Member Reviews

I love the book. It's a good first book in a series. Hopefully there will be more books to come. No bodies found but a murder mystery to who killed Eleanor the previous owner of the yarn shop. I recommend it as a good read..

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~Cozy, Crochet, Small-town, Murder-Mystery, and more!~

Death Among the Stitches is a cozy crochet themed murder mystery following Annie Hart. After inheriting a yarn shop from her late uncle, Annie is headed to a small town in Franklin, Indiana, to check the place out and sell it as soon as possible so she can get back to her real-life responsibilities. Those responsibilities include babysitting her father's clients adult daughter, Gray. Making sure she sticks to her diet plan, listening to constant breakdowns, and helping her run her shop. So when Annie arrives in Franklin and realizes the place needs more time and money than she has, she makes a deal and gets financial help from Grays mother in exchange for keeping her daughter in check. As the renovation goes on, Annie realizes all isn't as it seems in the small town; the previous owner before her uncle was murdered in the shop. With the case gone cold, Annie is fine leaving it alone until she starts receiving threatening messages. Will the truth come out before anyone else is hurt?

2.5| The was a fast read. I did enjoy aspects of it, but sadly found it as a whole disappointing. The whole thing, especially the end, felt unfinished. The pacing was odd; the first part of the book doesn't have much going on, and then, in the very end, everything happens with not enough time to wrap it up properly, making the ending feel abrupt. The premise is fun; as someone who loves to crochet, I was excited to read a crochet-themed book, but the jokes were cringy and overly juvenile for my taste. I also think if you went into this book without any knowledge of crochet or knitting, you would be lost at certain parts. The writing itself was way more causal than I would have preferred. This book is marked as a murder mystery, but Annie never does any actual investigating, which is a letdown. I did enjoy some of the characters, my favorite being Toby, who was very endearing. Though I do think there are far too many names in this book, while it helps establish the small-town vibe, it also made me feel overwhelmed and confused. I love a good atmospheric read, but the descriptions of scenery here were out of place and far too long.

I needed more depth in this book. There were so many potential avenues to be explored, for example Gray's constant pressure to fit her mother's standards or Annies tense relationship with her father. So much could have been done to further explore these points while also adding context to why Annie and Gray act and feel the way they do. I honestly felt like this book should have been focused on Gray, not Annie. She was by far the more interesting character and seemed to have so much more backstory that wasn't explored. In fact, I actually found Annie a tad unlikable. For someone she says she sees as a little sister, she is quite awful to Gray. Inforcing her diet and disregarding her feelings. She follows her father's orders without question. While her attitude does change eventually, it was upsetting to see. As for the murder mystery aspect, it was a letdown. I enjoy a surprise murderer, but in this case, it was too unpredictable. I like being able to figure out the killer, but here, there were no clues, so it came as a total blind side. It just didn't seem very well thought out at times.

Overall, this is a quick and easy read. Besides the abrupt ending, it is not half bad. I did enjoy reading it, but it's not very memorable or something I would ever pick up again. I think the characters and town have potential. It's a good book to pick up if you want something mindless; just don't expect much depth.

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I can't stop reading! I had to tear myself away from the book to take care of my mom duties, that's how hooked I am. Every page is a mystery and I can't stop turning them. The ending totally satisfied me. I always judge a book based on my feelings at the time, and let me tell you, this one left a lasting impression. I may forget the characters' names, but the feelings this book stirred up will linger for a long time. Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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This book was pretty good! I think this book was a little bit juvenile, and it was pretty cheesy at times. I do like how it had a bit of mystery in it, but some of the twists and turns were pretty predictable, unfortunately.

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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