Member Reviews

Although I enjoyed this book, it was definitely a tough one to read. I enjoyed the rawness of Clark's writing. He laid it all out, every trial and tribulation he endured, and showed that we are in charge of our own fate. I would recommend this book to anyone.

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I love redemption memoirs and this one delivers! At age 12, Clark Fredericks was molested and raped by his boy scout leader, sending him down a path of drug use, alcoholism and instability. He kept his secret for 30 years. When he finally finds the courage to speak out and confront his abuser, his life again takes a negative turn. However, through therapy and rehabilitation, Clark is able to take the worst moments in his life and turn them into inspiration for others. This book was challenging, due both to the subject matter and the ways that Clark chose to handle his problems. I had empathy for him, but he definitely doesn't portray himself as a "good guy" until the end, when things become almost sacchrine. I commend the author for opening up about his story, lobbying for the rights of victims of sexual abuse, and helping others in the same situation. I just didn't love his delivery.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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"I had just killed my childhood hero and lifelong family friend Dennis Pegg. I used my own hands and a razor-sharp knife—the same one he taught me how to sharpen as a child—to kill him mercilessly, face-to-face, and up close and personal." -"Scarred: A Memoir of a Childhood Stolen and a Life Reclaimed" by Clark Fredericks.This one was challenging because of the subject. Additionally, it happened in the same neighborhood where I was raised. Therefore, it's possible that one of my own brothers or acquaintances might have experienced this. Thankfully, it didn't. Nevertheless, I was curious to find out about Mr. Fredericks' early years before the horrific incident that served as the backdrop for his tale.It is quite admirable how open and vulnerable the author was when reliving his childhood experience. He does an amazing job of describing his mental state at each point in his life and how it connected to and impacted the events that occurred in his life. I commend him for this. But his lack of regret is what really disturbed me. Please understand that it is abhorrent to injure a child in any form, let alone in this manner. OUTSTANDING. Horrible. Horrible. rebelling. But his writing seemed to have glorified taking the life of someone, made it honorable, and this didn't sit right with me.

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Scarred: a memoir of a childhood stolen and a life reclaimed by Clark Fredericks is a beautifully written, heartbreaking and triumphant story that needs to be told and that more people need to know about!

This story is about Clark, who suffers grooming and sexual abuse from someone he trusted, someone who was a pillar of the community, someone that one would normally go to for help. It's about how traumatic that event was for him and how it continued to manifest in different ways throughout his life. From numbing himself with drugs and alcohol to becoming a gamble-holic the trauma continued to present itself.

The story opens with Clark murdering his abuser Dennis Pegg. Once he is arrested and brought to jail he has time to reflect on how he came to be in that position. It takes you through the grooming and abuse, through the early signs of Clark acting out, and then the reader watches and he descents lower and lower. Everything eventually comes to a point when he runs into Dennis years later. Dennis is with another young boy, he was still continuing to abuse and groom these young men all these years later. Dennis knew something had to be done and took matters into his own hands. He also took us through the aftermath of the crime, his time in jail and what occured afterwards, his glow up, his redemption. How he has gone on to help many other trauma victims and to help inact and change different laws to help countless others.

Special thank you to Clark for writing this memoir and exposing what you went through in the hopes that it helps others. Thank you for sharing your book with NetGalley. I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest opinion and review. This book comes to stores July 29th 2025.

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I went into this book having never heard about Clark Frederick’s and his story. I’ve read other memoirs detailing the traumatic abuse individuals have experienced and the journey they took towards healing, but I have to say I don’t think I’ve read as many written by a man. I can’t help but think how Clark’s story will help other men especially, and those who have lived with a secret they felt they had to keep. It was interesting to hear about Clark’s life and his journey through addiction, and eventually, toward healing. Thank you Simon and Schuster for the ARC provided via NetGalley!

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I found I could not put this book down. Clark Fredrick’s was brutally honest about the molestation he suffered in his childhood and the consequences he faced in the years to follow. That was hard to read, but. And it is the but that is critical to the success of this book. Mr. Fredrick’s spared no one, most of all himself. He lets the reader into his mind and actions and you feel it all along with him. I highly recommend this book to those who have suffered as did Mr Fredrick’s, to those who know someone who has suffered, to those who live someone who has suffered. I appreciate the opportunity I had to read an advance copy of this book thanks to Net Galley.

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What a powerful story I cried way too many times and needed a break a few times. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us

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Most importantly, a huge thank you to NetGalley, Clark Fredericks and Atria Books for providing me with a copy of this publication in exchange for an honest review.

"I had just murdered Dennis Pegg, a longtime family friend, my boyhood hero. I killed him without mercy–to face, up close and personal–with my bare hands and a razor-sharp knife, the same knife he taught me how to sharpen when I was just a kid." -Clark Fredericks, 'Scarred: A Memoir of a Childhood Stolen and a Life Reclaimed'

Given the topic, this one was difficult to get through. It also took place in the same area in which I grew up. So this could have very well happened to one of my own brothers or friends. (Thank God it didn't.) That being said, I was eager to learn of Mr. Fredericks' childhood prior to the traumatic event that was the basis of his story.

The author's vulnerability and honesty during the rehashing of his childhood trauma couldn't be more admirable. He does a phenomenal job of explaining where his mind was at during every stage of his life and how it related to what happened to him, how it affected him. For this, I applaud him. However, what bothered me most is his lack of remorse. Don't get me wrong, harming a child in ANY way, ESPECIALLY this way, is deplorable. BEYOND deplorable. Despicable. Disgusting. Revolting. But his writing seemed to have glorified taking the life of someone, made it honorable, and this didn't sit right with me.

All in all, this was a good read. I liked it. I don't know if I'd say I enjoyed it. I admire your courage and resilience, Mr. Fredericks. I wish you healing and happiness in your freedom.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
Clark tells his story of child sex abuse, to murdering his predator, to prison, and finally to healing and transformation. Very well written and engaging. His continuing advocacy and speaking events are truly life-changing for so many people.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

WOW. Clark bared it all and then some in this memoir of his childhood abuse and abuser. As someone who was lucky enough to not be affected by this type of abuse, it was actually jarring to read about how this affected his life moving beyond childhood. Such an important story and testament to however painful it may be, we must confront and deal with our personal feelings and events in order to try and find a way to move past them. This read more like fiction and I was compulsively interested in the story.

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