Member Reviews

I loved diving back into the Stay a Spell New Orleans but with the second generation and the glimpses we get of Gen 1 😉 Thank you to Net Galley, Union Square Publishing, and Juliette Cross for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Juliette did a wonderful job with this spinoff, introducing us to the new set of supernaturals and leaving little breadcrumbs of what’s to come. But she gave us just enough of the old crew to scratch that itch without diminishing our new crew. I am so excited for the rest of the series!

Celine and Ronan’s relationship was a little too rushed for my liking and felt all too convenient. Celine’s relationships with her brothers and cousin though was so great and loved peeking into more of their stories. Also, Mateo/Alpha, had me giggling so much. Ronan’s overall story arc I liked with his growth and development.

If you’re a lover of Stay a Spell Series and understand Juliette’s definition of an Aura, I feel that’s a difficult witch to write with her type of powers and having her powers be a helper with the plot as that was proven in “Grim and Bear It.”


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Ronan es un hombre lobo cuyo lobo ha estado escondido durante muchos años debido a un trauma. Se dedica a luchar en peleas clandestinas, pero su deseo de hacer las cosas bien lo lleva a mudarse a Luisiana, donde las peleas son legales, con la meta de convertirse en campeón nacional. Su vida gira en torno al entrenamiento, hasta que conoce a Celine.

Celine es una bruja de aura y además es terapeuta infantil. Es muy cercana a su familia y, en general, su vida es buena, a excepción de la parte romántica. Sin embargo, al conocer a Ronan, sabe que él es diferente y que su vida está a punto de cambiar.

Por una u otra razón, siempre pospuse la lectura de la serie Stay a Spell y ahora me arrepiento. Definitivamente, solucionare esta situación.

Es una lectura ligera y divertida.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A Rebel Without Claws is such a good book. Loved every single second of it. I rated it 5 stars because I couldn't give it more stars. I totally recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can.

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If I was 15 years old I probably would have liked this. Hell, I would have romanticized the glaring red flags nearly every male figure exhibits in this book. But at 24, this no longer works for me. 99% of all the men in this book are incredibly misogynistic, and it’s all under the guise of “oh he’s just overprotective! cute huh?”.

Oh and there’s insta-lust/love, so yeah this wasn’t the book for me.

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