Member Reviews

Late to the search party by Steven Espada Dawson is an interesting collection. It is full of sorrow and angsty but an underlying bitterness or sarcasm can be seen. I enjoyed it.

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"I want so badly to write words / with a future attached." - Every Word is My Mothers

"We're under the same moon and I'm sick / with that knowing." - Elegy for the Four Chambers of My Brother's Heart

A stunning debut collection! I was in awe of every poem, marking each as a favorite to return to. It is a collection of elegies for those dead and alive, of looking for/at, of building a childhood, and of loss and love. I particularly found the elegies a stunning set of poems. The title poem-- "Late to the Search Party" is a feat!

I highly recommend this collection!

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My man’s gifted through and through. Excellent, raw, emotional collection of poetry. Would recommend ♾️/10!!

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