Member Reviews

I've been a fan of Jonathan McReynolds' music for a while and was excited to hear he was writing a memoir. This book was enjoyable with its mix of his stories, verses, and other wisdom from his life. Overall it was a like not a love for me.

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I had to remove my deconstruction mindset before diving into this book. It's relatable and honest. Not only does the author give Biblical examples, he gives real life examples. And one of the great things about it is how he didn't always mention names, but situations we as regular people can get caught up in. I learned a lot about it. You're going to want to make sure you have a physical copy, so you can go back and reference when needed.

I received a copy of the book via the publisher for a tour from Hear Our voices and am voluntarily leaving an honest review of my own thoughts and opinions

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I’m a big fan of Jonathan McReynolds, so I was excited to listen to this audiobook by him that he narrates. This book was part memoir and part motivational, and I really enjoyed every second of it. Jonathan McReynolds is a very relatable person, and I was also able to relate to him in this book. There were so many good nuggets included that I found myself re-listening to certain parts.

McReynolds put his heart and soul into this book, he is a man that is wiser than his years. He has always given me warmth and authenticity, and it flowed through to this book. I feel that “the climb” is something everyone has struggled with in one way or another. This story offers encouragement, advice, and Biblical wisdom, as well as tips for shifting our mindsets.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers of the book and audiobook for the ARC and ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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McReynolds brings you alongside his journey and imparts wisdom that will help you as well. It was a well written book and easy to follow along. You will gain spiritual knowledge as well as you read this.

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The best thing about “Before You Climb Any Higher” is how relatable it is for any age group or faith member to understand. It is jammed packed with life lessons, thought-provoking moments and scenarios, and steps to handle a variety of things. By the time I completed the story, I understood that before I pursue my mountain top, I have got to have a stable foundation, or “valley” as mentioned in the story.
And once the climb is completed, “Continue to exhale self and inhale God, one step at a time, until you make it home to the valley.” The author also stated “Remember that as you progress up your mountain, you will eventually notice its scarcity.” If this wasn’t the word I needed!
I found myself highlighting passages at a time because in this season of my life, moving up the “ladder” and success is the goal, and the book helped put things into perspective. Yes, I want to reach the mountain top, but what will I do when I get there? Do I have the tools to withstand any hurdles? Am I strong enough mentally, and what type of support system do I have for those moments when I “can’t”. All of these questions were asked and answered in a variety of ways throughout the book and I was making sure that I was taking notes.
Absolutely recommend this book!

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It’s part memoir, part Christian self help, part sermon, part advice to new Christians. But it’s mainly a guide on how to navigating greatness, service and Christianity. He is squarely at the intersection of all 3. He touches lightly on his rise to fame and burn out. Although I can relate to the pressure of ministry and the tolll it can take on your health, ultimately I wasn’t the target audience for this one. I think that would be his peers and there aren’t too many people on this level. A lot of us aren’t concerned with the mountain top. I do wish he had gone more into the pressure of maintaining the facade at times. Pouring into others when your own cup is in need of replenishment.

At one point he said he would probably go deep into his bout with depression in another book, sir how about this book!? Seems the earnestness I sought in this one will be in the next. Still a great read for people in similar situations, just not relevant to the masses.

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I’m a huge fan of Nonfiction Christian books, but o could not get into this one. I found the writing to be really repetitive. After getting through 53% of the book, there wasn’t any progress being made. It’s clear that he’s a well known, Grammy award winning artist who had a thing for women and who was obviously at the peak of his career. Throw in a few Bible scriptures and you have his book.

This may be great for someone dealing with similar things in their life, but for me, it was a huge miss.

I did not finish this book, but I did read until the 53% mark…just over halfway.

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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In Before You Climb Any Higher, Jonathan McReynolds delivers a spiritually enriching and motivational guide that encourages readers to build a solid foundation before pursuing greater heights in life. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical wisdom, McReynolds offers practical insights on faith, humility, and intentional growth. His conversational tone and heartfelt advice make this book a relatable and inspiring read for those seeking purpose and clarity in their journey. A must-read for anyone striving to align their ambitions with their values.

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