Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. I could not use it in class, but would recommend to certain readers. A lot of twists and great choice to alternate the time periods.

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Wow, what a ride! This book was a pleasant surprise.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, as it was a quick read and a good time.

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I loved this book so much! I loved the western setting and the story was so interesting and I could not put it down.

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I absolutely love the cover. It is what drew mw in. The story is all right. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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I reviewed an ARC of Lady or the Tiger by Heather M. Herrman from NetGallery in exchange for an honest review. #NetGalley

This book is an absolute whirlwind. I dislike this book but yet I also really like this book.
Western YA books are not that common to come across. Let alone one with this much depth.

This books explores the life of women during the western expansion/gold rush era. It explores the struggles, the sacrifices, the abuse, and the overall turmoil that came with being female. This book beautifully explores how to express your true self no matter how bold, how dark, or how emotional.

This is not the story of a heroine. And yet, it is.
This story leaves so many questions and yet feels completely finished on its own.

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This one is so hard to review. Because on one hand, I LOVED the story, loved the chaotic anti-heroine, loved the plot twists and wild characters. I, and I may be in the minority here, loved the ending.

BUT the pacing and timeline switches did throw me for a loop sometimes and I wanted things to be a bit more cohesive. I found myself rereading chapters because I was confused sometimes at where in the story we were.

Overall the western setting, the feminist themes, the drama of it all? VERY FUN. I just wanted it to be a bit cleaner in the story arch.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I love the western genre because in my opinion they produce the most complex, interesting characters, and this author did not disappoint. This book kept me guessing about what the truth actually was, because the story is not told in order, and was very fast paced and easy to read.

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A novel set in the Wild West with teenage serial killer Belle King telling her story from prison - despite her dead husband showing up to claim that it’s all a lie.

The premise of this book sounded right up my alley, and I was right. “Belle King” is exactly my kind of character - cold, unflinching, and sure of herself. Forced in many ways to grow up faster than she should have had to, she claws her way out of an insane asylum, away from an abusive husband, and into the spotlight as the most wanted performer in the Wild West.

Recalling her sordid history and confessing her crimes, her plans to hang for them are cut short when her husband - the man she killed to escape - shows up to reveal that nothing she says is the truth. Forced to do anything she can to stay away from him and to ensure her own death, she’ll have to resort to all her skills in her arsenal to do so.

I’m unfamiliar with the story of Belle King, or the story for which this book takes its title from, but I feel like neither are necessary to enjoy this book. I was hooked on her story from the very start, and was eager to see how her confession would play out. Her past is haunting and dark, and forces her - in a way - to either embrace the tiger within her or be crushed by it. And rather than simply survive the hand life had dealt her, she had thrived. Even when inklings of her crimes were starting to come to light, men would still flock to her for a chance to be with her, finding the risk worth the potential reward.

Told in both flashback and current day jail time confession, Alice recounts her life leading up to this point - and why she is so insistent on ending her life on her own terms. Despite her having committed all these crimes, you - as the reader - can’t help but to also be swayed to her side and rooting for her until the very end.

A huge thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Penguin Young Readers Group for providing this e-ARC.

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Lady or the Tiger was an intriguing read following Alice otherwise known as Belle King as she struggles with her past and tries to face it in the presence. I enjoyed the timelines going back and forth between past and present and felt like it really helped the reader understand Alice and her story better. I loved Cal and Alice's relationship and how it felt wild and free. I also loved the twist at the end! And Omisha the tiger was absolutely my favorite. I did enjoy this book but I was hoping for a bit more of a Wild West feel and although there was certainly revenge I think it could've had more of the Wild West feel to it.

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I sort of feel like I got punched in the face, and I mean that as a compliment. A book that doesn't just allow for sharp girls to exist, but instead hones them to be even deadlier. And then demands that you understand just how human they are.

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3.5 ⭐ thank you to negalley for allowing me to take a look at the ARC!

the cover art is beautiful and, although i'm not one to usually read anything pertaining to wild west fiction, i did find myself enjoying a lot of what i read due to the setting itself.

i was not familiar before with the short story of the lady or the tiger that this book heavily references and builds upon in its own way. i'm always a sucker for anything that leaves the ending up for interpretation as it often garners the best kind of discussion. the story itself has a lot of gripping elements as well as a handful of twists at the end, however, i found myself questioning many of the actions of the side characters we meet throughout.

belle king has the potential to be a very fascinating protagonist. what drives her to kill, grow, and act for herself is enticing, and i enjoy how heavily she prioritizes her independence and self-worth during the story's events. i think the message is a powerful one for women in general, especially those who may find or have once found themselves in belle's shoes regarding how trapped she once felt.

however, here is where most of my criticism comes in. i have never been one to enjoy a piece like this where the main character directly addresses the reader. it feels like a very juvenile tactic to grab the reader by the shoulders and tell them what's what when, personally, i thought belle's story would've been so much more intriguing if she hadn't talked to *us* at all. there is so much mystery within the short story's ending: did the man come face to face with the lady or the tiger? i think it would've been interesting for the reader to craft a similar opinion regarding belle and even, potentially, her relationship with cal. who i wish had a little more substance to his character.

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Heather Herrman's Lady or the Tiger is a tense and wild tale exploring women's power in the face of male violence.

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I requested this book because of its title- I had read the short story of its namesake. I was hoping that the story would give me an insight to how it would end- I’ve never been more wrong in my life. Instead, I am left with not one, but two questions in my mind that won’t leave for years.
The plot of this novel is very unique, everything happening out of order, in a way that keeps you guessing until about 90% through the book. I quite liked the Wild West setting, and the 1800s is where I thrive as a reader. For the characters, I can’t say I actually liked any of them. This is fair though, as the first chapter of the book establishes that you won’t like Alice, in fact, she’s the one that will tell you.
I really enjoyed the twist near the end, even though I didn’t much care for Alice at all.
My main complaint is that this is labeled Young Adult. The content within (language, violence, and some more mature situations) doesn’t really fit in this category and I would suggest that it at least be placed in the New Adult category.
Overall, I found the plot to be engaging, the characters complex, and the setting intriguing.I’m

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3.95 ★ — belle king is my favorite type of female lead and i truly cannot get enough of her. she's cold, unflinching, and even in love, always chooses herself. i liked the depiction of grooming in this, and how it affects a victim's mental health—belle's spiral after reginald and her slowly becoming more able to shake the blame off herself and label him the [redacted] he is was masterfully portrayed. i don't know if grooming is exactly the correct word because she never sees him in a romantic light, but belle's thoughts around her first kill and her evolving past them (and reginald, who planted the thoughts inside her) and grabbing control of her life was my favorite part of the book. i liked the suspenseful atmosphere—no one ever knows what belle will say next—but i did find it hard to keep up with the switching timelines occasionally. there is a twist towards the end, well three really, that make the whole thing worth it. i don't really like western/cowboy-esque fiction, so i'm surprised i liked this as much as i did.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group for accepting my request for an ACR of this book!
“Not all little girls are born murderers, but every woman
becomes one.”
For starters, I enjoyed this book tremendously. I loved the characters and the story but my biggest issue was the changing timelines in each chapter. The reason behind this is because i would forget the other half of the story and have to give myself a second to remember what had happened previously. Belle King has to be one of the coolest heroines I’ve read about. I loved her characteristics and her attitude towards others. The western setting is something I am new to buy oh man I need to find more books with this atmosphere. If you grew up loving westerns and cool fmc who always know what to say, this is THE BOOK!

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