Member Reviews

Long story short: I LOVE this book! This is a must haves for all Swifties who love to dive in and analyze all of her lyrics and patterns within Taylor Swift’s songwriting. In a world where there are sooooo many books based on our favorite pop star, this one offers a unique insight that goes beyond surface level discussions of style and impact, but deep dives into what we love most about Taylor: her music. I loved the insightful notes and details, such as the semantic details and vocabulary related to crime in Reputation, reasons for her use of repetition in certain areas, and the role that rhythm played into the narrative of Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince. I enjoyed all of these little details and Easter eggs and cannot wait to read thru this again with my daughter who is the original Swiftie in our household. Bravo! My only disappointment is that it isn’t available before Christmas!

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This is fascinating! There are so many books out there with Taylor Swift as a focus, but most of them feel like a cash grab, this one does not at all! It's well researched and by an expert in the field. As a lover of the English language and Tay, I can say this is a perfect addition to any study of her works. It makes me wish I could take the classes on her!

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A fun and analytical take to Taylor’s lyrics and what might be the underlying tones and meanings behind them.

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