Member Reviews

This is a very well-written blend of two genres. It effectively and uniquely combines science fiction with elements of detective noir. The protagonist, Duster Raines, is portrayed as a complex and compelling character, grappling with inner demons and the implications of his alternate reality. Take the strong character development, vivid backdrop descriptions and exciting action scenes while adding in occasional dry humor and this book turned into a true page-turner. I was fascinated with the picture painted of the parallel universe and futuristic settings. The story explores themes of identity, betrayal, and the corrupting influence of power while keeping you on the edge of your seat.

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You know the Pixies song Where is My Mind? If you don’t you should. I kept asking myself this question as I was reading this book. My mind kept wandering to different places. It didn’t stay with the story. My feet never got under me in this story as I tried to remember what it was every time I picked it up. The characters were hard for me to identify with. When I was reading, I could get into it some. But, overall, it kept leaving me because I never felt a connection to it.

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I'm having a lot of trouble articulating my thoughts on this book. I really enjoyed it while I was reading, but didn't feel the need to continue whenever I put it down. I didn't particularly like Duster or feel compelled by his character - everyone else in this story was much more interesting. I saw another review saying that this felt like a movie, and I fully agree. I think this is one of the few cases where a movie adaptation might be more effective than a book, and I would definitely pay money to go see it.

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2.5, rounded down.

This is basically a summer blockbuster sci-fi movie. When I read the author's bio and saw he's from film, I was like, yeah, this tracks.

There's even the cheesy dialogue like "we've got company!" and "well, that was awkward."

I enjoyed the first half more than the second. It all got a little too ridiculous with instant memory downloads, leet hacking, eyeroll worthy dialogue, and some weird instabonding between the MC and a kid. Plus I think I read the line "I let out the breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding," maybe six times?

The last chapter was also obviously what would be the final voice-over at the end of the movie... Leaving room for a sequel, of course!

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Nice little sci fi action thriller. Mendoza is a completely new to me author and I can’t even remember what drew me towards this book. Likely the cover or description but either way, this was great introduction to Mendoza.

The story is a bit complicated but mostly follows Duster Raines, former soldier/LEO officer who now spends his days as drunk as tolerable while picking up work as a private investigator. Things get pretty wonky fast and this book veers from a standard crime thriller into something much more complicated. We have parallel universes, competing timelines and some wild aliens.

The characters were solid although Raines felt a bit cliche in his detective role. His random bond with Juan was a bit sudden but I still enjoyed Raines, Juan and Carla. Around the halfway point the book starts exploring these themes of multiverses and wormholes and the plot fractures somewhat. Between the various characters we meet, their shades and these competing factions for control of reality things get a bit murky. There’s a few characters who I’m still not sure are benevolent or not. This definitely feels like Mendoza is setting the stage for further books in this series.

Also around the halfway point the book veers into more cinematic territory as well. Some of the dialogue and action scenes felt a bit cliched and convenient toward the last third of the story.

Overall I still really enjoyed the read. I’d absolutely be willing to check out a sequel (if written) as multiverse and sci fi thrillers are definitely in my wheelhouse. This is a pretty solid example of both and I look forward to seeing what Medoza puts out in the future.

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Thank you to the publishers – Inkshares - for giving me access to this book as an E-ARC via Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

Drawn in by the beautiful cover and the interesting synopsis, I’m saddened to say I didn’t connect to this story at all. We follow PI Duster Raines and a sort of urban fantasy-like world where Raines gets roped into a missing persons case.

For me, this was merely okay, but hey, what’s not a good fit for me is a great fit for someone else and that is fine!

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Well written and evenly paced tale of an almost stereotypical hard-boiled detective who discovers he has the ability to access alternate universes, via his 'Shade' (a quasi clone of himself), who has ambitions of ruling the Universe (of course). The story benefits from a first person narration, and would fit well in the MCU. Hopefully this is the first of a series, as the novel ends after a climatic battle, and with the potential for more.

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Thank you Netgalley and publisher for this ARC. It is unfortunate that this book is not for me. I don't think I'm the right audience for this book.

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to avoid damaging your rating, I won't post my review for this book.
The opening tone and cover are similar to the Nightside dark-fantasy detective novels by Simon Green. However, the prolog is rough, with missing punctuation, frequent fragments, and awkward word choices. The main character in chapter one is repulsive, criminal, and unsympathetic. A global search and replace inserted an extra t in front of every ellipse, indicating a need for proofreading. I stopped after chapter one when he beat an officer unconscious for a legit traffic stop.

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This was a fantastic book. I really enjoyed every second I spent reading it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Shadow of the Eternal Watcher by Josh Mendoza is a fusion of noir mystery and sci-fi all wrapped up in a blockbuster format.

As a single, broke, alcoholic with PTSD, private detective Duster Raines hasn’t got a lot going for him.

In desperate need of cash, he agrees to meet Madison Andrews to investigate the disappearance of her husband, Dr. Andrews. Little does he know that this case will plunge him into unknown depths. He uncovers secret tunnels, a green stone that casts weird shadows of himself and robot dogs; all whilst eluding a group of elite mercenaries who are tailing him.

We can definitely see Mendoza’s background in screenwriting shine through in this novel as the action sequences are as if plucked right out of a film. Raines’ inner struggles mixed with a high stakes plot really strike a great balance between psychological depth and action.

The cast of characters is great, the plot is well thought out and leaves us wanting more at the end; perhaps a sequel is on the cards?

I was really hooked until the end and could definitely see this as a movie.

Fans of noir mysteries with a supernatural edge will eat this up.

Thanks to Josh Mendoza, Inkshares and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Facebook was pretty good. This story is interesting, but it was also scary and creepy at times. I like that a time travel/time bending themes in this book. It was a bit dense and it was hard to get through at points.

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complementary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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This was a strong entry in this genre, it had that overall feel that I was looking for and enjoyed going on this journey with the characters. The characters were written well and was engaged with how realistic they were. Josh Mendoza has a great writing style and left me wanting to read more in this world.

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