Member Reviews

This didn’t hit for me. The writing itself was good, but the story was rushed and about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Vivid imagery does not nuance make.

Thank you to NetGalley and CLASH Books for providing me with an ARC to review!
4.25 stars!!!
OOOOOOOOO a queer toxic relationship mixed with a surreal time loop?! YES.
This was fantastic to read and get into. I loved how it was written and how I couldn't really cheer for anyone because they were just so terrible for one another. It's tragic reading how Johnny talks about how she feels and how she speaks sometimes.
There's gut punches left and right.
Around 64% in it went in a way that I was like PARDON?! but with how the rest of the story was to start with, I just rode that surreal wave with the need to know what the hell was going to happen between them.
And then DAMN. The End. wow
It's so tragic but

I was SO excited for this after being rejected for I Do Not Apologize for My Position on Men, but this turned out to not be for me.
It felt a little thrown together and would have benefitted from more substance. I almost think expanding this out into a novel could work out better than it is now, as a novella.
(Since my review isn't the most positive, I'm not going to share it externally. Just an explanation for CLASH)

First I'd like to thank CLASH and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review 💚
This was a wild ride for only 100 pages.
I went in mostly blind, as I like to do and the whole time I was like "wtf am I reading and why am I loving it so much?"
So yeah, read this. Thanks. 💚

The blurb promises This is How you Lose the Time War meets Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke, while I haven't read the latter, I have read my share of LaRocca's work and I can definitely see where they were coming from with that comparison.
It's a weird little book that seems much longer than it actually is and I think this is an excellent format for the topic of second chances that hinge on fixing one another.
It's a fever dream of toxic behavior and if you've ever been in or in the orbit of one of those really toxic relationships that leave you questioning reality, you'll definitely recognize something in the logic of it all and in the exhausting nature of even just looking at the situation
It's dizzying and brutal but it's also cuttingly insightful at times.
I received an eARC of this book through NetGalley, many thanks to Clash Books for the opportunity to read and review this title.

This was a strong concept in the horror genre, it had that overall feel that I was looking for and enjoyed the feel of the romance going on. The characters were everything that I was expecting and worked in the horror setting. I enjoyed the bizarre elements to this book and glad Rae Wilde wrote this so well.

This book was a very quick and easy read. I really enjoy short and specific timelines in books. Kinda wished we could’ve had longer chapters to get more explanations or descriptions but I enjoyed it anyways.

I Can Fix Her sees Johnny meet her ex ex-girlfriend in a cafe, and with the hope of rekindling their romance, Johnny follows Alice back to her apartment. Things settle back into what they once were. Until things change right before Johnny’s eyes. Literally…
I absolutely loved this! It was weird, and intriguing, and the end reveal was done perfectly. I got Alice in Wonderland vibes throughout the book, as well as House of Leave adjacent vibes. I was intrigued till the very end, and found it very thought provoking at times. The writing was succinct and well edited. There was a lot of information that went into those pages. We were given all the
information, without any over-sharing or pointless monologues.
I have not read anything like this at all. This queer horror was completely unique in my opinion, without spoiling anything.
I would recommend not reading too much into the synopsis of this,and just go in blind. Go in for the ride, because it will take you on a trip!
For those that don’t like horror or sci-fi, this may not be for you. But I would recommend that anyone give this a try. And read carefully. Or you may miss something…
This got a 5 star from me, and I can’t wait to read more from this author in the future. Thank you to Netgalley and CLASH books for the Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of this book. All opinions are my own.

Rep : Toxic Sapphic Relationship, Cycle of Abuse
CW: Cannibalism, Domestic Abuse
What I Liked:
1) I thought the novella was well written and the choice to make it short suited it being a fever dream book (I would recommend this to fans of Bunny by Mona Awad)
2) I love how this book represented an abusive, toxic queer relationship since it is often underrepresented. No character is the hero and they're both terrible for each other and you can feel how desperate Johnny is to make things work that she goes to such extreme lengths. I think the time element of the book perfectly represents the cycle of abuse.
3) This book was definitely for people that love weird books but still have a good amount of explanation at the end
4) The horror was so grotesque, Wilde was not afraid to go there
Overall, I enjoyed this novella but it was just ok for me. I do think this book would be the exact kind of weird some people are looking for.
Favourite Quotes:
1) 'Why didn't you call? Johnny thinks to ask. She doesn't ask, because she's lovestruck, not dumb. Johnny knows the answer: Alice didn't want to call.'
2) 'People always think kids will solve their problems. As if taking care of some other dependent creature will unlock a portal to a world where all their problems melt away and they get a clean slate'
3) '"Its a Pattern," says Alice. "You and me, hurting each other."'
Thank you to Netgalley and ClASH books for this eARC in exchange for an honest review

Johnny and Alice broke up a year ago, but when Johnny meets her again in a local café they decide to give their relationship another shot. She spends the night at Alice's place. The next morning reality starts to morph, and as the days go on inexplicably bizarre events unfold.
"I'll change. We will change. Think how good it could be, if we just get it right."
I absolutely adored my time with I Can Fix Her. This book has some familiar elements, but still feels unique. From the writing style to the overarching story, Wilde manages to tell a tight story in the span of a novella. A bittersweet story of getting what you want, but not what you need.
As someone who is a sucker for poetic prose I got my fill with this story. Wilde just has a way with words that makes me swoon. Her vivid, emotional imagery can't help but paint detailed pictures in your mind's eye. There is a playfulness in the writing, and an adaptability. Including some of the longest, still legible, actually-adding-to-the-story run-on sentences I've ever read, which capture the franticness and absurdity of the situation.
"Johnny decides the only important things are those bonds between herself and Alice and shaping them into a proper story with a proper ending. One in which Alice doesn't leave."
Quite early on we get clues that there is more to this story than initially meets the eye. It takes a little while to get the answers we seek, but once Wilde surrenders them, all the puzzle pieces fall into (a satisfying) place. We get some answers, but not all. I Can Fix Her is one of those books that invites you to read it all over again once you finish, and I am so looking forward to doing exactly that in the future.
I Can Fix Her is the perfect story for those that love poetic prose, are observant, and are patient enough to let a story unfold. It features elements of psychological and cosmic horror.

A toxic queer love story stuck in a time loop.
Alice breaks up with Johnny out of nowhere and goes out of the country. One day Johnny spots Alice at a speakeasy and can't help but go back to Alice's apartment when she offers. They agree to try again and that they both can change. Everything goes a little out of wack each day from there.
Think Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke in the weird aspect, but Groundhogs Day style.
It was a quick, weird, quirky, fun read. It was nice to read something a little different. I enjoyed the writing style. I liked this book but I didn't love it. There wasn't really as much substance to it as I would have liked. I feel like that's hard to do when a book is only a little over 100 pages.
Thank you, Rae Wilde, CLASH Books, and NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

When Johnny spots her ex, Alice, at a local cafe, she's met with a vague sense that she's been there before. She's angry about Alice ghosting her for six months, but Johnny can't resist a second chance when Alice invites her back to her apartment. After all, Johnny is OBSESSED with Alice and wants her all to herself! They talk about all the ways things will be different this time around...but then, weird stuff starts to happen, things that are made from nightmares.
Initially, I had no idea where this book was going. It seemed disjointed and all out of whack, but stick with it...I promise, it will make sense by Friday. This was such a trippy book but I loved it! Although it's short (104 pages), this story really packed a punch!
Thank you to NetGalley and CLASH Books for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

One of my favourite books of the year.
Get trapped in a nightmare of your own making in this fast-paced, sapphic horror novella about two toxic exes.
🖼️Like a magic-eye picture 🖼️, at first glance this is a nightmare novella, but when you look closer it's also a story of two women who are toxic together, but can't seem to let go. It's at once absolutely relatable and impossible. ♾️
📖 Johnny sees her ex-girlfriend, Alice, at a bar and they decide to give each other a second chance. 🤞They promise that they can change🤞, however when Johnny wakes up the next day, she notices everything is changing. Her girlfriends tiny French Bulldog, is now a 100 pound actual bulldog. The following day it snows in the summer and a fireplace mysteriously appears in the living room. Each day of the week plunges Johnny and her girlfriend deeper and deeper in a downward spiral of emotional abuse and jealousy. 📖
The storytelling is so creative, because there are two narrators. One is Johnny, who we're following as she is plunged into this nightmare journey with her ex, Alice. And the second isn't revealed until the end. 😱 The scream I scrempt 😱. I immediately went back to the beginning of this book and started it again. This book is EVEN better on the second reading. There is so much hidden right in front of you.
This book is gorgeously written. I highlighted so much. One of my favourite quotes,
"And she is willing to drown. But not without Alice."
Read this if you love
😱 Nightmare logic
😱 Gorgeous prose
😱 Fast-paced horror
😱 Dark spirals of destruction
😱 Supporting indie publishers and authors
Thank you to Clash, Rae Wilde and NetGalley for providing an e-ARC and physical copy of this book.
This book is best read while at your ex's favourite restaurant, waiting for her to enter.

super quick read but not for me. i was drawn in mostly by the cover, i think the idea was there but the writing just wasnt for me.

I'm afraid this just wasn't for me. I thoroughly enjoyed Rae's book, I Do Not Apologize for My Position on Men and will continue to seek out their writing in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this arc for my honest review
Rating: 4 stars
I Can Fix Her follows our main character Johnny, as she works to reconnect with the woman who ripped her heart out, told from the POV of an unnamed narrator. This is a quick read with being at 100 pages and has everything you could ask for in a book queer romance,horror and many more. This book gripped me right from the beginning and I definitely wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.