Member Reviews

Cute little story, an essential read for toddlers about to enter preschool. I liked how the book detailed in simple terms what the kids should expect on their first day, and the various activities that they might do at school. I also found the way little Jacob was shedding his outerwear as he felt more and more at ease quite poetic.
Oh and bonus point for the inclusivity.

Thank you NetGalley and Star Bright Books for providing this e-arc for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Four-year-old Jacob goes to his first day of preschool. But he thinks it should be a short visit, so he doesn’t bother removing his coat, scarf, hat or mittens! But Jacob’s kind fellow student Lara make him feel happy to be at school. This wonderful picture book has a fabulous message, sure to prove reassuring to anxious children about to go to school. And Yael Weinroth’s illustrations are the perfect accompaniment to Miriam Cohen’s words.

In the interest of full disclosure, I received this book from NetGalley and Star Bright Books in exchange for an honest review.

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I teach 4s preschool and I loved how this book approached the very common issue of a child being nervous their first day of school and not wanting to stay.

As the day goes on, they slowly warm up a bit more and more and realize it is a safe place to be. This book would be great for the first week of school and helping students recognize that those feelings are common.

Thank you to NetGalley and Star Bright Books for allowing me to review a copy of this book.

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