Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am not sure what I expected, but this book came off the same way the marijuana commercials came off to me as a child. The intention is to deter children from vaping, but it turns the vape into a character, giving it different funny faces and a voice. To me, this sort of counteracts the entire idea of being informative as it isn’t neutral and doesn’t provide any solid evidence. While I know vaping is bad, children are natural question askers. This book, to me, seems as if it would raise further interest and question about vaping.

However, there was a lot of factual and informative information to me as an adult that I did not know. So I will give it 3 stars.

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This book reminds me of the anti-drinking ads from my childhood. A fun cartoon character to point out all the way that this is bad for you. It’s like going to DARE all over again. It didn’t work then what makes one think it’ll work now. This book is informative and well done. I do hate how the story is pretty much repeated in the end, which is pretty typical of Julia Cook. I would hope that this book works to keep kids from vaping, but I do not think it will. Add the cover and the title and this is more a joke than a. “Hey this is bad for you”.

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Honestly, this was small but extremely informative. Like, good job condensing a large amount of information into 30~ pages. This kind of book is easy to understand for children but still has enough highly curated content to reach adults too. It’s interesting to experience something like this in 2025, as I remember some picture books as a child having anti-smoking campaigns. But I guess this is the new smoking so it makes sense that this needs to exist.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for granting access to this book

This is a very important book to read to children because it teaches them (in an age appropriate way), just how disgusting and harmful vaping can be to your health. If anything, maybe adults would also learn just how bad vaping really is for the human body when they read this book. Definitely an important read for adults and children alike!

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I found the book intriguing, especially with the new insights it offers about vaping regarding the substances. However, the main character doesn’t feel realistic or relatable to the actual vape product. I think the book would benefit from including some of the positive aspects of vaping as well, such as its use as a tool for people trying to quit tobacco or for those who vape vitamins. By only focusing on the negative aspects, the book unintentionally creates a one-sided view of vaping, which may lead to a negative connotation regardless of an individual’s intentions for vaping.

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Informative and gorgeous illustrations.

The storytelling read like a brochure full of shaming tactics.

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Really interesting and relevant book for kids today. It was really accessible and anyone can take something away from it. The visuals made the message really clear especially for young children.

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“I Am Vape” is an insightful read on the dangers of vaping.

Vaping is a dangerous addiction that is on the rise, and it seems like every year, we are hearing that younger and younger kids are experimenting with drugs. While just as dangerous as cigarettes, what makes vaping more dangerous is how appealing it is to children, especially because of the added flavors and scents. Often times children begin vaping without understanding the harm it can cause, because their still forming brain may correlate a good taste with a safe thing to consume.

This book does a great job at toeing the line between silly and informative. Julia Cook explores the dangers of vaping, and by dashing in a sprinkle of humor with the illustrations, she is able to make a serious topic easy for younger audiences to understand. I personally love how she doesn’t just say vaping is bad, but she explores why kids may start to vape, exactly how it damages the body and rewires the brain, and how difficult it can be to quit. These topics can be scary and hard to navigate, but this book is an excellent tool to help children understand the harm of vaping.

Overall, I loved this book and will definitely be purchasing my own copy. Many parents and guardians may think it unnecessary to have a book written about vaping for kids, but I do believe it is essential to approach these topics BEFORE kids are heavily exposed to such dangerous activities in places we least expect, like schools or clubs or playgrounds. Opening the door on these conversations is the scariest part, but once the door is opened, it makes future communication that much easier.

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This is a non- fiction book that parents should use as a guide to
show and tell their children the bad stuff of using a vape!

The art is very good and very easy to understand!

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As a health education teacher this is a great supplemental read that could be used to help teach children what vaping actually does. I would recommend this book from 1st-6th graders, but would be expanded out. I really like that it read like a story, but summarized everything at the end. I will definitely be recommending this to health teachers!

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy.

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very informative for younger audiences. it's a very good starting point to have bigger and deeper conversations with the reader on the dangers and hazards of vaping.

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This is an informative picture book on the dangers of vaping. A crucial conversation to have with ours kids, this book made it so easy. The illustrations help children understand the text. I would recommend to any parent with elementary aged children. Thank you to NetGalley for the free ARC of this book!

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When I first requested to read this book, I thought it would be silly and corny, but with the increase of children and adolescents starting to vape, I think it’s very poignant. This book is an accessible way to speak to children about the dangers of vaping and how companies specifically market to them.

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Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for the eARC! This is a good informational text about the harmful effects on Vaping. It explains well the negative side effects and what Vaping really does to your body so young minds can understand. I liked the pictures throughout the book and I thought they went well with the text on each page to really illustrate what is happening.

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This is a really well crafted book that I believe targets very young children. The illustrations use colorful, beautiful pictures to grab the reader's attention and I think it does a great job of conveying the dangers of using a vape. I also think that teenagers and pre teens are more prone to using vapes so I don't understand the purpose of writing a book that would appeal more to kids.

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While I think the concept is a good idea, I just don't see teaching young kids about vapes, maybe pre-teens and teenagers. It's very easy to read and understand and the graphics are great. I just don't feel like this book will do much good, yes it will educate kids on the negative sides of vaping, but I've also learned that now a days if you tell a kid or teen not to do something they are going to want to do it even more. I do feel like some adults could learn some things from this book as well since a lot of people swear up and down that vaping isn't bad for you when it really is.

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I Am Vape was very informative, listing all of the side effects of vaping in a way that is very easy for children to understand. It explains how vaping will ruin your lungs and your ability to concentrate, affect your moods, and will give you lots of stress. This picture book is a very important tool for teaching children why vaping is wrong, especially given how deceptively innocent vape packaging can appear.

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I absolutely hate that there is a picture book for kids about vaping, but I’m so glad this resource is out there to show the harms of using this on a daily basis. It not only changes your life, it controls it.

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This is one of those books that you wish didn't have to be written but alas, here we are. It can be so hard to talk with children about certain subjects and I haven't been able to find much available on the subject of vaping. This is an issue that I can see continuing to be a rising problem. This book will be a must have for any library so that parents have a way to talk to their kids about vaping.

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Julia Cook writes excellent books about issues that kids face. While I know that vaping is an issue, I read this as being aimed at younger kids. I would love to find a similar book aimed more at ages 10 and up. We had an issue with a group of 6th graders getting busted vaping behind one of the buildings and I cannot imagine getting them to read this book. However, it is invaluable for elementary-age kids.

Thank you to National Center for Youth Issues, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles, and Net Galley for the DRC! All opinions are my own!

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