Member Reviews

I'm a huge horror fan and this small collection hit a lot of the right notes. With a purpose to shock and offend, there are several slices of life where horrible things happen. Some things are overt and even gory while others are psychological, where the characters are lying to themselves that terrible things aren't really happening.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

This has everything I want from a horror collection of short stories. This is both weird and disgusting and frankly horrific! The last novella is sick, but likeable sick. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to review a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

These stories were disturbing, terrifying and haunting. Some of the stories were better than others, but that would depend on your preference. Overall, I think this was a really good extreme horror short story collection.

#Horrible stories about horrible people.
The intention of the stories in "#Horrible" is to shock and offend. They absolutely do. But I find that there's more to these stories than shock value. There are different levels of #horrible and Moore does a good job of capturing the nuances of that.
To fully enjoy these stories, I don't think you should go into this thinking everything will shock or offend you. Because it probably won't. We're all different and we all react to things differently. However, I do think most of these stories will challenge you in some way.
And if they don't... At least you now have an excellent opportunity to ask yourself why that is. Which is something I think we all need to do from time to time.
All in all. I recommend #Horrible to anyone who enjoys the extreme part of horror, as well as reading about the horrible things we do to each other.
And thanks to Netgalley, as well as the publishers, for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Not for the weak of heart and those offended easily. For everyone else, you should enjoy this one.
Stories that make you question a lot of things. And not in a good way.
They will shock you, maybe offend you.

"What did I just read?" you ask yourself.
Tell me: did you see the title #Horrible? Did you then see the array of hashtag warnings at the beginning of the book and still carry on reading? Did you ignore the author themselves gravely explaining what you're about to embark upon? And you conntinued reading.
Well then. You knew and now you know. You just read something #Horrible.
This is a collection of 12 stories very different stories written with the specific intentions of shocking you, nauseating you and, at times, questioning everything you believe in. They are extremely well written pieces that hold their own, akin to confrontational art pieces in a bleak gallery. You amble from each to the other, fearing what horrors the next will bestow upon you. One of those creations will have even the most hardened horror reader reaching, or at least thinking, of a sick bag.
I read extreme horror as a palate cleanser between heftier tomes. It has its place in my life. It is often chaotic reading which crowbars in as much to shock with little thought as possible for tempo and intelligence - yet is, for the most part, entertaining.
#Horrible is more than that. It gave me pause. It tickled my brain rather than just my bloodlust. It fostered questions and critical thinking within me; all whilst covering subject matter that would likely put you off if I listed it here. The one KJ Moore says you shouldn't read, you shouldn't. If you do and you are not offended, well, you are a better human than I.
Yes, it is completely disgusting for the most part, but I do recommend reading these 12 tales of varying length. For the hell of it. And the challenge.
Go on, I dare you.