Member Reviews

Having read the first in the series, I was excited to review this book too and it didn't disappoint. Offering lots of intrigue and edge of the seat moments, it was a brilliant read!

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After reading the first book in this series in one sitting, I could not pass up the chance to get this one. Dive back into another case of bodies needing to be identified, cold clues, and a group of investigators working together to stop crime cold.

This was one of the better books I have read this month. It was fun, kept you on the edge of your seat, and revealed a case that kept you wanting more. The building of the case, as well as the challenges faced in working the case, brings it a real feel.

I highly recommend this series! The author draws on knowledge gained from time in her career, and brings a new element to crime writing. After working some of the worst scenes in history, being able to turn to writing and sharing some horrors without laying it all out is brilliant.

Clea Koff is an author that I am going to be watching, and I look forward to seeing much more from her.

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Deadly Evidence is the second book in the very intriguing series Jayne and Steelie.

I started the book then backtracked to read the first book Silent Evidence and I am so glad I did , I loved it.

Steelie and Jayne are forensic antrhopologists and are dealing with their own personal trauma .

They both are strong characters that are determined to indentify the male body found on campus.

Another body is found and now Steelie and Jayne are racing against the clock and questioning if this is the work of a serial killer.

Clea Koff takes the reader down a path full of twists and turns and kept me guessing to who the murder suspect was.

The cast of characters are strong, they play off each other very well and I cant wait to learn more about Jayne , Steelie, Eric and Scott.

I am excited for this series and I will be one of the first in line for the next book in the series.

Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK/ Avon for the privilege of reading and reviewing Deadly Evidence.

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Really enjoyable book. Hadn't read the first in the series and took me a while to catch up, however I still greatly enjoyed it.
The characters were well developed and interesting and it's definitely inspired me to read the first book.
Looking forward to the 3rd in the series!

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Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

I very much enjoyed this book. The writing was great and the characters were well developed. I hope to read more from this author in the future.

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The second in a series featuring forensic anthropologists Jayne and Steelie. I had not read the first novel so felt I had to do a lot of catching up with the characters. A fast paced mystery with lots of well researched detail.

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The second of Clea Koff's books about forensic anthropologists Steelie and Jayne. Although this can be read as a stand alone I took the time to read the first of the series Silent Evidence before starting Deadly Evidence and was glad I did as it really sets the scene. The 32/1 Agency is based in LA and all the police and agency detail is USA based which for an English reader may be a little confusing. However I didn't find it detracted from my enjoyment of the book in anyway. The two women are written as strong personalities with a background of recovering bodies in war zones. This understandingly has left them with some residual trauma to deal with. But they are well supported and determined to identify as many missing people living or dead as they can. I really enjoyed this unusual topic for a book. It certainly made a change from what is usually available. I will definitely be on the look out for the next book in the series.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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I know the characters in this story having read an earlier book. I think the 4 main characters work well together and are able to continue their personal lives at the same time. This provides some light relief from the danger and the discovery of victims’ bodies.
This story moves along at pace encouraging the reader to go along with it. I found it easy to identify with the characters and to engage with each stage of the book. I was keen to pick up where i left off and find out what happened next.
I enjoyed the read and recommend the series.

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I think this is the first book I've read from this author, but I will happily read more. It doesn't take long for the first body to drop and to put them on the radar of a killer. Some of the interactions between characters were amusing, which made them seem more real. The killer was hard to guess until late in the book. A one sitting read for me.

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Unfortunately I hadn't read the first book in the series and this impacted my enjoyment of this novel. Its very high in US acronyms of which I'm not familiar with so spent a lot of time googling what they meant. This affected my understanding. However it is clear to see that the author has extensive knowledge and experience in this subject.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC, I hadn't heard of the author and her 1st novel in the series nor the fact she is an accomplished writer and acknowledged very Knowledgeable in Osteology and Anthropology "As a 23-year-old graduate student studying prehistoric skeletons in California, Koff joined a small team of UN scientists exhuming victims of the genocide in Rwanda. Her job was to find evidence to bring the perpetrators to trial, and to help relatives to identify their loved ones. Koff captured the events in her memoir The Bone Woman 4.01 rating on Good reads, which was published in 2004."
So I got the Kindle version of her first novel which I agree should be read first Silent Evidence (my rating 4 stars) prior to reading this one as it very nicely starts the story and follows into the second Deadly Evidence, without the foundation is much harder to slot the second book into place.
Very interesting that Clea has certainly used her extensive knowledge of 'body' and missing persons very well, prior to reading this I have never come across and author that has sued this premiss for a story. Its set in the world of 32.1 (name of charity Agency) - a description was given in the book but I cannot quote it. 32.1 works with other state, charities to help identify bodies that are found and link them with their families, in these two books bodies are found and they work closely with both the LAPD and FBI; putting the Characters Jane & Steelie in the sights of the killer - hence a thriller, crime and romance (relationship development).
Really interesting reading as we learn more about identifying bodies including dismembered parts as we read along. I felt the ending in this book a little flat and finished quickly but still a good read.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Another great book following Jayne and Steelie as they help to find missing people and the person responsible for making them disappear. I really like the two main characters, they’ve got a great partnership and with the addition of Eric and Scott it’s a great team.

As with the previous book there’s always something going on which had me pulled right in. I didn’t guess the culprit this time and I was half expecting a twist that never came.

In all a great book and I hope there will be more books in future featuring Jayne and Steelie.

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I wish I had read the previous book first, as I felt I was ‘missing out’ on the character development. I am afraid I found this quite slow, not helped by being peppered with acronyms that I had to keep checking. It may fair better with a US audience. I would rather have the science and the detective input rather than the romantic element that I found distracting. Sorry, not my favourite.

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One death is a tragedy. Two is just the beginning Haunted after being attacked by a serial killer just weeks before, specialist forensic experts Jayne and Steelie return to work shaken. When a body is uncovered in a nearby college campus, they’re drafted in by local police to identify the young man, and both women are determined to get answers quickly and efficiently. But his identity isn’t all they uncover! Good book! This book had good suspense, intriguing, murder, mystery, a good who done it and a few crazy twists! The story was interesting! It wasn’t one of my top favorites but still worth reading! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This is book 2. You NEED to read the first to fully get the second, the characters and background. (I didn’t read it!) I will however read it out of interest. I felt the author knows their audience, the book is well written BUT the romance side isn’t my bag I’m afraid. The story was intriguing but a slow burn which didn’t always hold my interest and I really wanted to fully enjoy this. I wish it had more umph, it would be a fabulous book! Overall it’s an ok book (I couldn’t write one) but please read the first one!

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Book two of a series featuring anthropologists Jayne and Steelie.

It may be better for background knowledge if the reader has read the first book, Silent Evidence, as events from that instalment do have a bearing on the attitudes of Jayne and Steelie in this new offering. I have not read the first, and therefore find this book difficult as a standalone.

After a previous close shave, apparently in book one, the women are called to UCLA campus at the request of an old friend. Breaking ground for a new building on the site, a body has been uncovered. Agency 32/1 confirm that the remains are fairly recent and therefore not of “historical” significance, so LAPD are called in to take over. Obviously the case doesn’t end there for Jayne and Steelie!

With lots of acronyms and their meanings, numerous usages of police jargon, all mixed in with a bit of romance and some Steelie witticisms, it an ok if slow read.

Cleverly written by someone who obviously knows her field and is quite happy to run with it, I’m sure the book will be devoured by fans of the first one. IMO the reader needs to know the women and their backgrounds better and be familiar with their past cases, but I certainly understand its appeal.

I was not enamoured with the romance side of the story and had no interest in the lovey dovey happenings. Keep the plot to the professional working relationships and I’m much more invested.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books UK.

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