Member Reviews

Unloved is the sequel to Unsteady by Peyton Corrine. It takes place in tandem with the events of Unsteady, but from the perspectives of two different characters; friends of the MCs in Unsteady. I, personally, hadn’t read any book series where the author decided to have such an approach to storytelling so I thought that it was a really interesting choice to go about the series this way. It’s rather clever and requires a lot of attention to detail and making sure the finer parts of the plot are kept congruent throughout each book.
The relationship between the main characters, Ro and Freddy seemed realistic especially with the personal issues both of them had with intimacy and romance, respectively. I really enjoyed their dynamic and the journey of their love story. Both characters seemed very real and fleshed out. Although, while Freddy’s background was thoroughly explored, it felt like Ro’s was more-so brushed over. Her main struggles in the novel were focused on the current relationship she was in and the issues that went along with it. I feel like the reader could’ve benefited from learning more about Ro’s past to more fully round out her character, since she has her own past familial hardships, like Freddy.
One petty complaint I do have is more of a personal pet peeve, but a downside for me nonetheless: the incessant name dropping of songs throughout the book. The author did the same thing in the first book, but I was less bothered by it since it had relevance to the plot and the characters’ growth. In this book however, it felt completely unnecessary and unless you know every song it doesn’t add anything to the story.
Overall though, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and loved the characters, their growth, and their relationship. It was a solid follow-up to Unsteady and I believe I enjoyed Unloved even more than its predecessor, I practically binge-read this within less than 24 hours. I was truly hooked!
Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

To be seen is to be loved and what a gift it is to be seen by the person we love in return.
Freddy and Ro are the perfect examples of seeing people and loving them despite it all. Watching them fall together was heartbreaking and beautiful in the best way possible.
Matthew “Freddy” Frederic of MMC is unapologetic in who he is while also being deeply insecure. Freddy is caring, kind, hardworking and just craving for someone to see him as this and not the reputation he has garnered. Freddys story is heartbreaking and he deserves so much love and kindness which is exactly what Ro gives him. Watching Freddy grow, show his vulnerabilities and open up to Ro was amazing. Seeing him give love to those around him despite everything he’s been through was truly beautiful.
Rosalie or Ro our FMC is kind, smart, driven, and a little insecure. She loves without question and is loyal to a fault. Seeing her grow into herself with the help of Freddy was wonderful. Ro deserved to be loved in a way where she did not have to question if she was enough or if there was something wrong with her which Freddy did. Watching the growth of her character and her realizing that she deserves so much more than she was getting was incredible.
Matt and Ro are two characters who are insanely relatable and human. Getting to see them grow together and stumble through the hard stuff in such a vulnerable and healthy way was everything.
These two will hold a special place in my heart. They made me laugh and cry and feel so many things.

AMAZING hockey romance! I loved Unsteady and was so excited to receive an ARC of Unloved. It was everything I was hoping for and more! Ro and Freddy were so perfect for one another. They complemented each other and their weaknesses and vulnerabilities were accepted unconditionally by each other. I thought it was incredibly moving to see Freddy's past revealed as he worked though his past. Ro's crush on Freddy as a freshman that developed into so much more senior year was so endearing. I loved their friendship as Ro tutors Freddy and spend time together outside of those tutoring sessions. The way they see one another despite the walls they've built around themselves was so sweet. I loved Freddy and Ro's story. Their romance made me cry and made me love them so much!

*insert gif of janice from friends screaming OH MY GAAAWDD here*
rip ro shariff you wouldve loved ttpd in general but more specifically smallest man, i hate it here, the prophecy and my boy only breaks his favorite toys (tyler if i ever catch your ass 👊🏻) 🙃
yall 😭 this book was a rollercoaster of emotions from the very beginning to the very end, i have never felt more in love with two characters/a couple the way i feel with ro & matty 🥹
i read unsteady about a year ago to which it had immediately became an all time favorite, i was so insanely impressed with how that was peyton’s debut book, i was just blown away by the feelings it gave me and have been so excited about this book from all the glimpses we saw of them in book 1. as excited as i was i did not go into reading this thinking they would knock sadie and rhys off the perfect couple pedestal i had them on, but holy fuck !!!! the most perfect strangers to friends to bestfriends to lovers if i have anything to say about it 😭💚
alexa play so high school on repeat and let me swoon for another 20 years just thinking of these two, they complimented each other in every sense of the word 🥹
“Signed Matty—not Freddy. He’s mine, in that way.”
mr. lover boy who never gets chosen first and miss lover girl fighting to feel seen, safe and loved will tear your heart out time after time while simultaneously putting it back together anytime you get these two alone or they are celebrating each others small or big victories, these two built the most perfect foundation of friendship to help one another move past some really big life altering events, its most definitely a slow burn but in the sweetest (and hottest 🫣) ways.
“I spend most of it convincing myself not to follow her inside. She doesn’t need someone like me.”
to prepare yourself for reading this book i would advise you have plenty of tissues, mostly for matty’s pov and something you can throw across the room without breaking anything for ro’s. this book is one big “you never know what someone else is going through” especially the always happy, always helpful people.
matty is honest to god the most emotionally intelligent man i have ever read about before especially once he realizes Ro sees him and he lets her into his practically impenetrable fortress, literally everyone but Ro and Archer owe this man the biggest of apologies, his POV and internal monologues absolutely wrecked me, i was angry for Ro but absolutely devastated for freddy over and over again 🥲
now some of my favorite quotes of the two of them just being the cutest people ever and loving each other so much:
“There’s a hitch in his breath, and if I didn’t know him better—the fact that I’m sure everyone has complimented him enough to last a lifetime—I’d say he’s yearning to hear the words. They wash over him like water on a sunflower.”
“Accusing you of not applying yourself? God—I’m insulted for you. To fight me back on that? They don’t know anything about you.”
“She waited after every step for me to get bored, but I could listen to her talk about the scientific process of paint drying without batting an eye. Everything she says is enthralling to me.“
“Hey,” Matt snaps, pulling out of the hug he’d just granted his friend. “Not cool—either of you. No foreign language shit, that’s cheating.” He points toward Bennett. “And you? No cooking in front of my girlfriend—that’s . . . that’s even worse, I think.”

This is my first book by Peyton Corinne and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The development between Ro and Matt was so genuine and slow but in a good way. Both have issues they need to work through so I felt the timeline was very realistic for them to get together. I felt so much for Ro, as she is just trying to do her best but getting cut down and gaslit by her boyfriend at every turn. I loved how Ro and Matt supported and advocated for one another even before they got together. It made for a great foundation for their relationship. There are some darker themes in this novel so be sure to read trigger warnings.

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books & Peyton for the absolute honor of getting to read this ARC!
I knew that this was going to wreck me & put me back together again by the end. I absolutely loved it. I have been anxiously waiting for Freddy & Ro's story since the teasers in Unsteady and it was so much better than I imagined. This was such an immersive reading experience filled with yearning, tension and depth of emotions. Peyton writes these as interconnected standalones so you don't have to read them in order. I'm always very impressed with the way that she weaves all of the characters' stories together seamlessly. It's cool to see little cameos of other characters in here. Not to mention, more teasers about future character's books like Bennett or Toren!
Ro was a girl after my own heart with her bows, butterfly clips and soft demeanor. 🥹 The yearning in this between her and Freddy was so tangible that you couldn't help but feel their emotions. I wanted to hug them both throughout the book so many times. 2 broken characters suffering for entirely different reasons just looking to be loved as the people they are as individuals and not the part they play in the world. Their friends-to lovers, coming-of-age story was really beautiful and well-paced.
Freddy comes off as a playboy but he is so much more than that. His internal monologue at times whilst he was grieving and lonely broke my heart. When Ro becomes his tutor, things begin to unfold between them slowly. I would definitely say that this is a SLOW . BURN 🔥 but it needed to be in order for them to build their emotional connection first.
"I think you would be really easy to love." is weaved throughout the story almost like a silent prayer...and boy were they.

last year, when I read Unsteady, I immediately knew it would forever be a favorite. I knew it would be a book I recommend to everyone; I knew it would be stuck in my little brain for a long time.
what I didn’t see coming was this book — this book that feels like coming home after a year away.
Freddy & Ro changed the game. They took what was a favorite book of mine and turned it into a favorite universe, a favorite family — a family that feels exactly what my restless heart needed.
This book is for people pleasers, but more than that, it’s just for people. No matter where you are, what season of life you’re in, what you’re dealing with, what you’re going through, this book is for you. You’ll find grief and heartache told through the eyes of inexplicable joy and unconditional love. You’ll find two people who long to be loved finding that love with each other. You’ll find the most deserving humans on the planet be fought for, be lifted up, and find healing in the arms of one another.
This book is filled with sweetness & tenderness & gentleness. It is filled with family and fighting for the RIGHT people, the people who need it and deserve it. And it is filled with the sweetest sunshine girl and golden retriever boy.
Peyton, I felt the same way opening up this book as I did when I picked up Dishonestly Yours for the first time — I felt giddy getting to read a Peyton Corinne book for the first time, literal butterflies. You do something with stories and characters that I simply can’t explain. But thank you. Thank you for Ro & Freddy. Their stories deserved to be told. And they deserved to be told by you.
Oh…and if you haven’t figured it out by now, 5 stars (or 10 if I could give it)✨

Peyton, you did it again! Just WOW. This book had me on a rollercoaster of emotionsss. One moment I was sad, then giddy, then bawling my eyes out, and repeat.. I love love love Freddy and Ro , they’re so perfect for each other. I honestly don’t know what can top this. From beginning to end, you managed to keep me reeled in and wanting more! I can’t wait to see what’s next!!

I was generously given an ARC by NetGalley in exchange for my honest feedback! I loved Peyton Corinne's debut novel, and her sequel lives up to the hype! Ro is such a relatable hopeless romantic, slightly anxious but lovable female main character, and Freddy is such a sweet guy for her to fall in love with. While I loved the book, it felt like there could have been stronger conflict resolution for both the main characters. I didn't mind how the story ended up but I would have loved to see the main characters get even more closure/ revenge with their conflicts. If you love cute college romance stories, have a thing for nerds, and love hockey romances; this book is for you!

low key mad i finished this already, like now there is so long until the next book...
unsteady, the first book in this series, took the booktok world by storm last year and i am so grateful. i didn't even love that book but this one, yeah this book was for me!!! matty and ro are so incredibly close to my heart and this story was so much deeper than i was anticipating. maybe it's been a while since i've read a college hockey romance but this one was just so fucking readable. like i could not put it down, i think it took me like six hours to read this once i sat down.
this book deals with so much more than just a romance and that's why it was so wonderful to me. matt is still dealing with the loss of his mother and how that has affected him in life so far. all the moments that surround him coming to terms with his emotions were written so well, like the big moment he has where he breaks down made me sob. the relationship between him and ro was so beautiful, we saw them build a friendship and he was so gentle with her when she was experiencing emotions. the way he treated her and comforted her is my ideal situation, like if i'm one things its a crier and i need a hug sometimes, matty gets that! i wasn't sure how much i was going to love ro in the beginning because of the whole tyler situation, i just wanted her to hit him so badly. but once she got herself away from his dickass self she was so much better to read about. she defended matt just as much as he defended her and it was amazing to see. you can just tell these characters are in each others corners forever and i adore that!!
peyton corinne has really stepped up her game with this book, i did not go in expecting this to be a favorite of the year but i can totally see myself uping this rating to a five in a couple days. once again i am here to advocate for toren's book. i know you're supposed to not love him but unfortunately i'm obsessed. he constant;y defends women and i just know he has a good backstory, i have no choice but to stan!!! this book also got me excited for whatever is going on with bennett. he seems to have a complicated relationship with someone and it kinda screams second chance which i love, i think i'll like it anyway but still. you guys need to start counting down the days until february fourth because this is spectacular!! i will be speaking about it like once a week until then!
as a final note i would like to start an early petition for a novella about elsie and archer. all the flashback scenes of them had me screaming, that's why i was so connected to matt's mom and why those scenes hit so hard. i just know the two of them have an angsty story that needs to be told. i could read a whole book about it but i fear it would be me in a depression because we know how it ends.
*thank you NetGalley + Atria for the ARC*

Unloved got me feeling unwell because this has become my favorite college sports romance to date and turned me into an emotional mess as a result. It’s tender. It’s emotional. It’s just plain beautiful. I should’ve expected this from Peyton since I adored Unsteady, but never have I ever read a book in this subgenre that affected me so viscerally. This story is about two lost, lonely, people-pleasing souls yearning to feel a little less alone, and I’ve never wanted to hug two fictional characters more.
Things I loved:
🦋 Matt/Freddy - I would wholeheartedly go to the mat for Matt and have added him to my list of all-time favorite male characters. He’s got so many layers, each one more lovable than the last. Since music is such an important component of Peyton’s books, I couldn’t help but think of the song Love Not Lovers by The Script when it comes to Matt.
🦋 Ro - Live up that sexy bucket list and own those bodice rippers, girl. I admired how hard she fought for Matt and subsequently fed off of that energy to finally come into her own and fight for herself.
🦋 Dual POV - I especially appreciated the flashbacks to some of Matt’s traumatic past experiences. It made me want to hold him even more.
🦋 The Depth of both the characters and the plot - Unloved explores loss, grief, love, family, abuse, trauma, and identity. This is not your average college hockey romance, and I loved it for that.
🦋 All the good things - The way Matt and Ro hold space for each other. The communication. The vulnerability. The protectiveness. The advocacy. The gentle love. The mutual respect and admiration.
🦋 The Progression - I loved that they built a strong friendship first, rooted in trust and support, prior to becoming anything more. I also really appreciated how sex didn’t occur until much later in the story because of its role in Matt’s history.
🦋 Seeing events from Unsteady from a different angle
🦋 Rhys, Sadie, and her brothers! I missed those adorable kids.
🦋 The bond and brotherhood amongst the hockey team (and the coach)
🦋 The Epilogue - Anddddd more crying.
I am sensing a Kane redemption tale after this, and I am here for it. Also, Bennett, let’s get you an HEA, man. You deserve it. I would also like to officially extend two prominent middle fingers to Tyler and Dr. Tinley. Matt and Ro have my love forever.
** A huge thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. **

“I think falling in love with you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
This book gives us two MCs who are deeply scarred by their pasts, yet determined to find a way forward. Their journeys of navigating trauma and self-worth strike a chord, as they wrestle with feelings of unworthiness, fear, and longing. You feel every ounce of their internal struggle and the courage it takes to confront their darkest fears.
The chemistry between the Ro and Matty is undeniable, but it’s the emotional barriers they face—grief, guilt, and vulnerability—that make this story so powerful.
Corinne doesn’t shy away from showing the messy side of love and healing, making their journey not just a romance, but an exploration of what it means to be truly seen and accepted, flaws and all.
This is a story about confronting demons, learning to let love in despite the pain, and finding strength in vulnerability. If you’re looking for characters who feel like real people, with real struggles, this is an unforgettable read.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Random notes from my read: CAN BE CONSIDERED SPOILERY⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
* This is adorable already
* I love that he’s just stupidly giddy about her from the start
* Oh my god, Freddy. He needs the biggest hug. My heart hurts for him
* Gross
* Author was a twilight girlie, huh?
* What a POS
* I might be in the minority, but I like Kane
* “as I follow a stomping Ro like a lost puppy.” Lol
* Girl, you’re standing in your own way
* Ro, wtf???
* Taking bets on whether Tyler and the teacher are boning
* Again, Ro, wtf?!! Are you determined to break every piece of his heart?
* Man, her teacher is the worst kind of woman. Super pick me that’s nasty to other women
* Oh Freddy
* “Arguably perfect*
Many thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with an ARC and allowing me to provide my honest review

midterms have a silver lining and it’s the netgalley gods taking pity on me and giving me my most anticipated release 99 days early. its been hell but at least i got to see my friends again
holy fucking shit i have no words. i thought i loved rhys and sadie but i absolutely adore freddy (matty) and ro. this is a book about grief, love, and learning to come back to yourself when it seems impossible. matty and ro deserve each other and the world. 4.5 because unsteady is my comfort book but unloved is right next to it on the shelf.
my spotify algorithm was a paid actor for playing getaway car at the final chapter and if the next book isn’t about bennet i will riot (for legal reasons this is a joke)

Wow this book. I haven't cried this much over a book in years. The way I could literally feel the characters pain, it was intense and impressive. At first I wasn't sure I could get into it because of the FMC and her on again off again 'boyfriend' but it really set the stage for the character growth throughout. I can't wait for the next one!

4.5 ⭐️
Oh my goodness this one was sweetie and sad and heartwarming and lovely! It felt a little longer than it needed to be especially around the middle, but lord have mercy it was just cute as can be. Loved both main characters, HATED multiple side characters, felt deeply. Gorgeous follow up, shout out to NetGalley for letting me read it early!!

After Unsteady I had sky high expectations. That book owns a piece of my soul.
I'm happy to report Peyton doesn't disappoint. She is SO good at writing emotions and I once again FELT ALL THE THINGS reading this book. I loved Ro and Freddie so much, (And the subplot with Freddie's parents was an expected heart wrencher.) I don't know how she weaves emotions so beautifully but I felt all the things and spent half the book completely choked up.
Thank you Net Galley and Atria for this arc. <3 I loved getting to experience this story early.

Freddy and Ro are some of my favorite characters I’ve ever read!! I related to both of them so much and I loved seeing their stories be told! Their stories are so important to hear because not many people see this level of grief in stories they know will end happily.
Freddy uses his reputation to numb the feeling of loss and Ro becomes agreeable to not feel lonely. They’re so perfect for each other. They are easily able to see through the façades each other shows the world and support each other in the only ways they know how. I loved seeing their friendship and love grow through the book.
There were some times the timeline was a bit weird, so I recommend reading Unsteady first to make sure there is no confusion during the beginning of the book.
So thankful for the arc from Atria!

I loved Unsteady but I think Unloved is my new favorite! I can't wait for the next book in the series I'm hoping it's Bennett but I also want a Kane book.

I just wanna put Freddy in my pocket and keep him safe forever🥹 I usually don’t like books with similar main characters and I loved these two. They were exactly what the other needed and it felt so refreshing to read about a relationship with so much emotional maturity, “I think you’d be really easy to love” 😍😭. This was also a GOOD slow burn 🌶️🥵 I’m really vibing with this friend group and cannot wait for Torrens book!

If Unsteady got you deep in the feels, you’ll adore the tale of our two cinnamon rolls Ro and Freddy in Unloved. When studious Ro crosses paths with Freddy during freshman year at a party, she’s enchanted until Freddy abandons her without explanation. Fast forward to senior year, and Ro is in a situationship with her older boyfriend while also applying for a coveted internship. Meanwhile Freddy is acing things on the ice, but struggling academically. When Freddy is assigned Ro as his tutor, and Ro discovers the ways Freddy hasn’t been receiving accommodations for diagnosed ADHD, dyscalculia and dyslexia. Freddy and Ro begin forming an incredible friendship based on mutual support, communication and respect that could simmer into something more if they let it…
I devoured this angsty, heartbreakingly sweet book! It’s full of drama for our two characters to navigate, but you can absolutely feel their connection and are rooting for them from beginning. Thank you, S&S for the ARC and chance to review Unloved.