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*More like a 4.5/5

Jens Ludwig does a phenomenal job at discussing one of the most sensitive subjects in the country, gun violence, going about it in a way that feels both informative and humane. There is no stone left unturned in this book as Ludwig delves into specific details — even using examples from rather personal moments in his own life in order to best get his point across. This book doesn't read as either Republican or Democratic propaganda but as what it genuinely is, a man who has lived in this country and doesn't want to see it destroyed by something that everyone keeps going in circles on without making solid decisions.

The way that this book is paced allows the reader to 1) understand how much work Ludwig put into it 2) understand how much passion he has for opening up the conversation around gun control. As someone who has always felt deep care about this subject but never done much more research other than what I tend to see on the news or on social media, there were plenty of points where I was learning something new and where my own perspectives felt they were evolving.

This is the type of book that makes readers become more interested in nonfiction because it is easy to follow and Ludwig doesn't use language that is difficult to understand.

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This book certainly makes you think and reflect on what you currently believe. I appreciated the thoughts and effectiveness that occurred while reading the book.

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Jens Ludwig’s "Unforgiving Places" looks at gun violence in America, challenging long-held assumptions about its causes and potential solutions. Based on decades of research and immersive fieldwork in Chicago, Ludwig argues that gun violence is often not the result of premeditated actions by hardened criminals, but rather the consequence of impulsive interpersonal conflicts that escalate in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ludwig takes readers through the environments where violence erupts, looking at how seemingly small interventions—timed at the right moments—could make a significant difference. His argument that progress does not require solving every underlying social issue first is both pragmatic and hopeful.

However, while the book presents an intriguing perspective, it can be a bit frustrating that the structural factors that contribute to gun violence—poverty, historical inequities, and firearm accessibility—are acknowledged but not deeply explored. But this contributes to a conversation we need to be having.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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What if everything we thought we knew about gun violence was wrong? Jens Ludwig researches two main questions: why does gun violence happen, and is there anything we can do about it?

For a long time, I wanted to read a comprehensive book about gun violence in the U.S. I’m not American, but the situation there seems alarming and frightening. I wanted to better understand the role of guns, policies, and politics, as well as the reasons behind the violence and potential solutions. I was delighted to finally find a book that answers these questions.

The book is filled with data and research. I feel the author did a good job presenting his arguments and approach — it was convincing, interesting, and helpful. He examines the scientific evidence behind gun violence in the U.S., explores legal obstacles to gun control and the registration system, and delves into the roots of the problem.

Ludwig talks extensively about behavioural economics and how people’s behaviour and environmental factors contribute to gun violence. He also offers suggestions and preventive measures that could help improve the dire situation and reduce gun violence.

I particularly appreciated that Ludwig didn’t just focus on the U.S. He also compared the situation with other countries, especially the UK (where I live). It was insightful to hear an expert discuss knife crime in the UK. Ludwig was even invited by the British Prime Minister to provide his expertise on these issues.

On the critical side, the book felt somewhat repetitive and could have been a bit shorter.

Overall, it was an interesting and valuable book on a serious topic. I’m glad I read it.

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One of the most compelling aspects of Unforgiving Places, I thought, was Jens Ludwig’s use of real-life examples to illustrate his arguments. His ability to ground his theory in concrete, relatable scenarios not only makes his arguments more accessible but also quite persuasive.

What truly sets the book apart, however, is its focus on the mental habits and behavioral patterns that contribute to violence. Ludwig urges readers to move beyond the surface-level solutions of simply reducing gun access or addressing economic inequality. Instead, he emphasizes the urgent need to intervene in the split-second decisions that fuel violence. An emphasis on changing the way people think and communicate in moments of tension is thought-provoking.

Unlike those who offer simplistic solutions like simply “lock them up,” Ludwig takes a more nuanced approach by delving into the minds of those who commit gun violence. His examination of the mental processes at play in these violent moments provides a roadmap for real, lasting change. His methodology is grounded in real-world observations (though largely Chicago-centric) and his argument shows that, rather than waiting for a massive overhaul of societal structures, meaningful progress can be made by addressing the way people think and react in high-stress situations.

Ultimately, the book offers a fresh perspective on gun violence, pulling the topic out of the realm of oversimplified rhetoric and into the complex reality of human behavior. Highly recommended reading for anyone eager to truly understand the roots of gun violence and gun control policy.

P.S.- I still don’t understand behavioral economics.

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Wherein Academia Catches Up To Eminem And Dr. Dre. First up, I gotta give Ludwig credit here, the text is 41% bibliography, which is truly remarkable - on the higher end of any book I've ever read. So, truly, kudos. No matter what those sources may say, the fact that they were so prevalent throughout the text is a good thing where I come from - at worst, it is crystal clear the information being used to present the narrative.

And before we get into the meat of the review, I do need to note that Ludwig's reliance on the terms "System 1" and "System 2", while perhaps academically accurate... also makes his arguments less clear and concise, as one has to constantly remember what "System 1" and "System 2" mean. So for this review, I'm going to do what Ludwig should have done and refer to them as "Automatic" and "Thinking".

Basically, Ludwig's entire point is that gun violence is not a question of "bad people" - as he claims the GOP likes to proclaim (in a fair amount of straw man, but perhaps with some valid enough straws) or of "bad environments" - as he claims the Democrats like to proclaim (in a similar amount of straw man/ straws), but rather *bad decision making*. Ummm.... duh, doc. From there, Ludwig's entire premise centralizes on disrupting the Automatic action and forcing the person about to commit gun violence - be it murder or suicide - to *think* about what they're about to do and whether they really want to do it.

So this entire 352 page book that clocks in at 41% documentation is essentially a long way of saying exactly what Eminem and Dr. Dre said in Guilty Conscience 0ver 20 years ago.

Ludwig does in fact lay out the arguments in a very systematic, academic manner. Though he *does* rely *way* too much on Chicago, the *very* place most Americans think of as having the *worst* problem with gun violence in the entire country (and as Ludwig himself admits in the text, having perhaps only the second worst gang problem in the country, IF it is behind LA's gang problem in any given year). But given that at least one recurring example used in the narrative is the doc walking his own dog... maybe there are reasons Ludwig didn't look too much further afield.

But seriously, read the book. Maybe it will help crystallize in your own mind exactly what Ludwig does throughout the text: the arguments and policies of the last century clearly aren't really moving the needle on the issue, so perhaps it is time for new ways of thinking. Of finding ways that disrupt the Automatic system and instead force individuals into the Thinking mode for even 10 minutes (or up to 3 hrs or so, in the case of suicide attempts, apparently).

Maybe if enough politicians read the book, maybe if Barack Obama or Bill Gates put it on their 2025 reading lists, maybe more people will consider these thoughts, and maybe things might actually get better.

Maybe if we'd listened to Eminem and Dre 20 yrs ago, we might have already been there.

Very much recommended.

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This book was not what I expected. What I thought was going to be a book about how Americans are just unique to gun violence, because of more guns and high amounts of inequality.

However, the author quickly disabuses the reader of the usual scapegoats of inequality and the amount of the guns on the streets.

The author argues that its our reflexive, System 2 thinking. Its our knee jerk reaction to a situation that leads to gun violence. Gun violence is more of a crime of passion, then an economic risk, or anything else.

I loved all of the examples that the author laid out, how more cops do not necessarily mean less violence (the story of the grandmother in the wheelchair surrounded by cops, threatening people is branded in my memory).

Mr Ludwig provides examples of things that are working. Breaking the Cycle of Violence, learning how to talk and step back and think about what the situation is really happening, are all things that we need to teach the younger generation.

I liked that Mr. Ludwig just didn't say ok no more guns, or just give people money, no he looked at the behavior and the thinking patterns of people who shot/killed someone with a gun in Chicago to find the answer to Chicago's gun violence.

This book is for anyone interested in gun violence and how to combat it.

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While this book covers a very important issue in American society, the writing felt a bit dry. Not a lot of the content offered new ideas or solutions. The thesis/point of the book was also hard to decipher. Again, we must address gun violence, its origins, and possible solutions, but I do not think this book offers that. Perhaps that is an issue on my end and I am not the target/niche audience, but regardless, I think this book can be slightly edited to make more sense.

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Jens Ludwig’s Unforgiving Places presents an intriguing premise that promises a deep dive into the harsh realities of guns- violence in America. However, where the book fell short for me was in its pacing. There are still redeeming qualities in Unforgiving Places. The writing itself is solid, with clear prose and well-constructed sentences. Can't say I dislike just was so-so interesting.
Thanks to NetGalley for advance copy

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Well-written and researched treatise on the true causes of gun violence. You may be surprised by the findings! Interesting comparison between US and other countries who have similar population sizes.

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