Member Reviews

Out of all the recent books — from major publishers nonetheless — to analyze Taylor Swift, this one is the most necessary/the only one that actually merits existing (beyond just capitalizing on Taylor Swift’s pull).
The author knows exactly what kind of book this is, an analysis of select works from Taylor’s discography as text. She puts in thought dissecting and finding the literary devices in the lyrics. The format of the book* allows the reader to understand not just poetic and literary devices in each verse, but why it’s used and how it serves each song as a whole.
She takes the task of explaining the text seriously, but also understands that she is working with artefacts from pop culture. That is refreshing, normally with this kind of thing the person behind it takes themselves too seriously and the campy novelty becomes wince-inducing really quickly. The author navigates that thin line really well.
She uses her expertise in literature to give juuuust enough context to each device and a sprinkle of literature references embedded in the work (and she uses her encyclopedia Swiftie ** knowledge to link it back to Taylor’s music). The reader gains an appreciation of Taylor’s talent, AND a greater appreciation of poetry and literature that now seems 10% more accessible.
*One thing I really liked, was the choice to explain the work with “pen” annotations. Apart from the cute note-taking aesthetic it makes literary concepts digestible to the reader. The choice also shows awareness of the work she’s analyzing.
**I found out about the book from the blog of the Taylor Swift literature course the author runs in Belgium. I also recommend looking up the blog, it’s the best of all the “Taylor Swift is taught in college”-type courses.
Note: Even though I got this book as an ARC preview in exchange for an honest review (thank you to the good people at #NetGalley and Andrews McMeel publishing), I will be buying it to have on my bookshelf. I am curious what the parts with “pen” look like in print.

First of all, Thank You Netgalley for the ARC granted to me. This book was a great surprise to my tbr. Alltough I' m not a swiftie , I appreciate Taylor's ability to write songs that connects with the audience with ease. And the author has built an incredible estrategy with dots connected to the lyric and possible meaning and(or) literary references in them. The visual design of the book is another right choice, with purple mixed with a sofisticated gray tone,all that added to vectors so the readers can relate from each Taylors' albums era song is being analyzed at that time.Pretty enjoyable and easy to read. To the fans, and enthusiasts of music, this book is a good pick!

Anything Taylor swift and you’ll find me there. I really enjoyed looking into some of Taylor’s songs a little deeper. Annotations were super helpful and I liked the style of it feeling like someone had written over my own personal copy.
Thank you!

Thanks to netgalley for approving me for an early ebook copy. As a Swiftie, I will jump at the chance to read about Taylor Swift. However, while I read into the lyrics as much as the next listener, I do not go quite so in depth as Dr. McCausland does in her writing. This book does such a good job at reading into the lyrics from throughout her career, and giving the average listener (like me) a deeper insight to potential theories as to what her songs are about, as well as literary terms that are present in the lyrics. The annotations included throughout with the song lyrics give specific and guided details to each line of the selected songs, and the following explanation to her annotations gives the reader a better understanding of each marked observation. I honestly wish this book contained every song of Swift’s, however large that would make the manuscript, because I found it very intriguing and would love to get Dr. McCausland’s opinion and insight into more of my favourites. I highly recommend this book to every Swiftie.

I was really big into Taylor Swift when she first debuted in the country music industry. Throughout this book, I really enjoyed seeing the progression of her themes, passion, and music in general from where she started to where she is now. When listening to music, I tend to gravitate toward songs with a lot of meaning behind them. I've enjoyed Swift's music throughout the years, but honestly, McCausland just gave me a deeper appreciation of Swift as a writer and a woman, more than just an artist.
The book is broken up into parts, representing specific albums Swift has produced. McCausland took a deep dive into 2-4 songs per album, and it was nice that most of them were her most popular songs! I really liked that this had a "diary" aspect to it for the authors annotations. Each song had printed lyrics on the page, but the authors annotations were written on the page, truly giving the reader an "annotated" copy of Swifts songs.
I also really appreciated the glossary of literary terms at the end of the book. This wasn't too helpful in the e-pub file, but would be super helpful for readers that go through the book physically. This was another aspect of the authors work that makes the reader appreciate the amount of effort and research that went into publishing this.
Thank you NetGalley for a free e-pub of this in exchange for an honest review!

*Stars Around My Scars* by Dr. McCausland is a deep dive into the poetic brilliance of Taylor Swift’s songwriting. With each song, McCausland offers a close reading of the lyrics, highlighting poetic techniques, literary references, and thematic throughlines that weave throughout Swift’s discography. The book not only analyzes the craftsmanship behind the music but also uncovers the deeper meanings and literary connections that make her work stand out. Written for Swifties of all ages, this book elevates Taylor Swift’s lyrics to the level of poetry, showcasing her as a defining writer of this generation.

As a swiftie I LOVED this! I loved taking a dive into her lyrics (which all of us swifties dice deep into anyway)This is a must for any swiftie or fans of her writing.

A must read for any swiftie! I loved it and the author does such a wonderful job describing meanings behind the songs. It was such a joy reading and I couldn’t put it down!

As an English teacher, I found this book powerful and relevant to our students and one that I plan to use over and over again when I do my poetry unit focusing on Taylor Swift.

this was a deeper dive into tswift’s lyrics and gave me another angle to think about with many of her songs. while there were a lot of things i had previously caught onto, it helped explain in more detail and was very interesting— gave me a new appreciation for songs i likely just didn’t thoroughly understand lol

Lately,, I feel as though colleges and schools around the country are adapting classes catered towards the powerhouse that is Taylor Swift and her brand. This book provided me the insight I was craving by breaking down her lyrics in a matter that went beyond just understanding the words she chose. With Taylor, everything has a deeper meaning and this book provided me with insight that I wouldn’t have thought of on my own.
Reading this book was extremely enjoyable and I strongly believe that it is a must have book for any Swiftie, who like me, loves to listen and analyze the meaning or message behind the words sung in a song. Taylor Swift is a prolific songwriter and storyteller, and her songs don’t just define a period in her life, but rather an entire generation. Interestingly enough, I have seen so many books being published on Taylor lately, but nothing like this. Stars Around My Scars provides a different perspective to the meaning behind her songs, one of which I don’t think I would have thought of without having read this book.
I appreciated reading the tidbits and notes that the author chose to include when breaking down the specific song being analyzed. The explanation of her word choices and the way she wrote a specific phrase in the song also helped me understand the Easter eggs she loves to include from a bigger perspective. The deep dive that this book provides the person reading, when looking at specific songs, gives us a chance to appreciate her skillfulness as a songwriter.
A big thank you to NetGalley, Elly McCausland, and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this advanced copy. While the ARC is a gift, my reviews are solely based on my own opinions, and I’m under no obligation to any company or individual to post. #StarsAroundMyScars #NetGalley

When I first heard about this book I was very excited however I was very uncertain about how this book was going to be written. While it could have been very confusing I really enjoyed how it was pieces together song by song and turn give all background information after. What I didn't like was it almost seemed a bit like a high schooler adding their own opinions on the songs for an essay at least the first half. I feel like some the notes were overreached and almost over emphasized, however some seemed perfect and made to more understanding of where she is now in her career and as a writer. This is a book that any fan of Taylor's will want to check out however if you aren't a fan even on the slightest of you don't know multiple of her songs than this is one that won't be for you and will feel a bit like a huge undertaking to tackle, however thankfully I do consider myself a fan so I loved all of the added information in the margins that was thrown in. Do be warned however of you check out this book because it isn't written like a novel so it is a little hard at some points. Great for Taylor fans not a good read for anyone else unfortunately so if you are a fan this is one that will really grab you and you will want to read. I just wish myself that it had more of a continuous flow to the pros and not a stunted and jarring end to the ending to every song.i did like the little notes at the end of the songs really paraphrasing and suming up all of the details .I feel that overall this book lacked continuity, and even as a fan the further I got into the book the more I found myself putting it down. I feel like this was told almost like an English teacher reaching for hidden metaphors that aren't actually there and meanings that are so far out of left field that you would have never seen them.

This is the first book I've read that combines English analysis with something as accessible as pop-sensation Taylor Swift. Reading this book felt like going back to school (in the best way!) I was obsessed with the annotations, they felt really accurate and concise but were also so visually pleasing the way they were designed. I really felt like I was in the hands of a true English language expert, who just happened to be analysing some of my favourite songs ever.
I loved how each song was considered within the wider context of Swift's writing and the album in which the song belonged to. I learned so much about language, linguistic techniques and it gave me such a greater appreciation not just for Taylor Swift but for the poetic foundation of so many great songs. All of Taylor's signature moves where highlighted and it was so interesting to see over the years and between albums which themes, style and techniques have changed substantially and which feel like the DNA of Swift's writing. It is a wonderfully thorough whistlestop tour of her discography, however there were some songs that didn't have a written paragraph surmising the points made ('Love story', 'story of us').
Also, there were a couple of songs that I wish were covered! Notably, despite there being a champagne illustration to introduce evermore, 'champagne problems' wasn't annotated and I really would've loved to see 'begin again', 'you belong with me' and perhaps some of her other popular ones covered. I did appreciate that the book also served to discover some of Swift's less well known songs, but I think some of the really popular songs were missed which might reduce the appeal to people who aren't die hard Swifts.
Other than that, a wonderful guide through Swift's discography!

Elly McCausland’s Stars Around My Scars is a breathtaking masterpiece that blends raw emotion with exquisite prose. This deeply personal and beautifully crafted novel explores themes of love, loss, resilience, and healing, pulling readers into an unforgettable journey of self-discovery.
McCausland’s writing is poetic and evocative, painting vivid imagery that lingers long after the final page. The characters feel achingly real, their struggles and triumphs resonating on a deeply human level. It’s rare to find a book that balances heartbreak and hope so seamlessly, but this one achieves it with grace.

I was kind of disappointed when I started reading this because it was not what I thought that it was going to be. I thought that it was actually going to be a poetry collection. This was not a poetry collection, it was a literary annotation of a poetry deep dive into the lyrics. However I did think that the concept was interesting. I do like to deep dive in research and look at things in a literary way. However not being the biggest Swift fan this was not for me. I do think this would be a perfect gift for a major swift fan. The man reason why I picked this up was because of the title. Stars Around My Scars: The Annotated Poetry made me think that this was a mental health type poetry collection. Now its not that this book was bad it was very interesting exploring the thoughts of a fan deep diving into the songs. But in my opinion this dragged on for me. If it was shorter I could see myself giving it a 4 star. But I came to terms not to read stuff on people I am not a fan of because I feel like its not a far review. But this was a learning experience for me.

I really enjoyed this. It wasn’t exactly what I expected but it was very enjoyable. I enjoyed the insight for the songs that were analyzed. My favorite album is 1989 (Taylor’s Version) and the selection of songs did not disappoint.

An in depth and emotional dive into the brilliant lyricism of Taylor Swift. This book is perfect for those looking to dive deep into the best musician of a generation.

This is perfect for any Swiftie! If you aren't a fan of Taylor, but are wondering why she gets so much hype and why her music resonates so well with so many people, this book also just goes to show how talented she is!

Avid swiftie so I felt like I already had a good understanding of the meanings behind the songs. Though I have rarely just sat and read poetic breakdowns of the lyrics and found that very interesting and gave me even more respect for Taylor’s song writing.
Was able to read this though NetGalley and think any fan of her music would love to read this book. Even if you don’t like her songs, it proves just how talented she is at storytelling.

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