Member Reviews

A simple and concise look at how the U.S. government functions. It explains all three branches of government, delves into how Congress and the President are elected, and the important steps that citizens take to be involved. It also engages the reader with questions each chapter that allow them to think about the bigger picture. Of course it’s the bare minimum as it’s meant for kids, but it’s a solid introduction that doesn’t feel too overwhelming.

This will make an informative and crucial addition to any kid’s bookshelf (and some adults too 👀).

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was just telling my husband I want to find a really good book for our kids to learn about the government. My sister works in the government in DC, and not many books explain it well. This should be in each school for kids! This book was phenomenal.

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This is a great summary of the US Government for middle readers and would be great for use in a classroom.

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This book is an excellent introduction to the major concepts of government, breaking down complex ideas into an easy-to-understand format. While designed for kids, I found it to be a great refresher as an adult. Sometimes, revisiting the basics helps reinforce a deeper understanding of how our political system operates.

One area where the book could have gone further is explaining the role of political parties, particularly the two-party system in the U.S. Since it covers democracy as a whole, adding context about Republicans and Democrats would have made it even more informative. Additionally, while the book includes illustrations, I think more visual aids—such as charts or diagrams—would have been more helpful than the character images provided.

Overall, this is a solid resource for parents looking to teach their children about government in a clear and unbiased way. It simplifies essential concepts without overwhelming young readers, making it a valuable tool for civic education.

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The book was written with a lot of information which is great for classroom use. Overall, the book was well written and I did really enjoy it. Thank you for this advance reading copy!

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I think this is a GREAT and valuable resource for helping to teach kids about our government! There’s a whole lot of information packed into these pages and at times it can feel monotonous but what this book gets right is making sure they gear the information toward children.

The pictures and diagrams do a lot to keep things moving forward by offering the reader variety. I love the call to action in the back of the book by giving the kids a reason WHY they should care as well as the glossary and index which make it easy to go back and focus on specific topics.

Thanks NetGalley for the preview of this resource!

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This is a great primer for teaching children about the three main branches of the US government. I think it is best for ages 8-10. The art is great at illustrating concepts for visual learners, and the opening comparison to a school makes clear why a government needs to exist. I also really appreciated the discussion questions. Though I wish the book had talked a little more about one purpose of the government being to protect rights, this is overall a detailed and accurate book appropriate for upper-elementary-age learners!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the free eARC! I post this review with my honest opinions. I will post this review on Goodreads, Amazon, and Instagram within one week of publication.

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How the U.S. Government Works: A Kid’s Guide to Civics by Syl Sobel is a nonfiction guide to understanding the United States government suitable for children ages 7-10. This is a newly updated and improved version of the book. This book does a wonderful job explaining the basics of the United States government in a way children will be able to understand. It provides a glossary in the back for more difficult to understand terms, and diagrams to understand processes, and a comprehensive summary. The book covers the three branches of the government, the responsibilities of the president, how bills become laws, taxes, what judges do, and more. It would be a great resource for homeschooling and supplemental education.

How the U.S. Government Works: A Kid’s Guide to Civics is written in a textbook format and, as such, is very text heavy. The book provides a ton of information and is easy to understand. It provides questions at the end of each topic to help engage children in the conversation and provide them with critical thinking opportunities.

My only issue with this book is the use of illustrations. This book is targeted for younger children, but is very text heavy. While there are several useful diagrams, the images used throughout the book are black and white drawings that do not do much to hold a child’s interest or reinforce the points being made. Several pages hold nothing but text. Though the information provided is good, I could see a child easily becoming bored during the reading because of this.

** Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Kids for a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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“How the U.S. Government Works” by Syl Sobel J.D. is an informative nonfiction book about the three branches of the government. The book is text-heavy and illustrations are black-and-white but it breaks down complex topics into easy-to-understand short chapters. This book will be an excellent addition to any elementary school library, classroom, or homeschool curriculum supplement.
Thanks to NetGallery and Sourcebooks for an advanced copy of this eBook in exchange for my honest review.

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