Member Reviews

The secret lives of candy hearts is a humorous cartoon which reflects on emotional situations and helps the reader to process certain situations.
A great pallet cleanser and a nice book to gift to someone.

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I loved the idea and the art, but that's just it. Some panels gained a chuckle, but this is really not that memorable.

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A really enjoyable book, my favourite parts were the mini series on moving in together, the dating profiles and of course the front cover (I admit I play to win lol). The colour palette worked well with the comics and I really liked the art style.

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This is a short book of single panel comics featuring candy hearts. I’m not sure why I expected this to be sweet and funny. Some of it was but a lot more was kind of jaded, edging on mean. Recommended for fans of the author’s online comics.

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I saw the cover cartoon floating around the internet, so I figured I'd check this out. It was a fun and quick read with a modern twist on the candy hearts that taste a little like sugary chalk. I didn't really enjoy the dating profile series, but I understand that may be more relevant to other readers. Most of the one panel comics landed and made me chuckle. I read this in two sittings but you can easily read this in an afternoon.

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**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

The Secret Lives of Candy Hearts by Tommy Siegel was a funny and quick page by page comic about the "true" thoughts people, or conversation hearts in this case, may have about relationships. It was a light and fast read and would be a great Valentine's Day gift for a loved one if they enjoy comics. Loosely recommend.

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Cute and cutting, The Secret Life of Candy Hearts, is a collection of short comics that give reads a glimpse of how difficult it can be to have your thoughts and feelings stamped directly onto your face…or what might be considered your face if you were anthropomorphized piece of candy. This is definitely not a book you want to consume in one sitting as it may cause a stomach or toothache. The majority of the comics are funny and certainly relatable for almost anyone that has been in a relationship at some point.

I chose this eARC as something light to look at before falling asleep. Usually cute, short comics keep my mind from spinning out of control and the hours from getting away from me and this was a perfect fit. Seigel has a clever premise that has the potential to develop further if he decides to do so.

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This was a super cute book! The illustrations are fun and colorful, and the comics themselves relatable and humorous. I got a good giggle out of many of them and had to show a few to my partner so they could enjoy as well!

This would be a good gift for a lover of comics, especially if they're fans of the series online!

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The Secrets Lives of Candy Hearts by Tommy Siegel is a great gift for book lovers, comic lovers and for significant others this Valentine's day. I love the subtle jabs on the modern dating scene and cute illustrations that are so nostalgic. Each page contains a brief scene but every line is quite memorable. I found myself reading this book multiple times because of the funny scenes !

Highly recommend it. Before I forget Thank you Andrews McNeel Publishing for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley.

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I love the colors and the art especially when the artist is putting candy hearts on other beings. I love the humor, especially in the Disney spoofs. Also, I saw myself and my boyfriend in several of these comics. Another great collection!

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It's funny, short and oddly relatable, what a great mix!

I am so glad I got this as an ARC because after a very, very long day, this was the pick me up I needed to relax on the train ride home (and maybe laugh out loud three or four times).

I loved and enjoyed every page of it and I hope you do, too.

(Free ARC from NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing that I chose to review after reading - Cross-posted on Goodreads on January 7th, 2025)

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A second none-more-arch look at relationships, with the statements of each character's current thinking adorning their heart-shaped head. But beware, these love hearts are not nearly as sweet as the ones bought from the candy store. It's all a simple way to point out how rarely we actually direct our innermost opinions, thoughts and facts to the significant people in our lives, but it's a way that works, and even if these images don't delight as cartoons, they're truisms, for sure.

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The Secret Lives of Candy Hearts is a relatable, funny graphic comic about what we are all thinking deep down. I could easily identify with many of the thoughts.

Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Pub for the advanced copy of this book.

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*4.5 stars*
I was already somewhat familiar with Tommy Siegel and his Candy Hearts comics, so I was excited to check out this new collection. I enjoyed reading the book, and it was a nice pick-me-up that had me literally laughing out loud at times. The statements are so blunt yet relatable, like seeing into what someone really thinks. I thought the pop-culture references were a nice touch. The art is colorful and portrays each situation well. I liked it as much as I hoped I would! Note: there are some f-bombs sprinkled in, so if you find that offensive, this might not be the book for you.

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for the advance review copy of The Secret Lives of Candy Hearts! Opinions in my review are completely my own.

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This comic had me chuckling throughout the entire thing. Many times I thought to myself, "this is too relatable", and had to share with my husband, who also got a laugh out of it. I might just have to purchase this one to keep on the coffee table!! Definitely a mood booster.

Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel!

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A humorous, enjoyable, and short read. I enjoyed that the humor didn't punch down. It was accessible and relatable to many different types of people. This would be a great gift for the comedy lover in your life.

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I loved seeing the candy hearts comics online so it was great to be able to read it in this format, so many relatable moments here,

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I loved this book!! Cannot wait until it is published on Jan. 7 2025! The Secret Lives of Candy Hearts by Tommy Siegel should be a coffee table book as well as be printed so that you can put the comics up on the walls as art!

The candy hearts say things people usually are thinking or wish they could say in those situations and tackle topics such as dating profiles, relationships, parent/child relationships, fairy tales, video games and more.

Just when I thought I found a favorite, I'd turn the page and find another! So many amazing ones! If you need a laugh, make sure to check out this book!!

Thank you to Tommy Siegel and Andrews McMeel Publishing I received this ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) through NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

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The Secret Lives of Candy Hearts was a delightfully frank and fresh look at real life. It was a quick read that was great for breaking through the monotony of daily life and wanting a laugh. The situations the candy hearts were in were familiar, and I found myself relating more than once. The humor fit a wide range of comedy, from flat-out hilarious to a drier, more serious wit, and I was entertained from the first page.

This book is perfect for someone looking for a few laughs and a bit of self-reflection. I guarantee you'll find a panel from this comic that reminds you of either yourself or someone you know. Fun book!

Thank you, NetGalley and Tommy Siegel, for the ARC to read!

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Tommy Siegel’s Candy Hearts comics reveal the most awkward and amusing truths about relationships, and since their viral debut in 2020, the inner world of Candy Hearts has only gotten stranger. This new collection of Candy Hearts comics explores topics like commitment, cohabitation, family dynamics, pets, dating apps, and wedding planning. 

This simple cartoon collection of Candy Hearts transversing the world of romance is surprisingly funny.
My favorite of the collection is the dating app profiles. Each shows the basic profile while the truth is illustrated on the Candy heart. Very hard not to find something you can relate to or something to make you chuckle. Equal as well done as volume one.
Recommended. Expected publishing date January 7, 2025
Thanks to @Netgalley and Andrew McNeel Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this eArc in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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