Member Reviews
This book was slightly enjoyable though I am not enticed to read anything else from this author or reccommend this to others, I personally did not enjoy the authors writing style and felt the book was too dragged out. The character development was promisng but I wasn't the biggest fan of Danielle the main character. Overall I was invested enough in the bookm to finish it but it wouldnt be classified in my 'favorite book' category.
This story was definitely a slow burn. I didn’t really like the main character, Danielle, but by the end I was invested in what happened to her and her story. I feel like her character was developed well. I thought that the mother was quirky and a little bit funny at times. Pressville reminded me of other small towns in Georgia and I feel like the reactions of the people were pretty much on point. This is my first book by this author and I enjoyed the writing style. I would check out other books by this author in the future.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. I discovered Lo Patrick not long ago and she has become one of my favorites. Her writing is impeccable and her stories are just about perfect. Highly recommend
Review may contain spoilers.
My actual rating is 2.75
Book was okay but not necessarily my cup of tea or something I'd read again.
Fast Boys and Pretty girls is a story about a girl, Danielle; from a small town in Georgia that becomes a semi popular model in NYC. Upon returning home for a visit she falls hard and fast for Benji a bad boy from her hone town. In my opinion she becomes quite obsessed with keeping him at all cost to the point where you almost want to shake some sense into her but hey we've all been teens in love. Danielle lies to her parents and keeps Benji a secret which is cringy because he's under age. She talks him into coming up to NYC where he starts hanging out with another model from her agency, he goes back home, she follows, typical teenage "love" but with a missing person and a loss of a 1st love with an unexpected twist.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve read a book this lovely! The author has a way with words and a turn of phrase that is missing in most novels today. I found myself thinking about the book when I wasn’t reading it and was eager to get back to it. The relationship between the mother and daughter was relayed precisely and even poetically through dialog between them. Also, the family dynamic between the dad and his daughters and between the sisters was very on point, direct and true. The time shift between then and now had me a bit confused in the beginning and I had to go back and reread a little to clarify some things but once I figured out who was who and what was what it made sense to me and was easy to follow. The confession near the end of the book appeared abruptly and caught me off guard but the very end was both satisfying and complete. Well done and highly recommended! I want to thank the author and NetGalley for my ARC and in return I’ve given my honest review.
This book gave me goosebumps, The writing is evocative and deeply atmospheric, pulling you into Danielle’s messy, guilt-ridden world with stunning precision. Themes of first love, loss, and the inescapable pull of the past are woven into every twist, making the story as emotionally devastating as it is gripping. This is a beautifully written tale of memory and morality that leaves a lasting impression.