Member Reviews

I enjoyed reading the second installment of this series, though I did wish I read The Tainted Cup again just to refresh my memory. The great thing about A Drop of Corruption is that the action started almost immediately, since the context and characters were already established. This was something that the Tainted Cup was a bit slow to get into, so I really appreciated the fast-moving plot here. I appreciated that there were several ongoing and continuous mysteries at once, though I was slightly disappointed by a couple things:
- Din's character seemed kind of different from before -- more assured in a way, but still obsessing over (in my mind and Ana's mind) the wrong things. This could be somewhat frustrating since I generally found Din to be quite competent.
- Some mysteries fell a bit flat with me, since I was able to puzzle out some crucial pieces quite quickly. I know I get to metagame it since there's an aspect of "if it's mentioned in the plot it must be important" but still -- Ana should have figured some things out faster.
- The climax of the supervillain's take down was a bit anticlimactic imo -- mostly around the reasoning.
I was excited about certain reveals, though I think they would have been more impactful if there was more established world-building around the empire and its domains.
Received a free copy from Netgalley.

The Tainted Cup was my favourite release of 2024 and I raved about it constantly, so I had very high expectations for A Drop of Corruption. And I’m glad to report that it did not disappoint. This series continues to be the best combination of fantasy and murder mystery with a side of one of the most interesting worlds and magic systems ever created, and crazy loveable characters, that I did not know I was missing in my collection (and in my life!!).
Book 2 brings us along with Din and Ana to the Kingdom of Yarrow, expanding on the world already presented in the previous book, to investigate a new, an even more gruesome, case. Nothing is what it seems and even though this is, first and foremost, a fantasy book, I bow down to the author for intertwining such a wonderful mystery thriller. I just love an impossible locked room mystery that evolves into a big conspiracy. And if these are related to some horrific biological weapons that educate us on the brilliance of the world and magic system created and lead to even more gruesome deaths? Well, what can I say? This is just my kind of book. Add some political intrigue, corruption, cultural clashes and some very light philosophical topics and I just got a new favourite!
Ana is still my absolute favourite character, with her eccentric, sometimes rude and definitely strange behaviour that everyone puts up with because of her brilliance. I liked to learn a bit more about her, and that whenever Ana started putting pieces together, she did so by dropping clues in her speech, but not fully unravelling everything right away, as this allowed me, as a reader, to think about what further pieces I could put together myself. In this, I felt that I was right there with Din, who was also trying to keep up. I love a good character development, so of course I’m here for Din struggling with money, his job and his purpose while somehow always finding himself in the world's most deadly places and most dangerous situations.
My only complaint was that the start was a bit slow for me, as it seems like a big shift from the Tainted Cup and Din is a bit lost (in his job? In his life? We get you Din!) so I think I got lost as well until Ana entered the scene and somehow chaos ensued but I was hooked. However, to be fair, I think that particular to me.
Overall, this book was an excellent follow up for fans of Fantasy and Mystery, building up on an unrivalled world building and magic system, well written and developed characters, cultural clashes, bureaucracies and power corruption. Now, I’m (not so) patiently waiting for book 3!
Thank you so much to Random House Publishing Group - Del Rey and NetGallery for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Is it to soon to ask to be considered for an ARC of book 3? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

A Drop of Corruption" by Robert Jackson Bennett is the second installment in the Shadow of the Leviathan series, following the adventures of the eccentric detective Ana Dolabra and her steadfast assistant, Dinios Kol. Set in the distant canton of Yarrowdale, the narrative kicks off with the mysterious disappearance of a Treasury officer from a locked room, a case that swiftly escalates into a complex murder investigation. While "A Drop of Corruption" delivers a compelling mystery with sharp wit and a richly textured setting, some may find it adheres closely to the formula established in the first book, lacking the same fresh impact. Nonetheless, it stands as a solid sequel that will satisfy fans of the series and leave them eager for the next installment.

Another outstanding book by Robert Jackson Bennett. Fantastic follow up to Tainted Cup. I could not have asked for more. Amazing book.

The Tainted Cup was my first 5-star book in 2025. I absolutely loved it so I was so excited to pick up this book and continue following along with these characters. While I didn't love it AS much as the Tainted Cup, this was still an extraordinary read that I would recommend to anyone looking for a unique mystery.
This book continues on following the one-of-a-kind duo, Ana Dolabra and Dinios Kol. The plot of this series is similar to a Sherlock Holmes detective kind of series if Sherlock Holmes was a brilliant, middle-aged woman who constantly blindfolds herself because new environments and too much going on around her overwhelms her senses and Watson was the young sidekick with a unique version of a photographic memory. Ana and Din are recruited to investigate once again when a man goes missing from his gaurded room with no signs of escaping but leaves blood all over his sheets. This is only the beginning as they begin to unravel everything.
Ana is possibly one of my all-time favorite characters. She is so fascinating and I have never read a character even similar to hers. And Din is also a favorite, but I do feel like we got more from him in the first book of this series. I think having Captain Kepheus in the first book allowed readers to get more emotion from Din so I'm hoping he makes an appearance in the next.
The ending of this book kept me on my toes and I never know where Robert Jackson Bennett is going to take the plot and the twists at the end.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book and thank you to NetGalley for the eARC and letting me share my thoughts!

Finally we return to the lives of Ana and her assistant Din in another fantastic murder mystery. The banter between the two investigators continues to be some of my favorite.
During this story we start to have questions around Ana and her abilities - which even from book 1 was a big interest of mine. The leviathans and the shroud, the place where the leviathans are harvested, are two things this book explores a little, but not as much as I'd wish. The stories stay true to it's murder mystery fashion - while dropping small hints of the world they inhabit. While there was a lot of explaining/telling and less showing in this story, I still had a great time with it and believe anyone who enjoyed book 1 will enjoy this one as well.

I'm so glad I found this series! The second book takes us back to Din and Ana and a new mystery. This series is a perfect blend of fantasy worldbuilding and intriguing mystery that delivers on it's conclusion.

The canton of Yarrowdale, a highly-charged political area of the Empire, as it is not quite acquired yet into the territory, is in a bit of a tizzy. On the brink of its allegiance to the Empire, after many decades of negotiations, one of the Empire's officials disappears without a trace. By the time he is found, it is in pieces and nobody can figure out how he left his locked room, high up in a tower. It is, once again, time to call Ana Dolabra and her assistant Dinios Kol. As in the first of this series, the initial murder is solved with relative ease by this genius investigator, but in solving the initial crime, only a dozen more questions come up and a much larger conspiracy is revealed. Readers follow along with Ana and Dinios as they play empirical and local politics, travel through mysterious and murky lands, and eat really weird meals (at least, on Ana's end) before uncovering the true nature of the crime and finding the one responsible for it.
This second novel in the Shadow of the Leviathan series was a bit surprising to me. I liked the first installment, but wouldn't say I loved it. However, I enjoyed this novel much more than the first. I'm not typically a fantasy reader, so it could be that the world had already been constructed in my mind and there was less work on my end as I entered this murder mystery (which is what I really come to this series for). However, it could also be the difference between audiobook and text. The first novel I read through audio and this one I read on my Kindle. Either way, I found this mystery to be captivating, unique, and a lot of fun. I was guessing and second-guessing all kinds of potential outcomes and was never correct, but that's always fine with me. For this reader, the second in this series was a win!

It is a rare thing that I find a second book in the series that is even better than the first. This book was amazing! The mystery, the political intrigue, the characters. It has been a long time since I've seen characters and world building done this well. I love Din and Ana and their relationship, and even the side characters are interesting and draw you in. This series is honestly such a fresh concept that I can not wait to see where it goes. I have a feeling something big is coming, but I can't quite put my finger on it! This is one book series that I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on!

<strong>ARC/Superb Follow-up To Book 1</strong>
Such vivid, descriptive writing. The details in which Bennet provides the reader, makes one truly sink into every aspect of the book, seeing it luminously unfold before your very eyes, as picturesque as a movie.
What a magnificent, gifted storyteller Robert Jackson Bennet is, rarer than you may imagine.
At 61% in, I posted this update on my GoodReads account:
"Since receiving this early release, I have been consumed with gloriously devouring it.
Though it cuts greatly into my winter knitting time 🤭, I have practically been incapable of putting it down."
Bennett is a masterful narrator, drawing the reader along with his divine, exceedingly powerful narrative of the investigation involving Din and Ana.
I predict high praise for this 2nd book in the series."
No detail is too small for Bennett to expand upon. From every character, co-character, world building, he resplendently illustrates every solitary aspect. The descriptions of the different races, the enhancements, augmentations, clothing, finery, even the food and drink, they partake in, leaves no doubt this world exists! The lines he feeds Ana and Din are sometimes clever, yet others complex, and most definitely hilarious as well, especially coming from the mad genius Ana.
If you’ve yet to read the first, run out as quickly as possible to do so, and get ready for the upcoming release of this one on April 1st, 2025! You won’t be disappointed!
I was so excited when my request for the ARC of this particular manuscript was approved. Thank you to the publishers, and to NetGalley for their wonderful site to bring writers, publishers, and readers, together.
Note: I received an early release of this manuscript from NetGalley and Del Rey/ Penguin Random House, and have at my own discretion and opinion, chosen to post a review.

I enjoyed spending more time with one of the quirkiest investigation duos, Ana and Din as they work another strange case.
Just like book one, the world-building is extraordinary. Robert Jackson Bennett creates a fantasy world that is so detailed it comes alive in your mind. His world of plants, fungus, and the leviathans is so interesting.
My favourite part of these books are the two main characters. I especially love Ana’s sharp tongue, and quick wit. In this book, I would have liked more time spent on the relationship between Ana and Din as their banter is so fun. I’m hoping in any future books we get to learn more about their backstories (especially Anna).
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts and opinions.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC and the below is an honest review:
If you loved Tainted Cup and wanted more from Ana and Dio this is for you. The world continues to build and fill out in a very satisfying way.
I will say that as a fantasy reader and not as much of a sci-fi reader I would classify this book as more sci-fi (thus 4.75 ⭐). I will say I enjoyed Foundryside a bit more.
The mystery was absolutely gripping and still gave the wonderful Sherlock Holmes vibes. The reveal at the end was absolutely amazing. I did not see it coming but on reflection the clues were there but nicely hidden (I unfortunately should have paid closer attention).
Lastly I would highly recommend this book to anyone I see. This author has a way of making you feel like you are somewhere else and in the action. Please do yourself a favor and read this book (audiobook makes the mystery even harder and I don't recommend this version)

I think I've said this before, but I'm not normally a fantasy reader. However, I am absolutely here for A Drop of Corruption, the 2nd installment in the Leviathan series (that I am loving) from Robert Jackson Bennett!
There is so much detail in the world building, but the story isn't weighed down by it and is just so fleshed out and visual.
Not giving any of the plot away, but we are back with detective Ana and her trusty side, Kol. I found great joy in reading the dynamic between these two. Serious hilarious and acerbic. The relationship is expanded upon more in this novel, as we meet a new set of characters when we follow them to another mysterious land to solve a case of a missing Treasury official who vanished from a heavily guarded tower, and rapidly turns into a murder investigation.
So, again, I'm not giving away the plot or anything here, but I'm just going to say if you like reading mysteries, give this series a go (think otherwordly Sherlock). It's detailed and well thought out. It's very twisty with many subplots that combine together for a satisfying ending to the case.

I was really eager to read A Drop of Corruption because I loved the first book in the series. This second instalment didn’t disappoint, delivering another gripping murder mystery set in a fascinating, unique and imaginative world.
The world of this series continues to captivate me and it was exciting to get further detail and expand on the knowledge from A Tainted Cup. The biotechnology feels fresh and original. I don’t enjoy when books that are overly descriptive, but this one struck the perfect balance. The descriptions were enough to keep me engaged while crafting an evocative and, at times, delightfully creepy atmosphere. The writing made the world feel alive without ever dragging or losing momentum.
The story begins similarly to the first book, with Din sent to investigate a murder and gather information for Anna, the foul-mouthed, irreverent, Sherlock Holmes-esque genius who ties everything together. Anna remains one of the most vivid characters I’ve come across, full of idiosyncrasies, grotesque eating habits, and brutal takedowns of Di or anyone else who dares get on her nerves. Her sharp wit and chaotic brilliance steal the show, and I was delighted by every scene she was in.
I also loved the introduction of Malo. Her snarky personality was such a fun addition to the cast. I hope to see more of her in future instalments. I think RJB did a great job at including moments of levity to balance the darker elements in the story. I enjoyed the dynamic between Ana, Malo and Din. and their mocking of Din’s sexual exploits killed me! Poor Din experienced numerous indignities in this story!
I did feel that Din’s character could have been fleshed out a bit more. There are flashes of his personality, in his desire to move in a different career path, when he is stressed out, in his pining over Kephus (I was so sad to not see him in this book). But I would love to see more depth and development in the future. However, his evolving relationship with Anna, progressing from just a working partnership to a bond built on genuine care (despite frequent exasperation), was a satisfying and added emotional weight.
The mystery itself was masterfully crafted. The story wrapped up with a big reveal that brought together tiny clues laid out along the way, an absolute masterclass in twists and turns. While I did anticipate a couple of elements early on in the initial murder case, the resolution still managed to surprise and deeply satisfy me.

Kol and Dolabra are at it again in this sequel to The Tainted Cup. Trying to solve an impossible mystery of a disappearing man who winds up dead and a killer who is like a ghost.
I was really excited to read this book because I gave the first book 4.5 stars. This one is even better in my opinion and is 5 stars for me. I felt I understood the world better and the characters were very strong and well thought out and each had their own dynamic story. The way he describes this world is just so atmospheric, I can picture everything and feel like I'm right there with the characters. I absolutely love Ana, she is wild and chaotic in the best way. She doesn't care what she says; she is their to solve this mystery and do it in her own unique way. The mystery in this one had me intrigued and guessing something different at every turn. The descriptions of these murders were vivid and gruesome. I am really hoping for a third book in this series. I need more!

A Drop of Corruption was one of my most anticipated reads for 2025 and as expected it did not disappoint. This is the second book in a series that takes a murder mystery and sets in a fantasy world that’s Sherlock Holmes meets kaiju meets Attack on Titan.
This takes what made the first novel so great and expands on it. We learn more about Ana and Din, more about their motivations and hopes and secrets, while introducing new intriguing characters. The world is also further expanded and explored as Ana and Din are summoned to investigate another murder in a new location with a different culture and politics that they must quickly learn and adjust to.
I loved the super creepy body horror elements and threat of contamination which added a deep feeling of dread and tension. It’s something we got a taste of in the first book and when we encounter the full scope of what we are dealing with this time it’s truly terrifying. The development of Ana and Din’s characters and learning more about their past and motivations was something I was looking forward to and happy to see. The addition of the character Malo, she’s a whole mood and I love her, really gave weight to the stakes for the people of the Yarrow. Then there is the biological technology in these novels, which is fascinating and terrifying, and getting a deeper look at it through the shroud and the secrets within was another aspect I really enjoyed. The twists and turns revealing new dangers, the well constructed mystery, and deeper world building, all made this an amazing read I couldn’t put down. I can’t wait for the next installment and what it might bring!
Thank you very much to NetGalley and the publisher. I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This second book in the series is even better than the first in some ways, so I was glad I got to read it after I was finished. I love Ana and Din; their relationship (not romantic) is a fascinating thing to watch. In this latest, they are right at the heart of the Empire, which isn’t really in the Empire, and there is an enemy that’s always one step ahead of them. One of the things I love about this series is the complex mystery solving; it reminds me of the show Sherlock. My only real complaints are personal preferences and not because of something terrible, but I don’t like books that take place in a past-like setting and sometimes there’s way too much description (for me). Other than that, this is a very unique and interesting universe, and I’m excited how the changes this book has wrought is going to do the Empire and how events change Ana and Din’s relationship. Oh, and I really hope we get to see Malo again: love her. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

I was so excited to read this second book after I read The Tainted Cup last year. Tainted Cup was one of my favorite books and so I had high expectations from A Drop of Corruption and it did not disappoint!
Din and Ana were still their quirky selves to solve this new murder and mystery. The stakes felt higher than they were in the first book and we got to learn more about the world and leviathans. In the first book, there was a lot of world building and explaining, but I felt like this book went right into the story since we already were acquainted with the world. Mystery is one of my favorite genres and this book combines that beautifully with the fantasy aspect. Highly recommend even if you don’t think you like fantasy or mystery.
I cannot wait for the next book!
Thank you to NetGalley and Del Rey for the ARC.

Review: A hybrid mystery and fantasy novel that catches your attention from the start. How about that cover art?
Oh my, this was really good and right on the heels of a Rooker Flynn series I just read. Lucky me. Besides the intricate and beguiling mystery and the great world building, what sets this novel apart from most is impeccable movement that builds a grand array of characters.
Din has a directed approach to the world which is at war with the emotions within. This is expressed by a rather droll and pedantic approach to life yet he would fuk a snake if you held it for him. Ana's expressions of genius really make the scenes pop. There is a mistake during the castle hunt for Pyktis. When Din's retinue arrive at the castle, the guards ask if they are armed to which they all say no. Later, Din has his sword drawn in the room where Gorthaus was killed. Specifics, Bob.
I could go on but I will not ruin your experience by shedding any more insights. Just get this and be happy for awhile. Great news that the author stopped using phrasing.......as much, ex. "softly" 63x.
I received this ARC for an honest review.

I really enjoy Robert Jackson Bennett's writing - his world building, his creative descriptions, his characters. After The Tainted Cup, I forgot how beautifully gruesome his death scenes can be. Wow! So descriptive and so f*cked up! His scene setting is just really fantastic. "Even the moss-laden trees had the look of grieving widows wandering the tombs in lace gowns." Beautiful!
I missed Signum Dinios Kol, and it hadn't even been that long since I read book 1! I really thought that this book might delve deeper into who the leviathan's are, maybe see that they're not evil? I don't know. I wasn't expecting to literally dig deeper into them... like into their bodies and organs and blood; that was a fun twist! To me, it seems like book 1 set up how dangerous they can be, this book sets up how important they are to the Empire, but still also how dangerous they can be (albeit in a different way). I can't wait to learn more about these creatures in the next book.
We once again have ourselves an Ana and Din mystery. I was able to guess the first twist in this story, which begins with the death of a Treasury officer in Yarrowdale, a city outside the Empire. I was not able to guess any of the other (many) twists throughout, even with some obvious foreshadowing sprinkled in, though I constantly had theories brewing. This story just called me to continue reading to find out each new twist and explanation.
I loved that we got to learn so much more about Ana in the story. Din's and her relationship is actually very entertaining for me. "..why come here at all? Why not send a letter?" "Probably to try new food. Or maybe just to punish me." She does it all for a reason my dude, just go with it! She admits that Din does help keep her in line a bit, from going too off-kilter: "I appreciate it when you throw rocks at my ideas, Din. Keeps me from going too far up my own ass."
Din himself is struggling here a bit, with financial issues and bigger dreams than he believes he can attain. Ana provides some guidance and perspective though, while still remaining supportive of him and his career. "..it falls to us to keep an Empire worth defending."
I would like to say that it is very helpful that Din, as an engraver, frequently recalls certain information for us as a the reader, instead of me having to flip back myself!
"I did not pay for my face. - Din on his beautiful face hahah. It does help him... mostly into many beds :P
Ana, who is pretty much a badass, has some really great quotes throughout, but my faves are probably:
"Just keep an eye out for the fellow with testicles large enough to cause back deformities, and we shall have our culprit!"
"Titan's taint!"
Thank you to NetGalley for approving me for an ARC of this story. I just couldn't wait for this release!