Member Reviews

Lighthearted, quick read with a fun cast of characters. Although the plot did involve a few more complex issues, the story was mostly enjoyable but predictable.

Katherine Center has done it again.
This is a sweet, lovely, funny and heartwarming romance.
Katie's personal growth arc really stands out in this book.
I appreciate Center's skill at character development and immersive environments she creates.
I wish "The Love Haters" had a few more scenes between MCs at the end. Their dynamic was fun and I wanted a bit more.
Center's author's statement was on point, as was her statement in "The Rom-Commers." I would read a book full of her essays on storytelling.

3.5 Stars
I’m a big Katherine Center fan. Her books are often fast-paced and the perfect mix of sweetness and humor. Every book I have read has felt unique–The Love Haters included. While I did like this book, I did not enjoy it as much as her others. I realize this book is also about Katie finding self-love as much as it was about finding a partner, but I needed a bit more from Katie and Hutch. I would still recommend it as it was a quick, delightful read.
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I always enjoy Katherine Center's books. They are filled with characters that make me smile yet deal with serious topics. This book was no exception.
The story was a light and predictable rom com with delightful characters. The ending was suspenseful. Although I felt too much time was spent on Katie's body image obsession, I applaud Katherine Center for bringing attention to this issue.
Thank you, St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this entertaining book.

omg thank you so so much netgalley & st martin’s press for this arc !!
well.. katherine center… has done it again …
this book was so refreshingly funny & sweet & charming & emotional & just lovely!!
the romance in this book was between hutch & katie & it gave me actual butterflies 🥹 it was just 2 characters who were so perfect for each other u could rlly FEEL it <3
the thing i enjoyed most about the story was katie’s individual journey … she deals w a whole lot regarding her self-esteem & her character growth throughout made me wanna cry by the end !!
my only complaint (as is my complaint w all katherine center books) is that i need the male pov!!!! i feel like there’s still something missing from hutch’s character & if there was ever a book that needed dual pov it was this one!!
still tho i loved this sooooo much .. very close to perfect! 4.5💫
(perfect for abby jimenez fans!!! katherine center & her have very similar senses of humor & writing styles)

Katherine Center's newest novel is like a warm hug on a cold day. It follows Katie, a lovable videographer, on assignment to Key West, Florida. In Key West, Katie meets Rue, the color-loving "aunt" of Hutch, who is the subject of her video assignment. Katie is tasked with making a promotional video of Hutch, who is a tall, handsome rescue swimmer for the United States Coast Guard. As Katie learns about the Coast Guard and Hutch, so do we. The somewhat predictable and at the same time outrageous plot did not detract from the classic elements of a great romantic comedy. Katie makes me laugh, cry, and examine my relationship with my body.

Katherine Center always delights. The Love Haters follows The Bodyguard, Hello Stranger, and The Rom-Commers in her recent lineup of feel good rom-coms that give the reader a sense of hope and happiness. This book, however, struck me as less of a romance and more of a book about growth. Katie is a documentary filmmaker who is given the opportunity to film a promotional video for the US Coast Guard. With her job on the line, Katie immediately agrees, deciding to figure out how to deal with the fact that she can’t swim and will have to pass a swimming test of sorts before she is allowed to go out with the USCG to film. Not to mention that Katie has some pretty severe body image issues stemming from childhood and won’t put on a swimsuit. With incredible support from her cousin/best friend Beanie, her new landlady Rue, and the man she was sent to profile, Hutch, Katie learns to love individual things about her body until she manages to form a positive relationship with herself. While, yes, there is some major sexual tension with Hutch and an ultimate love story at the end of the day, I felt like the true crux of this book was Katie learning to love herself and her body.
This book read like all of Katherine Center’s books - joyfully, hopefully, and quickly. I said it before in my review of The Rom-Commers, and I’ll say it again: If you are a fan of happiness, you will be a fan of Katherine’s books. I find it impossible to read one and not feel like your heart is full when you finish.
4.5/5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC!

If Katherine Center writes it, I will read it. This read has everything a great romance needs, lovable characters, great banter, adorable side characters and heartwarming situations. We follow Katie who is focused on saving her career and willing to take any job asked of her, even if she is not qualified. Bonus is that she is recovering from an interesting relationship as well. The job she gets leads us to meet Hutch, a Coast Guard rescue swimmer, who is having a video created to recruit those interested in the Coast Guard, but he also just so happens to have recently saved a pup and became social media famous not only for the rescue but also for his good looks. The issue with Hutch is that he is known as a Love Hater from his brother. But can anyone really hate love, is that possible? Upon arriving at Key West Katie embarks on a journey of growth and self-discovery. She is not about to let a grump ruin her career. And Hutch has some serious reasons why he isn't super excited to be making any videos. Can both overcome their obstacles and realize that love isn't always bad? If you enjoy a sweet romance, great banter, strong supporting characters that add so much love and joy to the story, an adorable rescue pup who happens to be afraid of thunder and believe in love this is the perfect read for you!
Thank you, Katherine, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for my eBook. It wasn't expected I would leave any positive feedback, just my honest opinions.

Thank you St. Martin’s Press for the advanced reader copy.
It had a bit of everything in it and will suit any mood you're in!

Katherine Center consistency gives joy. Not only is this a super fun love story, but it’s a deep story of the FMC’s self love journey too. I found Katie to be so relatable, and I loved her found family with Rue & The Gals. I think we all need The Gals in our lives. Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press & NetGalley for this ARC.

Katie Vaughn is still getting over the trauma of her very public breakup with her now famous ex. Desperate to keep her mid-level video production job, she agrees to do a a profile on the perpetually frowning Tom “Hutch” Hutchinson, a coast guard rescue swimmer who happened to go viral saving Jennifer Aniston’s beloved pup. But as Katie gets entangled in Hutch’s daily life in the Florida Keys, she is forced to confront some of her greatest fears and insecurities, all while not getting fired.
Let me start by saying that my favorite character in this story is the very gentle giant, George Bailey, a Great Dane rescued by Hutch and a dog who is hard not to fall in love with. He pretty much stole the show in every single scene he was in. And having just watched It’s a Wonderful Life over Christmas break, the name definitely put a smile on my face every single time I read it. The second star of the show? It’s easily The Gals as they are so fondly referred to, a group of retirees who swim, drink cocktails and mettle, but who are the group of friends everyone needs in their life.
While this book didn’t necessarily blow me away like some of Katherine Center’s others, it’s still a wonderfully charming story about loss, friendship and learning to love yourself as much as you love others. Katie is a solid MC who is so easy to relate to (I am pretty sure I have had many of the same self conversations) and Hutch is a total sweetheart. What stands out about this book is the laugh out loud humor, including one scene involving a big dog, splinters, and Katie’s haunches (iykyk) that made me laugh so hard I cried. I usually save KC’s books for when I need a life pick me up and this one did not disappoint.
Read if you like:
▪️coast guard hero
▪️quasi-hollywood romance
▪️grumpy x sunshine
▪️forced proximity
▪️dogs named George Bailey
▪️fun side characters
▪️romcoms with heart
▪️Key West setting
Thank you St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy.

It's Katherine Center—what's not to love? Once again, she delivers a compelling storyline with characters I adored, even the occasionally annoying and conniving co-worker, Cole. Katie and Hutch navigate a heartfelt tug-of-war with their feelings, ultimately finding their way to a satisfying conclusion. In today's world, I'm grateful for a well-crafted, closed-door romance with relatable characters.

Katherine Center fans will love The Love Haters.
I've been reading some sad books lately, so I knew I had to pick up something that would make me laugh out loud, and The Love Haters was it. KC always delivers smiles, laughs, and love.
In the case of The Love Haters, she also delivered thrills and a tense ocean-rescue scene. But what can you expect when our love interest is a handsome coast guard.
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance digital copy of this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Katie and Hutch have so much delicious chemistry. This is low spice but great build up and tension. This is a book filled with love stories. Yes theres the overarching story of Hutch and Katie but also Rue and Cole and The Gals and George Bailey and Beanie and how they show up and interact and fill in the cracks of others. Another beautiful love story from Katherine Center that I couldn’t put down. Her Author’s Notes are always something I look forward to as well. Seeing romance through her mind and words is not only inspiring but truly full of sage insights. Yes 👏 yes 👏 yes 👏!

This was such a fun read! It was a mix between love, laughter, and lies! It was a feel good romantic read and it will definitely be on the top of my list!

This started a little rough for me, but ended with a bang! I loved the drama and heart that Katherine Center is so good at conveying. Hutch is a deliciously good MMC. I wanted more background on our FMC, but I still enjoyed her. Overall, a worthwhile read! She’s out in May!!!!

This was probably my favorite Katherine Center book so far! It was so easy to fall in love with both of the main characters and the charming supportive characters. I would happily read more books about The Gals! I loved the way the author tackled Katie's relationship to her body in this book. It wasn't overly heavy, but the writing really let you slip into Katié's head and heart. The dialogue had me laughing out loud, and I loved Hutch. This book was a total home run for me!

This was my FAVORITE read of the year. 10/10.
Hutch sees Katie, Rue sees Katie, Beanie sees Katie, they truly see her. Through love, trials, and trying new scary things, Katie learns to see herself as they do. And along the way, she finds love for herself.
I really feel that every time I read a Katherine Center book, it hits on topics that I am healing from and changes my perspective on certain things. I started this book around 10 PM yesterday and finished at at four in the morning today.
I wish there was a penny emoji, but alas this will do, ¢
“I’ve got your cottage all ready,” she said then. “But I think first you need some clothes. And some food. Though I’m not sure in what order.” I wasn’t sure, either. “Clothes first, I think,” she decided then. “My treat. Then a late lunch. Also my treat.” I loved her instantly. How could I not? Plus, she said she was going to let me turn in my rental car and “rent” her Mini Cooper—for a very nominal fee.“
“Did you know you have a little pie piece of brown in one of your eyes?” I held still. “Yes.”“Not really a pie piece, even, because the edges are blurry, like it was airbrushed.”
“A fearless seventy-year-old from the jump. And I said as much. “No one’s born fearless,” Rue said. “You have to earn it.” Then she added, gesturing at the swimsuit dangling from my hand, “Every time you have to be brave, you get to be a little braver next time. That’s what life is for.”
“It’s just a fact. It’s just reality. You’re just . . . You’re like a human hot-fudge sundae or something.”
Thank you so much Netgally & Katherine Center for this arc.

Was so excited to get accepted for the ARC of this book! I absolutely adored The Love Haters. I could not put it down! I wanted to scream at the characters, I cried at some point, I got giddy because I now have the hots for a fictional coast guard, and I truly loved the wonderful giant lap dog! I am so excited for the release of this book and for everyone else to get their hands on it! It was so cute!

I figured I would love this book just based on the cover alone. I was indeed right!
I could not put this book down once I started. I found myself relating to out FMC Katie more and more by each chapter - minus the jilting. It was a pleasure to witness her overcoming her fears and insecurities on her own. She of course had a great support system but Katherine Center really highlighted that the work must be done by you.
I loved the dynamic Hutch and Katie had. I was enamored by their openness to one another. By Hutch’s attention to detail and his love for those around him. He had to overcome a lot to be the person he is today and it only made me appreciate him more.
This book would not be what it is without Rue - the woman with the biggest heart. I cried profusely hearing her story. I will carry her and her joyful energy with me everywhere. As a reminder that there is kindness all around even when times are dark.
I will leave you with my favorite Katie moment from The Love Haters “That longing to be lovable… That’s really also so much about wanting to be connected and safe and just deeply, fundamentally OK? Maybe we didn’t have to outsource that maybe we could fill that longing for ourselves“
Thank you to NetGalley for sharing this advanced copy with me in exchange for an honest review.