was clueless, so I mainly stuck around for the romance, which I can’t complain about. It was done well, and quickly, which I appreciate.

However, there wasn’t a lot else that would have kept me interested. It’s light-hearted more than anything and if you’re looking for something that you don’t have to concentrate hard on whilst reading, this is probably the ideal read for you.

Thank you NetGalley and Rooted Publishing LLC for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I struggled to get into this because Myles' language just felt misogynistic. Calling women females all the time got tiring, and I didn't feel chemistry between him and Hunter. I did enjoy the angst and the auctioning setting though!

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Highest Bidder is a fast-paced, witty, and original rom-com loaded with your favorite tropes. Hunter and Myles had chemistry from the first page, and I wish that we had some more time with them.

Read if you enjoy:
🤎 Enemies to lovers
🤎 Workplace Romance
🤎 Lovable side characters (can they have their own books? 😫)
🤎 multi POV

Thank you to NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Dawn Anderson for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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this book wasn't for me. I found the writing to be amateur, and the plot didn't interest me once I dove in. I'm sure other readers will love it, though!

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A different take on a romance in the automotive world. The world of auctions seems fast paced and tense, with a side of rivalry and competition on the side.

You’re thrust straight into the action with Myles who’s clearly having a bad day. He thinks a promotion is coming his way and he loses out to a nepo-baby, or does he?

Hunter has worked hard to build up experience in auctioning, from a young age her interest has been nurtured by spending time with her dad, witnessing his skill and using this to craft her own.

The chemistry between Myles and Hunter felt a little flat in the beginning, they seemed more like plain enemies rather than the angst we’re used to seeing in a typical enemies-to-lovers setting.

The side characters are vocal (I’m looking at you Jess) which took you away from the main plot, but it does make me wonder if there’s a follow up in the pipeline?!

Overall a quick, interesting and fresh romance!

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It was a quick read and a decent start for her first novel. The writing wasn't great at the start, didnt exactly hook me in, but it improved, and I got into the story fast. I did enjoy reading the book, but was left disappointed in the end. It didn't quite feel complete as a story, more like PWP but with very little of the first P...

If you want to to hear about my pet peeves and dissection of the main characters, carry on. Spoiler free.

Myles was a very sweet character, he had a bad day when he met Hunter, and I get that, then teased her some more, but made up for all of it. That's not enemies to lovers for me, but it was still sweet to read.
I kind of missed the personality for both, the plot outside the romance was non existent too, so everything just felt very superficial, other than them being attracted to each other and being good people, I'm not sure what else there is to their relationship.

I'm not a fan of men calling women "squeaky" or referring to them as "females" in their field, and while I understand the choice might have been made to show Myles wasn't perfect, it didn't really fit and was quite off putting.

Jess was A LOT at first, but she was a very good friend, even if everything between Hunter and her seemed to develop instantly.

To me, most of what we learnt about Hunter seemed contradictory, and not in a she's a complex character way, more like an unfinished way where there where to different ideas of who the character should have been.
Hunter was raised mostly by her dad, trained in a male dominated field, is very good at her job, and supposedly stands up to people that arent her parents, with ease. Yet, she blushes and stutters constantly when talking to Myles at first, has difficulty talking about kissing and sex and feelings, and very much gives young virgin vibes when not on the podium. But she's said shes had sex and relationships before. Her last one was abusive, and I thought this could explain her behaviour, but nothing in the story alludes to that, she's just very shy about those subjects, but not about anything else. Idk it confused me. I was also surprised by how slow Myles was taking things considering he wasn't aware of what had happened to her before, and didn't have a reason to treat her with white gloves. It would've made more sense to me for him to attempt something, get rebuffed, and then make a drastic pace change.

I thought perhaps we might be getting demisexual representation due to how awkward she was around things like physical contact and repeatedly saying she had never enjoyed it before or only was interested in it now because it was Myles, but that also didn't materialise. She didn't seem to have a particularly conservative or religious background, so the whole "her never orgasming even by herself" thing was weird, and just seemed like it was there to make Myles have a magic dick. (In combination with a few other things, some previously mentioned, it just gave a slight tinge of internalized misogyny)

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This was a very quick and fun romcom with open door spice.

If you like:
✨ enemies/rivals to lovers
✨ dual POV
✨ MMC who is down bad for the FMC
✨ banter and tension
✨ lovable and quirky side characters
✨ workplace romance
Then you will like this one!

Like I said, it was a very quick read at 225 pages and therefore the conflicts that the MCs face and overall plot felt a little surface level but I didn’t go into it expecting a dense novel with a complicated plot. It was enjoyable to read and I finished it in just a few hours.

Overall, would definitely recommend the if you’re in the mood for something light (although please be warned that there is mention of domestic abuse so that is something to keep in mind). I think this is a great debut novel and look forward to more from this author.

Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Dawn Anderson for access to this ARC!

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This book was so much fun to read. I've never read a romance centered around auctioneering, and honestly didn't have very much knowledge about it but the author did such a great job of explaining everything involved while telling a love story. I'm such a sucker for books where the FMC has a job breaking into a male-dominated industry, so this was so satisfying to read about Hunter kicking ass in this field. I loved the chemistry and banter between Myles and Hunter, and also found JT and Jess to be very loveable side characters. The only thing I found strange (but maybe I'm just misunderstanding the timeline of the book) is that Hunter and Jess went from meeting to becoming "best friends" in what seemed like days? Which just seemed like a really short time for such a strong friendship to develop and didn't seem realistic. BUT I still loved their friendship, regardless. Thanks Netgalley for the e-ARC!

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Book Review: Highest Bidder by Dawn Anderson

Highest Bidder by Dawn Anderson is a captivating and heartwarming romance that blends tension, humor, and personal growth. Set against the backdrop of a high-stakes auto auction, this story is more than just about professional rivalries and career ambitions—it’s a tale of discovering what truly matters and the unexpected paths that love can take.

Plot Summary:

The story follows Myles Johnson, a dedicated and hardworking man with simple aspirations. Myles has been working at a Florida auto auction for eight years, dreaming of one day being promoted to the prestigious auctioneer role. He takes pride in his job and cherishes the comfort of routine, from weekly horseback rides to enjoying his mother’s home-cooked meals. He’s been counting on the promotion, but his dreams take a hit when the position he’s been eyeing is given to Hunter Smith, a newcomer from out of town.

Hunter Smith, on the other hand, is ready for a fresh start. After escaping the clutches of her controlling mother and a toxic relationship, she seizes the opportunity to relocate to Florida and embrace a new chapter in her life. Hunter is determined to prove herself, especially since many assume she only got the job through family connections. She has faced her share of hardships and is finally seeing the fruits of her labor. But things get complicated when Myles, the man she replaces, is assigned as her ringman—a job that demands close collaboration between auctioneer and assistant.

What starts as a contentious relationship between the two quickly evolves. Myles is initially resentful and dismissive, viewing Hunter as just another privileged outsider who took the job he deserved. Hunter, meanwhile, sees Myles as arrogant and difficult. Yet, as they are forced to work together, the initial sparks of tension slowly give way to mutual respect. Myles begins to see Hunter's genuine dedication to her work, while Hunter uncovers a kinder, more thoughtful side of Myles beneath his gruff exterior.

But just as their relationship deepens, Hunter is called back home for a family emergency. Myles steps into the auctioneer role in her absence, a bittersweet turn that forces him to confront what he truly wants. He must decide if achieving his professional dream is enough, or if his aspirations have shifted to something more meaningful—perhaps even to a life with Hunter. The emotional stakes rise as both characters grapple with their desires and the evolving nature of their dreams.

Character Development:

Anderson crafts two complex, relatable protagonists in Myles and Hunter, whose backstories add depth to their dynamic. Myles is more than just a man who’s had his dreams deferred—he’s someone who’s built his life around a specific idea of success. Watching him adjust his perspective and learn to see beyond his initial judgments is a rewarding journey for the reader. He goes from a man who believes his future is defined by his career to someone who recognizes the value of connection, vulnerability, and love.

Hunter is a refreshing character who balances strength with vulnerability. Her past has made her cautious and self-reliant, and she arrives in Florida with a determination to prove herself. Anderson doesn’t shy away from showing the impact of Hunter’s past traumas, but she also allows her room to grow, heal, and open herself to new possibilities. Her struggle to reconcile her professional ambitions with her emotional needs is both realistic and poignant.

Their chemistry is electric, filled with witty banter and simmering attraction. The tension between them keeps the story engaging, while their moments of tenderness and vulnerability add emotional depth. Anderson skillfully navigates the transition from enemies to lovers, allowing their romance to build naturally without feeling rushed or forced.

Themes and Tone:

Highest Bidder is more than just a romantic comedy—it’s a story about resilience, second chances, and the shifting nature of our dreams. The novel explores themes like the pressure of family expectations, the importance of self-worth, and the power of letting go of past hurts to embrace new possibilities. Anderson balances humor with serious moments, creating a narrative that is both lighthearted and deeply emotional.

The setting of the auto auction, with its lively atmosphere and competitive spirit, adds a unique flair to the story. It’s not just a backdrop; it plays a central role in shaping the characters' journeys. The auction scenes are vividly described, pulling the reader into the fast-paced world of bidding wars, gavel drops, and the thrill of the sale. This setting is cleverly used as a metaphor for the value both characters place on themselves and their futures, and it adds a fresh twist to the romance genre.

The book's tone is perfect for fans of the enemies-to-lovers trope. Anderson masterfully balances the playful banter between Myles and Hunter with the deeper emotional layers of their relationship. There’s plenty of spice, with scenes that sizzle without overshadowing the characters’ emotional growth. For readers who enjoy a romance that’s both steamy and heartfelt, Highest Bidder delivers in spades.

Final Thoughts:

Dawn Anderson's Highest Bidder is a well-crafted, engaging read that will resonate with anyone who has ever faced unexpected challenges in their pursuit of happiness. It’s a romance that understands the messiness of human connections—how we often find love in the most unlikely places, and how the things we think we want can change when we open ourselves to new experiences.

Myles and Hunter’s journey from reluctant colleagues to something deeper is full of twists, heartfelt moments, and plenty of laughs along the way. With its vibrant setting, richly developed characters, and the perfect blend of tension and warmth, Highest Bidder is a romance that will keep readers turning the pages and rooting for its protagonists until the very end.

If you’re looking for a romance that combines sizzling chemistry with a genuine emotional arc, Highest Bidder is a book you won’t want to miss. Anderson has crafted a story that’s as rewarding as a winning bid—one that’s well worth your time.

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This was a fun, quick read, and I appreciated that it was set in a world I knew nothing about - auctioneering! The author clearly has a great understanding of that world, and it was interesting to have the insight into it. The characters were engaging, and I enjoyed the story, although the writing style wasn't really to my taste - needed more show and less tell, and I didn't feel like there was much emotional depth. But your mileage may vary, and if you're up for a small town enemies-to-lovers vibe with something a bit different, why not give this a try?

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I just started this arc tonight, because I’m so glad that my request for this arc was approved. I am really enjoying this from the first few pages of this book. I am very excited to read more of this book.

Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for the approved arc copy of my book, I can’t wait to finish reading this and full review to follow. I just wanted to let the publisher know I appreciate being approved for this arc. I may need to get myself a copy when the book is out.

Mark your calendars because this book pub date is on November 1st,2024.

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