Member Reviews

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
ARC Reader - Provided by NetGalley
This is the second book in the Undone Series, and this book is the story of Ro and Freddy.
Ro is an inexperienced young college freshman when we meet her, and is looking to get out of her comfort zone to enjoy college. She is at a frat party when she meets Freddy and they instantly click. They are enjoying each other’s company enough that Ro gives Freddy her first kiss, but later on in the night Freddy goes to take a phone call in private and never comes back.
Flash Forward to senior year, Ro is a school tutor in a toxic relationship when she is given a new student for the semester. To her surprise the student ends up being Freddy, who she has secretly had feeling for since her first kiss. Freddy has turned into the schools playboy hockey star, while trying to hide his learning disabilities from the world.
The story is of Ro helping Freddy to learn that he can be loved and not just used for his body, but that he himself has actual worth. While Freddy helps Ro realize that she can be loved just by being herself.
I absolutely loved this book. It is a great read for anyone who loves hockey romance! I will definitely be recommending it, and I cannot wait until more books in the series come out!
College Hockey Romance
Inexperienced FMC
Playboy MMC
Learning Disability Awareness
Tutor/Student Relationship

4.75 stars!!!
wow wow wow 😭 i really enjoyed unsteady but man i LOVED unloved !!!! i cannot explain to you how good this book is -- you have to experience it yourself! it's such a beautiful romance about two hurting and lonely people finding each other but also finding themselves. SO MUCH GROWTH! you feel every single emotion with ro & freddy as they face their trauma, so like make sure you have tissues on hand....
from the very first chapter, i was obsessed with matthew "freddy" fredderic !! he's so smooth and sensual but also has the biggest heart, loves BIG and is so fun. and his protective side???? oh man! i want to give him the biggest hug. ro! i think we all can relate to her a little bit... feeling like an outsider, wanting to be yourself. wanting to be loved and liked for who you are. and the way freddy and ro give that to each other makes me tear up. so touching. the epilogue actually had me crying. UGH so many beautiful relationships in this book. archer!! i love him!! i would read him and elsie's book in a heartbeat and i know it would break me, but like give it please.
tyler has a special place in my characters that deserve the biggest punch list. that man makes me so mad ugh. foaming at the mouth for the next book with a certain goalie?? maybe?? hopefully???
thank you so much Atria Books and NetGalley for the eARC! this is my honest review.

3⭐️ To be loved is to be seen.
Hmmmm, I really loved Unsteady, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that Unloved followed the same timeline. I love Matt and Ro. But dang, there is a lot of trauma to process in this book.. It shook me up a little if I am being honest. Peyton was not playing when she wrote this! Ro was so easy for me to understand but I felt slightly frustrated with her at certain points. Matt, oh Matt, everyone needs to be nice to him.
My only complaint with this book was I felt a little empty about there being no consequences for certain characters in the end. You will see. I am an Aries, I live off of revenge and people getting justice. It made the ending a little unsatisfactory for me.

Loved this book so much! My babies Freddie and Ro have my heart! Such a well written book! I teared up so much throughout this story. And Grandpa Ace 🥰

First I just want to say thank you for this ARC of Unloved. I prayed to the book God’s that I would be approved for this one and am so so happy that I get to be a part of the Ro and Freddy fan club!
Wow. This. Book. I honestly am going between the emotions of having absolutely no words because of this masterpiece and wanting to shout from the rooftops about how much I love my sweet Ro and Freddy. I first discovered Peyton earlier this year after the release of her debut novel, Unsteady. While reading this book I fell in love with pretty much everything about it. From Peytons writing style, to the emotional depth, to each and every character, I was sold. It quickly became one of my infinity star reads and left me so excited for what’s to come from Peyton especially with the little hints we got about Ro and Freddy. Now let me tell you, I thought nothing would EVER top Rhys and Sadie’s story but boy was I wrong because Unloved did just that. It completely exceeded my expectations and blew my mind, making it my favorite read of the year… you heard that right, my FAVORITE! It is such a beautifully written, gut wrenching, and heartwarming story that truly touched my soul on so many different levels!
Ro, my tender hearted, hopeless romantic, butterfly clip wearing girl. I have never been able to relate more to a fictional character in my life before Ro. She is the absolute sweetest and most soft spoken girlie girl ever. All she cares about is making sure those around her are taken care of and loved even when all she desperately wants is to be loved herself. She is such a pathological people pleaser which is something that has hurt her in the past… that is until she meets a certain golden boy hockey star! Also she is a romance reader, just like us!!
Freddy, my sweet sweet boy! In Unsteady he is introduced as a playboy with a certain reputation but he is so so much more than that. He really is misunderstood by all of those around him and isn’t truly seen until he meets Ro. All he wants is to be loved and will do anything for that love even when that means he gets hurt in the process. His inner monologue throughout the entire book put me in tears and made me want to jump through the pages just to hug our grieving sweet boy. I truly have never loved a MMC like I love Freddy.
Ro and Freddy find each other at the perfect time in their lives when true love and understanding is desperately needed. The yearning for one another is so apparent and you feel it when you read their story. These 2 broken characters suffer through so much alone and just need someone to love them and see them despite their flaws. Ro and Freddy are the people to truly see each other for who they are as an individual and not how everyone else portrays them. They are both incredibly similar and I found it so heart warming to see how 2 people pleasing, soft spoken, nervous, and misunderstood individuals could help each other grow. There is a quote that is intermixed throughout the book that truly describes the love that Rosalie and Matty have for one another… “I think you would be really easy to love”
I could seriously go on and on about this book because it really is THAT GOOD! Please go and pre order Unloved right NEOWWW because you will not be disappointed! I already want to re read this book, ugh! Also, can we talk about how Freddy was Ro’s first kiss, my heart! I can’t wait to see what Peyton has in store for us in the future because I just know these books will get better and better
ALSO THE EPILOGUE!!! are we kidding, it was absolute perfection and tied their story together so well!!!!

A true delight from start to finish. A hug and a giggle in book form.
Peyton Corinne's work is so fun, but so soft and sweet. Full of honesty, compassion, yearning, life lessons, and all the feelings that come with finding your place in the world. I wish I could read this and feel how this story made me feel every day.
A six star read. Peyton Corinne forever!!!

Unloved is exactly the kind of romance that pulls you in. Ro and Freddy are such a cute match, but they’re also so real and complex as individuals, each dealing with deep-rooted traumas and tribulations — I couldn’t help but root for them individually every step of the way!
The emotional maturity Corrine built into these characters is seriously impressive. Male characters often lack emotional vulnerability, so seeing Freddy open and genuine with Ro was a breath of fresh air.
I hadn’t read Unsteady when I started this, but I’ll definitely be checking it out now.
Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

actual rating: 3.5. i have to give praise to Peyton Corinne. this is not your average sports romance novel. the characters actually have depth to them. Freddy has a personality beyond being a hockey bro. Ro has interests outside of being in love with her hockey bro boyfriend. they feel like real people that i would actually enjoy talking to. there was just something missing for me. the amount of times that Ro’s ugly bastard of an ex boyfriend showed up was way too many. he ruined my enjoyment of the book. he should have been run over by a car. and the evil professor should have drawn and quartered! i said what i said! will be tuned in for Bennett and Toren's books though, trust!

The two main characters in Unloved are some of the sweetest, lovable characters I’ve ever read. Ro and Freddy have insecurities and issues that so many people can relate to which was one of my favorite aspects of the book. The found family vibes and the way the story ended was lovely. At times I did struggle with the book… certain parts dragged a bit, certain situations felt repetitive, the lack of self-esteem and backbone felt almost TOO extreme at times and the sweetness between the main characters nearly gave me a toothache - maybe it was a tad over the top. Overall it was a pleasant story with characters that were easy to root for.
Thank you to NetGalley and Atria for the chance to read an early copy!

I love Freddy and Rosalie, this was a lovely story. I’m not big on the “people pleaser” aspect of the main characters, it was a bit of a turn off for me. Everything else was wonderful.

i loved them both as individual people, and seeing as this follows the same timeline of unsteady instead of being a continuation, i loved how it felt more behind-the-scenes from the tidbits we saw in unsteady

I loved this book and while the light angst always makes me stress over the characters, it’s a story that I will continue to read over and over, a story that I’ll recommend in a more informal setting. For most curriculums and courses there is a strict set of guidelines that everyone must follow but what many don’t realize is that it can be draining to read those types of texts constantly. Reading something like Unloved not only makes me feel less stressed but also happy that I can move away from the rigid and monotonous. Thank you so much for this beautiful story.

If you could turn TTPD into a book, you would have Unloved.
Never. In my 30+ years of living would have thought a HOCKEY romance would have me crying as much as this book did.
First off, Tyler, count your days. It’s a good thing you’re fictional because he might give Matty Healy a run for his money.
Secondly, Matt ‘Freddie’ Shariff (nee Fredderic) is the exact opposite of every hockey player you could ever imagine. I mean he is great on the ice but he’s so tortured and in need of someone to understand him. And Ro is the perfect person for that. I laughed. I cried. Their story might have broke me a little.
Now I need to know more about Kane and the other players on the team. I need a full catalogue of these boys. Stat.
Thank you NetGalley and publishers for this ARC. I will impatiently wait for the rest of the books.

I received this book as an Advance Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you so much to NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for this book.
"I think loving you would be the greatest thing in my life."
Ro has been told that she is too much for years.
Freddy has been told he will never be enough for just as long.
When Ro ends up tutoring Freddy through a difficult class, a friendship forms that has both of them relearning what it means to be worthy of receiving love. Unlearning the pain of the past isn't easy, but Ro and Freddy have each other and life seems to be so much easier when they are together.
I am going to start this review by saying that Peyton Corinne can do no wrong in my eyes. Unsteady was one of my favorite books in 2023 and the fact that I was given this ARC makes my reader heart sooo happy. Corinne creates characters that are so relatable in their hurts and healing and the process of falling in love as a flawed human being. I adore her. And it is unreal that I got to read Unloved as an ARC.
Moving on to the book, I have nothing but wonderful things to say about this.
In the prologue, Peyton Corinne says this book is about how intertwined grief and love are and I don't think there is a better way to describe it. She has created such a beautiful balance of heartbreaking grief and healing love in Unloved that it is hard to see one aspect of the characters without the other aspect following close behind.
A huge reason I adore Corinne's writing is because finding yourself in her characters is almost effortless.
Ro is striving for the approval of someone who finds fulfillment in being better than her and belittling her. Freddy craves love when he has been reduced to an image that he would willingly shed the second he is given a chance. Their lives have not been easy and certainly weren't easy together, but both Ro and Freddy find that being together makes the hard things easier.
This book is follows two people who have experiences harsh and conditional love discovering that love can be kind and gentle and accepting and unconditional. It is the process of people willing to rebuild the parts of someone they never broke because that's what love does.
I would be lying if I said I didn't cry through most of this book.
It is sweet and hopeful and inspiring and has a happily ever after that had me giggling and wiping away tears.
My only complaint is that I finished it so fast.
I hope we get to spend more time in The Undone universe that Peyton Corinne has so beautifully created!
If I could give this book 100 out of 5 stars, I would.

Corinne Peyton became an auto-buy author for me about halfway through *Unsteady*—actually, it might have been even earlier! So I was absolutely thrilled to receive an ARC of *Unloved*. (Thank you NetGalley)
I loved the writing style and pacing of this book; Freddy and Ro’s story truly delivered! I appreciated the inclusion of tiny hockey bits, especially since some hockey romance novels leave me wanting more of that aspect (I’m looking at you, Hannah Grace, even though I loved the Maple Hills series). Both characters experience significant growth throughout the story, and I particularly appreciated how Ro gradually becomes empowered.
This book reminded me a lot of *The Score* by Elle Kennedy, so if you enjoyed that, you'll likely find this one just as good.
And can we talk about the tantalizing hints Peyton is dropping about Reiner and Kane? I need their stories ASAP!

Peyton & music in the Undone series are the new Jessa Hastings x clothing in the Magnolia Parks series.
There was nothing to unlove about this book!! Ro and Matty (can't not call him this now) are a pure and tender love that anyone can relate to. I enjoyed how Peyton weaved memories into the story, especially for Matty.

4.5 ⭐️
This book was so good. It was a roller coaster of emotions.
Freddy and Ro. I love them. They deserve the whole world.
The friendship between the two and the transition to romance was so perfect.
The epilogue was so sweet. It was the perfect ending.

This book made me emotional, which doesn’t happen so often.
I enjoyed reading the story of Ro and Freddy. They had to go through a lot of inner workings and development in order to be together and it was really interesting to learn and be a part of their journey.
What I liked:
* Vulnerable mmc (thanks for showing us that man can be vulnerable and that’s ok!)
* friends to lovers trope (this trope gives you the opportunity to see how their feelings for each other develop, it’s always precious)
* grieving (i cried reading some scenes, made me super emotional)
* healing love
I don’t want to spoil everything, so I’ll say there were a lot of good things, and overall I enjoyed the book. The only thing that i didn’t like was the lack of consistency between the scenes. Sometimes i felt like we were jumping from one scene to another and I was a little lost. Anyway, I’m waiting for the next book!

The book may have been mid but the butterfly tattoo on the thigh??? ♾️⭐️
I thought I would love this book a lot more but maybe that was exactly the problem. The beginning was promising and like most romances it hooked me from the beginning. Looking back, I feel like the biggest problem with this book was ✨ Tyler ✨ this mf showed up waaaay more than he should’ve and I KNOW it was a story focused on the characters healing but now I think I’m the one who needs a little bit healing 😔😔
What I liked most was probably the found family, I really loved seeing characters from book one (especially Liam & Oliver <3). I wasn’t expecting the book to take place in the same timeline, so it was fun to feel like I was putting together a puzzle and matching scenes I’d already read from another pov. The romance was okay too, I really liked how their relationship developed and how they helped each other heal from their past.
I think I wanted more justice in the end, maybe? To me what Tyler and the professor did to both of them was really serious and just leaving the program felt like too little. I wish I’d seen them really facing the consequences of what they did (especially the professor). In the end, 3 stars was a solid rating bc I ended up wanting more of everything (except Tyler, thank you very much). Even though I like the author’s writing and the universe she created, it felt a bit too much like more of the same.

4.5 stars!
This was honestly better than the first book in the series. I absolutely loved all the characters in this book and their development. My heart felt so many emotions- I even shed some tears.
This makes me hopeful to see what comes next and makes me want to read another by this author in the future!
I wasn’t sure how much I would enjoy this but I really did love it.
Was it cheesy at times? Yes. BUT was it still an entertaining great time? YUP. It also mentioned disabilities that I don’t see often in books. I really appreciated that aspect. It was handled beautifully as well.
I recommend checking this out! It was all sorts of fun. From getting you to laugh, kick your feet, to blending your heart with an aching pain. It was so well done!