Member Reviews

I like this book!! It was interesting and had some good ideas! i do definitely agree that women need friends, family, and support. It was a good book and had lots of ideas and options women can do to support each other.

Thank you to NetGalley, to the author, and to the publisher for this complimentary ARC in exchange for my honest review!!!

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From the second I opened this book, I was inspired to action. It made me feel not alone and encouraged me to get comfortable navigating this role as mother instead of feeling like I should have it together on my own.

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This book was relatable AF. Eye opening. There are phrases that make you have Ah Ha moments. Things like "We can't connect if there's no one around to connect to". The internet and our current culture has made it so easy to avoid contact with other people. Simply put, we can decrease isolation by increasing the number of people we encounter. Another great takeaway - "Small talk has it's purpose; it's a 'verbal wave' & a gateway to common ground".

I've felt extremely isolated since the birth of my third child. My best friend moved away and I'm farther from my sister than I had been. I've thought often that I should have a village, but wasn't sure where to start.

Enter Melissa Wirt & her awesome book I Was Told There'd Be a Village. It took me 10 days to read this one, and it's not because it wasn't fantastic! It's because there is a lot of reflection that comes with changing your mindset. Each chapter gives small action steps you could try. And try I am.

Thank you SO much to the author for the well researched and actionable ideas to building a village. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. If you're a mom (or parent) and you've ever wondered where your village is, I encourage you to read this book and take action to creating one for yourself.

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