Member Reviews

Of the three David McCloskey CIA novels (Damascus Station and Moscow X), this was the best so far. It doesn't hurt that the hunt for a Russian mole at the top of the CIA carried strong similarities to Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (one of my faves), but the bulk of The Seventh Floor was wholly original.
More skin in the game, here, this felt more personal and dangerous. Quite a lot of ground covered with some extremely tense moments. I was glued to the action and though I was correct on guessing the mole, I still deeply enjoyed the journey of the investigation. I have to say that Artemis is such a super star. I love her wildness, sarcasm, humor and that we got to see more sides to her in this outing.
Oddly, each consecutive book shares a thread with the previous book. Foot torture for books one and two, adult diapers for books two and three. Do you reckon it's code? Looking forward to the next book with great relish.

This is the third of David McCloskey's series featuring CIA chief Artemis Procter. She sends Sam, her agent to Singapore where he is to meet a Russian agent who professes to have important information. It goes pear shaped, the agent is killed and Sam rendered back to Russia where he brutally interrogated. Eventually he is swapped, but by the time he gets home Procter has been sacked. Sam seeks her out, she is working on her uncle's alligator farm in Florida, and divulges what he has told no-one else - there is a mole at the top level of the CIA. They start to investigate, Sam is still on the staff at CIA and has access to documents.., but as soon as the mole has a whiff of suspicion Sam is also sacked. The mole hunt is on and the Russians authorise killing Procter and Sam. so the stakes are high. There's plenty of violent action and Procter is fully developed as a near psychopathic fighter, drinker, smoker and fornicator - a truly scary woman . Fast and furious like his previous books but on steroids iot a cracking good spy story.

It took me a while to get into this book. but once I did, I did enjoy it. Whilst I didn't find it a page turner initially, halfway through the tempo picked up and I was invested to see what happened. The writing is creative and I found myself immersed in the plot, it was clear that the writer had great understanding of the spy genre. And I'd be keen to explore other titles by this author.

The Seventh Floor is the third novel by David McCloskey but the first I have read. It is a fantastically involved spy thriller based around the exploits of CIA agent Artemis Procter.
As the author is an ex-CIA analyst he has an insight into the way the organisation works which adds to the interest.
I found the book fascinating and unputdownable. A very enjoyable read. which left me wanting more.

I enjoy a good spy espionage thriller and back years ago devoured John Le Carre books, to which I note that the author gives a nod in his acknowledgments. However I found the jargon just too in house and American for the book to read smoothly. The sentence structures were at odds and at some points just plain weird. I very much liked the characters of Sam and Artemis but being new to this author and not having read the previous two books, I struggled to keep other characters separated in my mind. Overall a good story but one that maybe could have benefited from being read by an editor with a newcomer’s eye so that McCloskey virgins could also enjoy the ride.

This is the third book in the series featuring Artemis Aphrodite Procter, the highly intelligent, sometimes rogue, CIA agent. The previous books were set during overseas missions, and this one starts with a compromised Singapore mission. Procter is demoted then ousted by an old friend but cannot ignore what is happening to her colleagues so is soon working on outing the traitor. In my opinion it's the best in the series (so far!) and an exciting, funny, thrilling read, with lots of twists in the plot and links to the previous novels.

Thanks to @netgalley for the copy of this book!
Having read @mccloskeybooks last 2 books, Damascus Station & Moscow X, I have very high hopes for this one, and it certainly did not disappoint!
I love the fact that the characters have been in all 3 books in some way, shape, or form, and that this time, the main character is Artemis Aphrodite Procter. She deserves it! She is a character you can't help but love, she has her very own unique style and she has been written so well!
You are constantly kept guessing throughout, and it is fast-paced, full of espionage drama! It was also nice to get some closure at the end of the book, and it tied everything off, so well!
I would highly recommend giving this one a go, although read the others first so you get an understanding of all the history and characters!

The Seventh Floor is a fast paced spy thriller (which seemed inspired by John Le Carre) and centres around the search for a mole at the top levels of the CIA. The characters have appeared before in McCloskey’s two previous books, which I haven’t read, and that felt like it mattered. It took me a while to connect with them and the story but I enjoyed it once I got going.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in return for an honest review.

I have not read any David McCloskey books before, but I love a good spy novel and had run out of Mick Herons whose review, incidentally, drew me to 'The Seventh Floor'. As he says of McCloskey 'A rare combination of experience and talent'. So, the positives. McCloskey knows the workings of the CIA from the inside which immediately captures the imagination and satisfies the need to be nosy. Who doesn't want to know what goes on there? His plotting is good. Without giving anything away, a limited number of characters could be implicated in the workings of the plot - any of whom, if exposed for what they are, will break the heart of the protagonist Artemis Procter. The plot moves us around the globe, maintaining a strong sense of place and without feeling gratuitous. I have not met the characters before - perhaps they have been in previous novels - but they feel believable within the context of the intelligence community. On the negative side, I found the book's opening overly long and slow - perhaps a problem of editing rather than writing and the pace in general needed work - again a good edit would have fixed this. There were scenes (a baseball match for instance) that could have been cut entirely which would have helped with pacing. Another peeve is sloppy copy editing. The main character's surname was spelt both Procter and Proctor.

Another episode in the Sam Joseph/Artemis Proctor espionage series that does what it says on the tin and delivers a twisting tale of double agents and ultimately revenge. Starting with Sam taken by the Russians in a casino hotel and then mentally tortured in a secret location outside Moscow. Artemis meanwhile has left the CIA under a cloud and believe it or not is wrestling alligators in Florida! When Sam is released the hunt for the Russian agent is undertaken by Sam and Artemis secretly. The ongoing hunt is entertaining but with a tragic twist . Altogether a satisfactory read.

Goodreads Review
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)
The Seventh Floor by David McCloskey is a fast-paced, fun spy novel that kept me hooked from start to finish. It’s packed with the usual twists and turns you’d expect from the genre, with an ending that really delivered.
While I thoroughly enjoyed it, I didn’t find it quite as gripping as Damascus Station. Still, McCloskey proves again that he’s a master of crafting intelligent, thrilling espionage stories. A great read for fans of spy fiction!

McCloskey's third book that brings together his 2 main characters again, Sam Joseph and Artemis Procter.
Operating outside the CIA, hunting a Russian mole, McCloskey brings the ethos of Smiley up to date.
The tension and insider perspective common to Damascus Station and Moscow X is here, moving the narrative between Langley, Singapore and Florida.
I think its his best yet, great page turner, highly recommended

Mccloskey has brought the spy story genre into the 21st century. LeCarré, Forsyth and the like are so strongly associated with spy books, it’s not easy to break the mould. I love those books, but McCloskey ratchets up the pace to what feels like a real for now tale. Especially with a female lead as strong as Proctor. In this outing she’s out of favour, but as expected, she’s brought back into the fold and dep,it’s all her skills in finding a mole. It’s classic espionage stuff, but delivered with lace and panache. There’s a strong sense of realism and what feels like a real peek behind the closed doors of Langley. It’s a world most of us know little about and I’m sure McCloskey has brought his personal knowledge and experience into play in each of these stories.
This is another fast paced and intricate take of moles, double dealing, betrayal and more with the cat and mouse game played out across the world. Everything I hoped for and then some. Mccloskey is a truly brilliant storyteller and I’m already hankering for more.

I came to this author and series new so I found getting into the book difficult. This is apparently the third in a series and I would most definitely recommend that anyone starting here, goes back and finds the first two books to read first. You will already know the premise from the blurb about the novel but I think the background built up in the first two books is vital to taking on the complex story running through this one.

I loved the first book in this series but struggled with the previous one and again with this one,for some reason I just cannot connect to the writing and feel maybe this is more my fault than the authors but this again was a DNF for me,apologies

Another well-written book by McCloskey. I did struggle to get into this book though. There is so much detail and so many characters that I kept losing track. Unfortunately, I read for 45 minutes to an hour each night but I felt the book needed reading in bigger chunks. I should have saved it for my next 4 - 5 hour flight. I have rated 4 stars for the book rather than my enjoyment as I'm sure many will really enjoy it.

I’ve read and enjoyed the previous espionage books by this author so was excited to receive this review copy.
However unfortunately I found it very hard going and difficult to get in to.
As is the case in such circumstances I gave the book a chance reading up to 25% but decided at that point not to finish it.
I could not get excited about the characters despite knowing them from the earlier novels. The plot was detailed but I got very bogged down with all the minutiae and really cared little about what was going on.
Obviously this is my opinion and others might feel differently about the book.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my advance copy.

Former CIA analyst David McCloskey burst onto the espionage fiction scene with his blistering debut Damascus Station, set in Syria in 2011 and following the exploits of analyst Sam Joseph. He followed this up with the even better Moscow X, a more contemporary novel which followed the team run by Sam’s former Chief of Station, Artemis Proctor. Joseph and Proctor are back in McCloskey’s third, and no less tense, outing, The Seventh Floor.
The Seventh Floor opens with a blown operation in Singapore. Sam Joseph has gone there to meet up with a Soviet informant. The informant gives Sam the high level information but before they can meet Sam is kidnapped by Russian agents and spirited away to Moscow where he is systematically tortured for that information. Meanwhile, back in America, Artemis Proctor finds herself on the outer as the CIA is taken over by a new head and Deputy Director Operations, with whom she has a checkered history. As a result, no one listens when she realises that Sam’s capture was possibly as a result of a mole in the organisation Proctor she is soon drummed out. When Sam finally returns, he confirms to Proctor that there is a traitor in the ranks, and it is likely one of four people, three of whom are her oldest friends. Proctor and Jospeh begin an off books operation to find out who the traitor is.
McCloskey is open about the fact that The Seventh Floor owes some of its styling to John Le Carre’s classic tale of espionage Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy and even drops a couple of Easter eggs to that end. But The Seventh Floor is not that book, and while the jumping off point may be similar, this is its own, modern, tense creature. As with the other books in this series, McCloskey keeps the tension higher by giving readers a glimpse into the opposing forces and setting up the roadblocks that his main characters are going to face. In this case that includes following a pair of deep cover Russian agents tasked with murder.
Pairing Artemis Proctor and Sam Joseph again is a treat for fans of this series. Proctor is a wildcard – hard drinking, hard living - but with a strong sense of duty and justice. Joseph is more down the line but has shown his grit a number of times now in torture situations and can stray from the rules when necessary. They are a formidable pair but also have a sweet ongoing mentor/mentee relationship.
The Seventh Floor is another great entry in this espionage series by an author who improves in his craft with every outing. Tense from start to finish but McCloskey also slows down to consider the lifelong connections that his characters have and the history that they bring with them, creating some real poignancy at times. A number of storylines wrap up in this book, making it feel like the natural end of a trilogy. But there is plenty of scope for McCloskey to return to this world. Whether he does or turns to something new, there are likely to be plenty of readers eagerly awaiting what comes next.

4* The Seventh Floor - David McCloskey's third instalment of the Artemis Proctor series is an absolute gem, bringing le Carre style slow-burn to the modern messy CIA.
A Russian agent commits suicide as his fellow servicemen round on him. Another Russian is keen to sell a secret to the CIA but is despatched before he can do so, and the CIA officer he was due to meet is captured. As the fall out gathers pace, Artemis Proctor finds herself being blamed and run out of the Service. Fitting the pieces together, she convinces herself that there is a mole buried deep within the CIA and she needs to find out who.
What an incredible book The Seventh Floor is. Sometimes claustrophobic and frantic, at other times plodding along with the pace of an op in real time - it really keeps readers on their toes. McCloskey is brilliant with tradecraft and characters but he also pitches the level of detail and the complexity of the plot at just the right level. It will have you guessing throughout. It really is a master spy novel.
While this is the third in the series (and I always advocate starting from the beginning, not least because Damascus Station is brilliant), this would also work well as a standalone.
Thanks to Swift Press and Netgalley for an ARC.

While the overall premise of this novel was promising, the execution sadly was a disappointment. While well written, the characters are unsympathetic, often unpleasant and overly petty for what should be a professional environnment. As such it lacked credibility, and at times became dull. Will not be returning to this author.