Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Pen & Sword for the ARC.

A very detailed history of being buried alive and the reasons why we do it both intentionally and accidentally. It goes through prehistory to present-day retelling hundreds of accounts of the phenomenon, then more accounts organized by how it happened: ritual sacrifice, murder, punishment, war, natural disaster, etc. Finally ends with how we try to prevent this from happening when we aren't doing it on purpose. The extensive details come at the cost of sounding repetitive, where certain passages feel like they were copy-pasted to whichever spot they fit. Otherwise, it's a really good source of information, and I may have gotten an idea to write a short story thanks to this book.

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When I hear “buried alive”, I automatically think about people mistakenly buried due to looking dead. But this book touches so many more reasons and instances - from accidents to sacrifices to intentional, etc. I learned a lot about different times and countries with different perspectives and customs, and different approaches to death. I enjoyed this book a lot and I love that it made me think.

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Just like a really long list. It became monotonous very quickly. Some of the stories seemed identical to one another, which probably lends itself to the folklore around live burials, but the author lists each one pretty much equally. In the first few chapters especially I wondered how many were simply urban legends with no actual basis in reality (the lady's fingers they cut off for her rings for example). But he doesn't investigate much beyond "this article said it happened."

Speaking of, many of these stories just end abruptly like 🤷🏻‍♀️. For example, "She afterwards related many curious things that she apparently saw while in the trance." Okay, SUCH AS...? If I recall, this woman was brought back from the dead and you give us NOTHING?!

Finally, much of the writing is clunky and dated. Like I know this thing [insert old timey event] happened in 1800-whatever, but maybe don't use uncomfy dated race identifiers. Not to mention "burials alive." There's no way that's correct. Say "live burials" or "instances of being buried alive" if you must keep with the title phrase.

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It was a great idea for a book but very poorly executed. There are no stories, no themes, no real historical context. It is a collection of random examples of accidental burials (or close calls). Most are only a couple of sentences long. This needed a serious editor to encourage the author to categorize and contextualize the examples, and show them how to choose stories that have real throughlines and can be explored.

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Buried Alive is a morbid and fascinating book that is so incredibly human at its core. There is something uniquely terrifying about this topic.

The writing style and format sadly let the book down. The information dumping was a constant throughout and we were left without a tangible narrative to pull everything together. It was really interesting to see how pervasive this fear has been throughout the centuries and across cultures. However, the author changed stories so quickly that I practically had whiplash and I felt we could have went deeper with each area. I wish the story could have been more focussed or divided up differently. This is clearly a very well researched piece, but became rather repetitive.

I liked the inclusion of the bibliography at the back as this book is an excellent starting point when delving deeper into the macabre.

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This is a really fascinating book that delves into the many cases of premature burial. It's definitely not a bedtime read, especially if the reader suffers from claustrophobia! The author covers many proven, terrifying cases of 'corpses' awakening after being interred in a coffin. In the past, there wasn't any totally reliable method of assuring that a person was dead. Fortunately, advances in medical technology and processes to confirm death have lessened the chances of this happening.
The author covers a number of possible historical causes of being buried alive including catalepsy, comas, severe shocks, and infectious diseases.
I can't say that I enjoyed reading this disturbing book, but I found it hard to put down.

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This is an interesting book about people being being buried alive. It's well researched and I found it really fascinating. If you have an interest in this subject matter, I would recommend this! Special Thank You to AJ Griffiths - Jones, Pen & Sword and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Buried Alive by A.J. Griffiths-Jones is a gripping and unsettling true-crime account that delves into a chilling case of deception and murder. The author’s meticulous research and vivid storytelling bring the dark events to life, offering readers a compelling and haunting read. Perfect for true-crime enthusiasts.

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This book is very well researched and very interesting. It definitely made me freaked out. However, the formatting of this book wasn’t my favorite. It felt like a lot of information dumping about different cases, uncovering how they tried to avoid being buried alive.. etc. I felt like the book could have been sectioned out by specific countries or eras? The writing was kind of dry, too.

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Riveting, triggering, informative, emotional. Wow! An absolutely fascinating book that was detailed and clearly well researched. I won't lie, this is not or the faint of heart, but if you don't mind some macabre and discomfort (literally squirming in your seat) you'll enjoy this dark look at an unfortunate phenomenon.

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Perhaps this wasn’t my best choice in bedtime reading, I’m surprised I didn’t have nightmares but it was an absolutely fascinating read. The subject matter - who knew that this was such an extensive area- was incredibly well researched with astonishing rigour. The number of examples of this macabre subject is quite vast which came as a bit of a shock. Each one is treated with respect and the detail that it deserves to paint a really detailed picture. Fascinating, compelling and thought provoking reading but perhaps not for the faint hearted.

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This books shares the harrowing stories of people's throughout history who met the most terrifying of ends.
It's a challenge to get through any of the tales without the feeling of claustrophobia setting in.
This book balances the fears with fascinating histories and osteology. Its very accessible for both the expert in and the layman.
You will travel the world with each haunting case study and realise more and more that maybe a bell attached to your coffin may not be such a bad idea at all...

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Okay, so this started great. I think it could have done with much better editing, though, as it reads almost like a Wikipedia list of occurrences, moving from one to the next. It's very repetitive

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This was an interesting read and very evident gow much research has gone into this book. However, for each account it was more so short paragraphs of information, I feel this book could have been played out differently as it wasn't really a story.
Interesting information and never realised how easy it was to bury people alive. Terrifying.

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This definitely unlocked a new fear. I Def got goosebumps and I can't for the life of me imagine what it would be like to be in those situations. Shudder much!!!!

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Buried Alive by AJ Griffith Jones, I read another book similar to this one but found this one so much better it encompassed every kind of burial from buildings falling on top of people to cave-ins the actual funeral rituals that left people entombed in the dirt and alive. They also talked about the famous people who feared it the politicians who try to prevent it in those who were so prideful and denied it even happened. It seemed every culture known to man from those in South America Britain the Middle East ET see feared being buried alive the author even covered those who buried people alive on purpose I was really fascinated by those who fought in wars and were buried under all the dead people there was just so much information in this book and I think Mr. Griffith Jones dotted every I and crossed every T when researching this topic and it made for a very interesting read with lots of OMG moments. This is definitely a book readers will want to have on their coffee table or their TBR pile either way once you start it you’ll find it hard to put down I certainly did. I love stuff like this and I enjoyed it so much. #NetGalley, #PinAndSwordPress, #AJGriffithJones, #BuriedAlive,

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This was a comprehensively researched and well-constructed work on the history of accidental burials, deaths that occurred whilst someone was buried alive, and other various morbid fascinations. It is largely formed around a series of small anecdotes about differing burials and circumstances, and covers a wide amount of ground. I do think there were some elements of this that should not have been included, for instance, mine cave-ins, but I also understand why they were. It is certainly morbid subject matter, but it is interesting all the same, and well worth a read.

I do think that there could have been a little more delving into the connected folklore - for instance, the connection of vampire mythology with growing nails and hair as a symptom of having been buried alive, and I did feel that it ended rather abruptly, but it was good nonetheless. I definitely learnt of quite a few cases I had not previously heard of, and learnt some interesting facts about burial customs and rituals through the ages. I understand that there are some people who are not the right audience for a book like this, but I definitely am, and I thought it was great.

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This book looks at the topic of premature interment (a more genteel way of saying buried alive) & some miraculous escapes in the nick of time. To be honest, I'm really not sure what possessed me to read this book, I can't think of something more likely to induce nightmares! It was shocking just how many possible 'premature interments' there may have been, particularly around the time of war or disease. Thankfully the risk of being buried alive has lessened somewhat in more modern times although it has not disappeared completely.

It was also absolutely unfathomable to me how people could have heard shouting or knocking & instead of immediately digging it back up or opening the coffin, going off to find someone in charge. An official in one of the cases waited TWO DAYS after sounds were heard before allowing it to be opened. TWO DAYS! One wonders if those people should have been charged with at least manslaughter.

The book itself is very readable. Rather than a linear narrative it was split into different topics (i.e. ritual, criminal, accidental, etc) & mainly consisted of a listing of cases. They were very interesting, if macabre, & there was obviously a lot of local history research completed by the author. I did notice that sometimes a death concerning a particular topic would be included in one chapter & then a later chapter would deal the topic in more detail - it gave the book a repetitious feel in places even though no cases were actually repeated. If that makes sense. It also ends very suddenly with no concluding chapter which felt a little abrupt.

My thanks to NetGalley & publishers, Pen & Sword, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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I absolutely LOVED this book!!
The stories of those who were buried alive, either intentionally or unintentionally are so bizarre! I could not stop reading, and this was one of those books that will freak you out, yet morbidly keep you fully engaged.

These stories range from ancient to the more present day, and are full of as much detail as is available. Reading before bed may cause your dreams to be a bit wacky, but once you start reading, you will not want to put this book down.

Wander through these pages, and see if you have a fear of being buried alive! There were some methods that were used to ensure that a person was "truly dead" (and here I have visions of BRING OUT YOUR DEAD playing), and some were truly weird. I can see the wanting to be sure, but goodness, don't try these at home folks.

Enjoy! I loved this book - from its weird to its accidental oopses.

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Buried Alive by AJ Griffiths-Jones is a bone-chilling book details loads of premature burials, accidental interments, live burial/sacrificial rites, murder, and deliberate live burials to make and break records. Premanture burials have struck terror into the minds of so many for thousands of years. Taphophobia is the fear of being buried and waking up alive and has affected thousands of people throughout history. In fact, the American Society for Prevention of Premature Burial was necessitated. I understand that, especially when medical technology was not as advanced as it is today. People appeared dead in comatose and apopletic states and death-ike trances. Some poor souls were paralyzed and couldn't move, silent witnesses to their own funerals. Others were fortunate to signal to passersby by screams they were alive and were revived and lived days, months or years after.

This book is so riveting, disturbing and gripping it was impossible to put down, yet at times it was necessary for my own sanity! The author describes "dead-houses", miners, safety coffins, wills bequeathing money to someone who would stab or sever arteries to ensure death, left notes to housekeepers with similar instructions and also to have several doctors examine their body, and the Greek method. Ways of determining death are discussed as well.

The story of a vault opened to bury someone years after a woman was buried there is terrifying. Her skeleton sat at the entrance...and fingers were missing. A man was removed from his coffin, clothing shredded and bloody in a desperate attempt to escape.

If you are intrigued by the macabre and weirdly fascinating, this book is for you.

My sincere thank you to Pen & Sword and NetGalley for providing me with an early digital copy of this astounding book.

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