Member Reviews

Unfortunately, this author favors ‘telling’ over ‘showing’ and so it made for quite a dull read. Literally nothing—not a single thing—happened until about 46% in. Sadly, not much else happened, this is just hours and hours of he-said-she-said gossip and speculation and inner ramblings.

Extremely dull.

🎧 Audio:
The audio is decent—the narrator has a smooth enough voice, though she does opt to robotically dictate, rather than perform the book. Overall sound quality is perfect.

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4.5 rounded up. Wilkinson nails the gossipy, tension-packed vibe you go to a domestic thriller for in this tale about a neighborhood full of drama!

Premise - Huntington Grove seems like a nice neighborhood, but everyone is hiding something. Heidi is snooping because she doesn’t trust her husband, Freddie, who has taken to locking the door of his home office. Willow’s marriage is falling apart and her relationship with her teenage daughter isn’t far behind. Dylan might have murdered his wife. And someone at the summer block party has a gun…

Wilkinson has such an addictive voice! I could not tear myself away from this one. The characters were complex and the mysteries built upon each other, tension ticking up-up-up until the explosion at the block party to end all block parties. So! Good!

I listened to the audiobook, narrated by
Matthew Spencer, Rebecca Lee, and Julia Barrie. They are all so talented and did a great job! It was a highly engaging read and I definitely recommend enjoying the story in this format.

Thanks, NetGalley and Bookouture Audio, for the audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Really tried to get into this one as I have enjoyed her books before. Tried a few times. Thank you for the opportunity

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