Member Reviews

4.2⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

I want to start this off by saying I was beyond excited for this, and in most ways, it did not disappoint. The Screwtape Letters is one of my all-time favorite books, and I thought this did a wonderful job of mimicking the style and flow of the original classic.

While premise was absolutely beautiful and a fantastic idea, the execution had a couple small issues. My main complaint is that I feel like the author could’ve done a LOT more with it. I know it’s focused on her temptations specifically, but I think slightly more generalization would be more applicable to more readers. While some sins the author focused on felt so on-the-nose, like distraction and busyness with social media, others felt like the stereotypical “I don’t like how I look” that so many women’s ministries focus on. I would’ve loved some deeper theological doctrine brought into this. Let’s talk about pride and secret sins and all these things that are hard to talk about. It also was a bit odd to me that the author discussed motherhood in GREEAAT detail but didn’t even mention being a wife. Maybe the author isn’t married, but it still feels weird to hit on being a mom and not on being a wife.

That being said, it still was a captivating read, and I enjoyed it immensely. Recommend!

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