Member Reviews

Despite inexplicable resistance to the science of climate change, our more drastic weather and the increasing frequency of large storms are heralding a change for the worse. If humans worldwide are unable, or unwilling, to reduce their carbon footprint, do we all just need to move north (or to Mars if we’re rich enough)? Are there any scientific solutions on the horizon that will fix the problem without costing an arm and a leg? Dimming the Sun is one such solution. Unlike burying carbon dioxide, it is relatively inexpensive, costing billions not trillions of dollars. We have the rudimentary technology. Why aren’t we doing it already? This book details not only the science and the benefits but also the costs.
Dimming the Sun presents climate change as a fact. If you don’t believe it exists, then this book is not for you. But if you are anyone else, this book will show you why the world needs to act now to combat our climate’s issues—not twenty years from now when the costs, both financially and in human lives, will be much greater. 4 stars!
Thanks to NetGalley and The Experiment for providing me with an advanced review copy.