Member Reviews

It's been a long time since I found a contemporary romance that checks so many boxes for me: sharp, funny writing, an FMC and MMC who make sense together, falling in love in real time instead of it just popping out nowhere, and a plot that doesn't feel like every other book these days. This is what I want from an Ali Hazelwood book but never quite get, and it has everything I love about Emily Henry's writing too. My only criticism is I don't love the book title or the cover. It shouldve been titled simple and there were more emblamatic moments than the rain scene. Anyway, this was such a joy to read, and I will be reccomending it to all my friends when the book is published. I can't wait to read what the author writes next.

Thank you to the publisher for this ARC!

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In author Emily Harding's solo debut, she delivers a sweet, banter-laden enemies-to-lovers and slow-burn romance that's full of compelling language that is easy to get sucked into. It reads quickly and was just an enjoyable romance read. It feels quite short, but still tells a full story that was engaging, indulgent and just plain fun.

CW: Addiction

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I wanted to really love this book. The writing was entertaining but Bea was so unlikable her exhausting personality really dampened the story for me. While I won’t share my rating with my followers I will share when this book releases!

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My first five star read of the year and this one hit me like a ton of bricks.

Honestly, I almost forgot about this ARC until i got an email reminding me about it and a snowstorm trapped me in my house for 4+ days. I wasn’t so sure about it but by the time I reached chapter 7 and I was hit with an overwhelming feeling of being seen by a book and an author that I knew this was going to be a book I won’t soon forget.

Bea and her determination and sheer will power, not just to be a great lawyer but an amazing friend to those around her.

Nate and his ability to to see straight through Bea, helping him make such excellent and cutting observations and remarks.

The two of these characters together were so fun (and heart-wrenching) to read, I couldn’t stop thinking about them (hence finishing the book in about 25 hours).

Not only did these two grow and develop and have such compelling backstories, but Bea and her relationship with her friends was such a highlight of the book as well. At one point, when Bea is describing her relationship to her friends, and her determination to keep them together, it reminded me of all my favorite parts of Happy Place by Emily Henry, if told in an alternate universe where things didn’t quite work out the same.

This story was able to wrap up all these characters and elements into one cohesive but complicatedly woven story that I enjoyed every minute of.

I am sure when I say that with her debut novel, Emily Harding has become an author I will read anything she writes without a moments thought.

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There were a lot of things I enjoyed about this book and then a few things that were boring or kind of "classic" cat & mouse romance story. I liked how the author highlighted the struggles Bea had with the love surrounding her while growing up and her anger she faced with it. That was very well told in regard to her dealing with and healing some inner child trauma. I also LOVED the flirty cat and mouse relationship between her and Nathan and mainly her sarcastic comments and "hate" for him, when really, we all knew homegirl was going to totally let those walls down eventually. It was an entertaining, quick read and very light. A fun, easy book to read while on vacation in TX over the holidays. I did catch myself smiling, laughing and feeling for both Bea & Nate. I gave it 3/5 stars just because the plot and storyline was evident from the beginning, but enjoyed the flirty, sexy banter back and forth.

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I received this book as an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I've previously read Emily Harding's work with Audrey Bellezza and wanted to give her solo debut a read as well.

How Freaking Romantic isn't quite enemies to lovers, but more 'being mean as a love language' which makes complete sense for a couple of lawyers trying to avoid falling in love with each other. This title is moderate spice and lust at first sight, but has quick quips like Gilmore Girls. Definitely for book fans of Legally Blonde.

Beatrice is attempting to pass the bar, while working as a teaching assistance while dealing with her mom's nth marriage, while adjusting to adult life without friends in close proximity, while having to work with the lawyer overseeing her friend's divorce when she realizes she can't stop thinking about how hot he is. Bea could easily be an unlikable character, but I love seeing a girl who knows she's not perfect and runs with it.

Like Bea, I also have a friend going through a break up with lawyers involved, so I initially didn't think I'd be able to stay on board with her falling for this guy, but I came around too. Harding expertly captures what it's like to feel like you're too much for people, raise your shields when you feel vulnerable, and fall for the guy you know you shouldn't. Bea is a professional at keeping folks at arms length and Nathan, who's job it is to legally separate couples, can't help keeping her in his orbit in a tender way. Don't we all just want a partner to love us because of our flaws and keep chasing after us?

If you like imperfect main characters, enemies to lovers, miscommunication tropes AND the importance to dental hygiene after a wild night out, give How Freaking Romantic a read.

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I absolutely devoured this book in a single sitting, it’s UN-PUT-DOWNABLE!

This book was perfecting FREAKING romantic!

What I loved…
- flawed and relatable MCs
- TENSION A+++++++++++++
- no really - this author should teach a class on writing tension!
- slow-burn 🔥
- FMC that is extra relatable for the girlies who’ve been told they are “too much”
- forbidden pairing - he’s the divorce lawyer for her best friends ex-husband!
- side characters that were well developed but didn’t steal the show
- trauma - I love my romance with a side of trauma and we get just the right amount in this one!
- Will have you itching to get on a plane to NYC

What I didn’t love…
- Honestly I’m having a hard time deciding why to withhold the final bit and make this 5⭐️, so f-it it’s a 5⭐️ romance
- this is single POV and I know some won’t love that, but I thought it worked perfectly fine!

.75🌶️ - This book has plenty of tension that gets your pulse racing but as for explicit scenes, there is only one very mild one (end of ch. 20 after “I want you to kiss me” if you prefer to skip). The rest is eluded to and closed door - I’d feel comfortable recommending this to my teenage niece.

*I will say the cover definitely threw me off - I almost didn’t request this ARC bc the cover feels like something I’d expect from a more fluffy romance. After reading I'm even more confused by the cover considering it doesn't really reflect any scene within the book - in fact the closest scene it does reflect, that umbrella would be held by the security guard...

Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for sending this book (eARC) for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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4.5! I devoured this. The banter was perfection, the slow burn was page turning. I love these two main characters so much. I felt literal butterflies reading this.

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This is my first Emily Harding book and wow was I amazed. SO funny and quick witted. I loved the relationship between Bea and Nate, a true enemies to lovers. I read this book in one sitting and I almost wish I savored it more, it was that enjoyable.

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Honestly, I was really really surprised at how much I loved this book. The Title was a bit off-putting and puzzling, as well as the cover, like how could this title and these 2 characters ended up with HEA when the title has a but of a sharp edge to it? But wow, I cannot tell you, how much I enjoy the banter, not only between MCs, but to the peripheral characters too.

Basically, law student Bea found out her best friends are getting divorced, and also how unreasonable the alimony is going to be. As a good friend that Bea is, she stormed to the opposing attorney's officer and 'nailed his balls to the side of the building'. I think Nathan was so shocked that for once, someone in NYC, in that circumstance, she takes up this fight on behalf of her friends. Of course, as life goes, the more you think you did a teensy thing to be forgotten, is the very thing that comes back to haunt you. Nathan kept showing up at where she is, know the same people she knows, and her fav. prof is his fav. prof too. Wow, how small New York really is?!

You go thru her journey, and the banter keeps up, and it's peppy. She's true to her friends, and shell out all the love and energy to keep them together as their core, but she realized she's lonely. As Bea and Nathan slowly drift together, tension is high, and he really want to get to know her in the most honest, sincere way. When she talks about this core group of friends, even Nathan pointed out, who's taking care of you while you takes care of everyone? He's not wrong, and totally went for the gut, but also made her face the music in the truest way.

There are a few self-sabotage in there and who can blame her with her mother as a role model of what NOT to do in love and marriage. I was most pissed off at how self-center the mom is, but most pissed off at her describing in a very back-handed way that she's a tough nut to crack and love, but once. you get past all that, she's a great nut to love (aka coconut). I get what she meant, but also very annoyed as a mom, she didn't provide the nurture and gave her tough lessons to make her who she is today. Back to the self sabotage, her experience with her mom made her feel unloved, why bother trying, let's protect than try. But good for Nate, who remembered a story Bea told him, and the morale of that story is 'Love is not easy, it's simple'. He's listening, he understood, and he gets her. No matter how she push him away, call him names, and take actions that contradicts, he's there, he understand that's underneath it all, that's not what she wants... sometimes she doesn't realizes it, but he gets her. Ugh, they're just so good together.

Truly, I really thought with the title and the cover that it'll be a meh kinda romance. But I literally can't put it down but did to force myself to go to bed and during the day, while I"m listening to other books, or reading other stuff, my mind kept thinking what's going on with Bea and Nate. I really love the two of them. I like the pacing, the character development is good, I can use more backstory on Nate but appreciate Bea's perspective. Also grateful that they move the relationship from the I-don't-Know phrase, to Awkward phase, to what-the-hell-am-I-doing phrase, to I-really-love-this-person phrase. Author didn't dwell on it, but gave each stage a good pause and show how Bea grew, that was a really good growth journey.

Thank you to NetGalley & Gallery Book for this ARC, I really truly loved it.

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This was first book I've read from Emily Harding. I enjoy her writing style and will definitely follow her for more.

Bea is a bit frustrating at times, how abrasive she can be, but the whole "she's too much" theme - hits a chord that so many women can relate too. The banter and strong FMC kept me hooked for a quick read.
Yes, Would recommend.

Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC.

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“How Freaking Romantic” is a romance (sorta enemies to lovers) by Emily Harding. This book follows Bea Nilsson, who is a very passionate person - she feels anger, she wants to protect and take care of “her” people and will do nearly anything in order to do so. Bea comes off a bit way too harsh/strong at the beginning, but as the story unfolds her less caustic side emerges - and the reasons why she’s so harsh emerges (I happened to love the description of her by her mother - yes, Mom for the win there). Nathan has the patience of a saint (or the patience of many saints) - viewing Bea with a more amused lens than she probably warrants. I do think the conflict between them could’ve been solved by that wonderful thing called communication, but both were a bit heated in the moment (though if Bea had spoken up and if Nathan had engaged his brain, the conflict would’ve been smoothed over much faster). I liked some of the side characters (what was the resolution with Frank? And, you go Mrs. Seigel!) and wished that there’d been a bit more development of Bea’s friend circle - but overall this was a pretty good story with engaging characters.

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Phenomenal! I devoured it it one sitting! Very relatable and appealing protagonists. Nathan is sort of a unicorn book boyfriend - very mature, well mannered, swoon worthy and did I say SUPER patient?! I loved the character development of both protagonists. Also, great side characters. I liked that there was just about enough detail about the side characters, which complemented the story line without being distractors.

The tension between the protagonists was quite palpable in every page & this was a wonderful slow burn romance! NYC has been captured in full glory with vivid details, kudos to the author! As a reader I felt like the author was virtually taking us through all the nooks and corners of NYC and I could almost feel like I was physically present :)

For some reason Nathan here, reminded me of the male protagonist in Devon Daniels' "Meet you in the middle" (another favorite book of mine), just that Nathan felt less cockier :) Although Bea had her anger issues, by the end, the author beautifully depicts the character's growth. The third act breakup felt organic and was tied into the story beautifully.

Overall, loved it! Eagerly looking forward to checking out the author's next.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

#NetGalley, #HowFreakingRomantic

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When I saw Emily Harding was coming out with a standalone novel, I was eager to see how it would turn out. How Freaking Romantic was a great solo debut! I liked the premise of the story. It was fun watching Bea and Nathan go from "enemies" to friends to lovers. I enjoyed the way Harding set-up and progressed their relationship. It was cute watching Bea and Nathan become more comfortable as work colleagues. Bea was a complex character. At first, I wasn't the biggest fan of hers. Bea comes out hot at the beginning of the book. Her reaction to the divorce and Nathan came across as rude and inappropriate. Once I got to know her character better, I understood where she was coming from. Bea got better over time. She is the type of character that feels everything and is trying so hard to keep everything together. Stick with her...she'll change your mind! I adored Nathan's character. He was a fantastic book boyfriend. He was mature, intelligent, and well-developed. His scarf was 😍...step aside Jake! I didn't mind the supporting cast of friends. I would have liked a few more scenes with the friend group together. I thought Mrs. Seigel's character added a comedic layer to the story. The Frank storyline felt incomplete. We never did get an update about what was going on with Frank. I liked the ending, especially the epilogue. Overall, this was a captivating and quick read.

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How Freaking Romantic by Emily Harding was such a delightful, sharp, and funny read that I couldn't put down! The story follows Beatrice Nilsson, an aspiring lawyer who’s always had her friends' backs but never focused on her own happiness. When her best friend's divorce turns ugly, Bea ends up working alongside Nathan Asher, the opposing counsel, and—surprise—he's annoyingly smart, patient, and way too attractive. What starts as pure disdain quickly turns into undeniable chemistry, and Bea has to grapple with her growing feelings while sorting out everyone else’s mess. The tension, witty banter, and emotional depth in this book kept me hooked as Bea navigates the challenges of love, friendship, and self-discovery. If you love a funny and heartfelt romance with a bit of legal drama, this one’s definitely worth reading!

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