Member Reviews

Gwen does not believe in ghosts or in time travel. She’s very clear - very very clear - that she does not believe. Gwen and her wife Billie move to Florida because the heat might help Billie’s health issues and strange things start happening… Gwen draws beautifully rendered illustrations of things she has no knowledge of - and she can’t draw!

This is a well written, well plotted, complex story. It has humour, it has angst, it has danger, and it has a realistic portrayal of a relationship between two older women who’ve been together a long time. They infuriate each other, they love each other, and they finish each other’s thoughts. Just as well when things start hotting up and they’re both in danger.

There is a cast of characters you’ll root for, some you’ll boo and hiss but ultimately the ending is satisfying and the book leaves a warm feeling. It’s a nice change from the usual lesfic and recommended if you’re looking for a supernatural story with a touch of realism.

I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley

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Gwen does not believe in ghosts, time travel, or aliens, but upon visiting an old Spanish fort as part of a fundraising challenge, something seems to take control of her and has her producing amazing sketches. The messages make it obvious there is a message for her, so with the help of a local paranormal group, Gwen must work out what is happening, especially when the woman she loves, Billie, disappears.

I must share that I am most intrigued by the idea of ghosts, time travel, and aliens so this story held a lot of promise and I am glad to share it also did not disappoint. Gwen was such a non-believer and something was out to prove her wrong, maybe not on all accounts but enough to make her think twice about her beliefs. I loved that even though it was completely obvious that something paranormal had happened to her, Gwen was still convinced it was some kind of trick by the other’s she had travelled with. When it continued to happen and the messages she was receiving were closer to home than she was comfortable with, that was her turning point. Just going through that process with Gwen becoming more enlightened about the situation through her own experience of being controlled by a ghost was amazing.

When things started heating up and Billie disappeared, Gwen was really challenged by facing the possibility of time travel. While I think this one was a bit harder for her, I admired the way she was willing to believe and try, albeit even if it was somewhat hesitantly and she needed a lot of encouragement from things being taken out of her control, and loved how once she knew it was possible she just embraced the experience. It made me very excited about what the future could hold for Gwen and Billie.

Really enjoyed the story and hope for more from these two in future, because there is still so much more Gwen needs to experience now that she is a believer!

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This book was a fun paranormal mystery sprinkled with a little time travel and a romance that warms my heart filled with a genuine feel you don’t always get.
I highly recommend this book if you enjoy romance and / or paranormal books

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A compelling fusion of suspense, paranormal mystery, and genuine romance is what you'll find in Ghost of the Heart. When Gwen Tucker and her wife, Billie, visit a medieval fort and discover mysterious, prophetic drawings that predict danger, their disbelief in spirits is called into question. Threats, secrets, and a final test of love and sacrifice await the pair as they scramble to decipher the ghost's message.

Catherine Friend creates a story that is both exciting and moving by skillfully fusing emotional depth with intrigue. The relationship between Gwen and Billie seems genuine, and their quest to defend one another is compelling and endearing. For those who enjoy paranormal experiences, this book is a must-read because of its unusual blend of ghosts, time travel, and love that defies all expectations.

I highly recommend for everyone who appreciates a love story that lasts long after the last page and a hint of the paranormal.

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Gwen Tucker doesn’t believe in ghosts. At least not until she visits the old fort in St. Augustine. While there to sketch something takes over creating drawings that may have a meaning. If only she can figure it out. Darcy is frustrated at her teaching job and in a rut with her wife of twenty five years. But she was not expecting to stumble into a mystery.

This was a fun paranormal mystery with the add on of a smidge of time travel. Gwen and Darcy have let the spark lapse in the marriage. But in trying to solve the puzzle before them they each get the chance to show their commitment to the other. I also like learning a bit more about the history of the beautiful San Marcos Fort.

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This will break your heart but will mend it back together. A very good read. Well Done.

Thank you Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley.

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This was a really good book! I enjoyed everything about this from there being possible ghosts to there being aliens among us. I really loved the main characters. They had such great chemistry and really worked well together. I really liked how well this story flowed and kept my interest. This was an adventure from beginning to the end. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends and family and I look forward to what's coming next from this author.

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I got this as an arc on Netgalley and it will come out in a few days. This broke my heart sapphicly and then stitched it back together. The plot is paper thin but it works. Sometimes you don't need to overthink things.

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What a unique story involving ghost, time travel and possible aliens.
Gwen and Billie have visited an alleged haunted fort and found their lives turned upside down. Gwen has found a ghost that uses her hand to sketch drawing and they tell a story of what is about to happen to her and Billie. Only true love can save them but at what cost.
Loved it and recommend it.

Thank you #netgalley # boldstrokesbooks #ghostoftheheart for this arc

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I did so enjoy this book. I was not too sure about it at the start but it became quite engrossing. Billie and Gwen had been together almost 25 years but were there cracks showing in their marriage? Gwen was adament there were no such things as ghosts, aliens or time travel. Billie believed there was. This was not a large disagreement between them, just one of them. Billie was trying to cope with agorapgobia among other things and the couple had moved from Minnesota to Florida to try and help with these problems. Gwne did not like Florida so much but Billie seemed to cope better there. Then Gwen visited the local tourist spot, an old Fort, and found that ghosts were not figments of anyone's imagination. Billie and Gwen investigate the information received from the ghost and find it seems to affect them in some way. The story takes us with Billie and Gwen as thet try to uncover the meaning behind the information they're given and how it relates to them. And who is the ghost contacting Gwen? Is it an ancester she knows nothing about? The answer may surprise you.

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I really liked this! It was a super quick read. It's perfect for the upcoming spooky season. I like that there weren't filler pages in the book.

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