Member Reviews

I loved this! Honestly, I didn't realize it was a superhero book before I got it. I don't know anything about Marvel or any of the others and never read them. I was very apprehensive at first when I found out what it was about but I absolutely love Lisa Jewell so I just went with it. Well, I was not disappointed at all! This is a fantastic story with fantastic writing. There is an air of mystery surrounding a very strange case that Jennifer Jones is asked to look into. It would appear that a woman's twins returned from England after a visit with their dad quite differently than how they were before they left.
I won't tell you the story or what happens but it was a thrilling ride with extraordinary characters. The end was great and I just could not put this book down!!

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Thank you NetGalley for my arc copy!

This was definitely a different book than I am used to from Lisa Jewell.
I love that it’s a marvel book about Jessica Jones.
Remember this is set in the Marvel Universe so anything can happen in it.

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Thank you NetGalley for my free ebook in exchange for my review.

I really enjoyed reading something based around a Marvel character. I love Marvel but am new to Jessica Jones and I wasn’t lost reading this. Lisa Jewell does an amazing job giving us enough backstory to help understand her, and I loved learning even more as the story went on.

There are multiple layers to the overall mystery in this book. We are taken to New York and England, throughout many years in the past and leading up to present day in order to get answers.

I think this is definitely worth picking up if you are a fan of Jessica Jones, Marvel, Lisa Jewell, or a good mystery.

-modern technology
-dual timelines

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Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC copy of this title.
I am actually shocked that I enjoyed this book! Jessica was a very likable character but Malcolm AKA Sly stole my heart. I enjoyed the fantasy but also realism of the story. It really made me think about what people will actually do to be "perfect". This was a rollercoaster ride but such a fun and interesting premise. I can't wait for more books in this series.

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Great book, it’s like we got to know about a different aspect of a superhero. The story was very vivid and greatly written. It gave me a different understanding to Jessica Jones. She had struggles that relate to us in the real world that we typically don’t hear about.

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You can’t go wrong with any Lisa jewell book. It kept you guessing till the end and wanting to read more.

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I am both a huge fan of Lisa Jewell and Marvel, so Breaking the Dark seemed like it was going to be a grand slam, hands down. Unfortunately, it was more of a double, possibly a triple. The story followed Jessica Jones as she worked to help a mother figure out what happened to her kids while they were in England over the summer with their father. There was some of the Jewell mystery, but mostly it was just confusing. The pacing in the beginning was super slow and then all of a sudden within the last few chapters everything was happening at lightening speed. I have no doubt that the world’s could be combined and be amazing, but this one wasn’t at that caliber just yet.

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As a huge Marvel and thriller fan I absolutely LOVED this book. I've always heard such good things about Lisa Jewell's writing so I had high expectations going in and this book did not disappoint! The story was well-paced and engaging and the combination of a superhero/sci-fi story with supernatural/fantasy-like themes was well-written. I would highly recommend this for any Marvel fan and anyone who enjoys a good thriller book!

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If you are a marvel fan in anyway and love thrillers then this book is for you! I immediately want to read the next one! I loved the dual timelines and learning more about Jessica Jones than I knew. I was thoroughly entertained and once I got to 25% I just had to finish the book in one sitting!

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Jessica Jones has retired as a super hero and lives in Hell’s Kitchen, New York as a private investigator. When Amber Randall seeks out her services because her teenage twins returned from a trip to visit their father in the UK as changed people. They seem to have been replaced by “perfect” specimens. Jessica’s investigation takes her to a small village in England where she too seems to fall under some type of spell. Upon her return to New York, it is up to Jessica and occasional lover Luke Cage to unravel the mystery and put a stop to a nefarious plan.

My bad….I guess I responded to Lisa Jewell as the author (I have read many of her thrillers) and didn’t read close enough that this is a Marvel novel, the first in what is to become a series. Superheroes, sci fi and fantasy are not my typical genre choices. But, I approached the book with an open mind, suspended belief and thoroughly enjoyed the story/mystery. While it didn’t sell me on this genre, I did find myself totally engrossed in the plot.

If you enjoy Lisa Jewell’s writing, but are not a fan of fantasy/Marvel, do give this read a chance. You may like it as much as I did.

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A dystopian novel featuring Marvel's Jessica Jones as a retired superhero/struggling PI. It is an interesting thriller that covers perfection, technological advancements, and family relationships. When I originally requested this book I did so because it was a Jewell book; I did not realize it was part of the Marvel universe. I don't think I will read any more books in this series simply because superheroes aren't really my thing, but I did enjoy this novel.

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I will start this of by saying that I am a huge Marvel nerd and a fan of Jessica Jones (seriously, check out the series on Disney if you haven’t yet) and I love Lisa Jewell, so I was over the moon when I got approved to read this galley.

Jessica Jones is a former superhero living in New York City who works as a private investigator. She is hired by Amber Rand who approaches her because her seventeen year old twins developed some bizarre changes after spending the a month in the UK with their father. Both twins have flattened affect and changed personalities and their skin radiates a poreless airbrushed quality that wasn’t there when they left the city. Jessica heads to the UK to get to the bottom of their differences and to meet the illusive Belle, that they mentioned.

The events of Breaking the Dark deal with striving for perfection and the levels that some will go to attain it. Even with my positive viewpoint prior to reading this book, I still felt some of the plot was outlandish. While Jewell executes the material well, it’s still hard to reconcile what is going on in some of the events—even in a superhero universe that requires some suspension of belief. Things also get a bit confusing with shifting timelines and narrators. Still overall it is an enjoyable read, and one that every Marvel fan is sure to devour. Three and 3/4 stars rounded to four.

I received this advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review and feedback.

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I love Lisa Jewell, but this was not the book for me. If you like Marvel, give it a whirl. I am just not into fantasy/zombie/magic power type books and went into this blind and it felt incredibly akward for me to get into.

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Lisa Jewell is one of my favorite authors. When Net Galley offered this book, I immediately hopped on it. I hadn’t even read the summary. When I got the book I did read it and realized it was a little bit about superheroes and powers. This is not usually the genre that I like, however because it was Lisa Jewell I knew I was in for a ride. What a ride it was. This book takes the reader on a journey from New York to England in both present and past times.I found myself thinking about the characters and wondering what was going to happen next. For someone who normally doesn’t like fantasy. I completely enjoyed this book.

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Genre: Fantasy Thriller
Rating: 4/5 ⭐️
Spice: 0/5 🧼

Summary: Jessica, a private investigator, is approached by a distraught mother who believes something is wrong with her twins. After returning from a summer away, the children are acting strangely, and their mother is convinced something happened. Desperate for answers, she hires Jessica to uncover the truth.

Thoughts: I was honestly shocked by how much I enjoyed this book! Sci-fi isn’t usually my thing, but the author wove it into the story in such a suspenseful and intriguing way that I was racing to the finish.

The characters did feel a little juvenile at moments, but that didn’t take away from how entertaining the story was overall. I loved the dual setting, how vivid and immersive each one felt. It’s the kind of book that pulls you into its world and doesn’t let go until the very end.

Thank you to the author and publisher for providing me an electronic copy of this book. My honest thoughts are shared voluntarily.

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This book put Marvel in a whole new light. I'm usually just in to thriller and romance but I saw that it was by Lisa Jewell and so I gave it. true and I think she just unlocked a new genreof books to read for me cause the superhero perspective was new and interesting.

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I was so excited about this book because I love Lisa Jewell. I knew this wasn’t my usual genre but I hoped that her style of writing would still pull me in. Unfortunately, it did not. I don’t know if it was just the science fiction vibe itself, or if it was actually the writing I was struggling with but I had to force myself to come back and continue reading this. It just wasn’t the right book for me, but other people who love this genre, may enjoy it!

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You had me at marvel. I’m not a comic book person, BUT I do love marvel and the movies. This was fun to read, and had me wondering what was going to happen next. Lisa is an auto buy author and so happy I got to read this on NetGalley.

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"Breaking the Dark" with Jessica Jones as the FMC was a great way to blend and break me out of the box that I had created for Lisa Jewell. Lisa Jewell shared descriptive and suspense in a different way with the start of this Marvel series and tearing down the expectations that I had for it. I had zero background knowledge of Jessica Jones, which I think was challenging and worthwhile not having strong committed emotions to her or background, but thankfully I was able to look up and read minimally about her. Set after her time as a superhero, Jessica's POV provides learning as an independent woman who still has trauma triggers, a past, and fights her urges to slide back into old behavior. She partners with a concerned mother to undercover the mystery of Fox and Lark and what happened with them over the course of their summer. Traveling between NY and England the contrast of settings worked for me. I think that the alternating viewpoints of Jessica and Polly helped intertwine the mystery, and intrigue to keep going. By the halfway point I was drawn in and was trying to put the pieces together on what in the world was happening. If you are seeking for feelings and vibes of Stranger Things "upside down", Skinwalkers, super powers/time travelers, this was a perfect switch for me. This definitely is a change of pace to the typical thriller/suspense, but doesn't lack depth by any stretch.

A quote that struck me and really sums up some of the ideas pressures in this book:

"The happiness about pressures that young people exist under these days, the unattainable images they are bombarded with every single day- and now their own images when used under a filter.. living under the pressure of being able to see what you would look like if you were perfect"

Thank you to NetGalley, Hyperion Avenue Publishing, and Lisa Jewell for this copy to read!

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Thank you NetGalley ARC for this early copy! I’m not a marvel person but it was fun to read a Jessica Jones story. This was an interesting modern take on how technology and the beauty industry can affect people but specifically how children are more susceptible. This book was different than I was expecting but fun! It grabs you in right away!

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