Member Reviews

(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

When Caitlyn ventures into the rough, tough world of the South Australian opal fields on a mission to find her estranged father she instead discovers a half-sister she knew nothing about and learns that her father is missing and suspected of a crime.
Dale is a former city lawyer-turned-lapidary hiding out in Minagoona after death threats endanger him and his daughter. When Caitlyn approaches him for help finding her father, he’s reluctant, but attracted by her determination to right the wrongs dealt to her family. His sense of justice is very much like hers, but when his daughter’s life was threatened by men who wanted him to break the law for them, he fled to protect the child he loves.
Still the more Dale gets to know Caitlyn, the more he realizes he can’t let her go up against organized crime on her own—which is exactly what she proposes when she sets out to clear her father’s name. No matter what, he’ll do his damnedest to keep her safe—even if it means exposing himself and his daughter to the men who want to kill them…

*4.5 stars*

I need to apologise for not writing this review earlier - I thought I had done so. Usually when I read a book I enjoyed, I am pretty quick to put up the review but, somehow, I missed this one.

I do enjoy books set in Australia, and am really loving the talent emerging from the Australian writing scene. Claire Baxter is hardly a "new" author - she has written many books across a few genres but this book was the first "thriller" of hers I had read.

To start with, let me say that, apparently, this is billed as a romantic thriller - I have to say I didn't really notice the romance. Not that it wasn't there - just that it wasn't as in your face as some others I have read. It really was the suspense that kept me turning the pages...

The setting - in the opal mining region of South Australia - is a beautiful landscape (as an Australian, I have been lucky to visit that part of the country a few times) and it is presented really well here. I really did have a sense of being there, could feel the heat and the dust. I really appreciated that aspect of this novel.

Another stand out was the suspense. For me, I felt there was a moment where things built to a climax about halfway along...and then we are given a bit of a reprieve before being thrust back into the dizzying mystery and thrilling storyline. That was a real winner for me.

The only real negative for me was Caitlyn herself. I just wasn't as emotionally invested in her story as I was, for some reason, in the story of others such as Dale, Max and Brenda, in particular. Their places in this book were more intriguing to me than that of Caitlyn...but that is only a minor complaint, really.

Definitely recommended!


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