Member Reviews
This is the fourth in the Mossa and Pleiti series by Malka Older, and it is a worthy sequel -- we learn more about Pleiti's past and more about the world of the platforms. There's also a mystery, though hanging out with these great characters on this wonderful world is enough for me.
As usual Older is a delight - honestly I just enjoy spending time with these characters. The mysteries are always fun but maybe not the richest - the joy is in the worldbuilding and character work. What a pleasure!
An excellent whodunit, with a loving, true depiction of depression. This series gets better with every book.
This was a strong third entry in the Investigations of Mossa and Pleiti series, it had that element that I was looking for and enjoyed the scifi element to this book. The characters had that feel that I was looking for and enjoyed the space opera element. Malka Older was everything that I was looking for and was glad I got to read this. I hope there is more in this series and from Malka Older.