Member Reviews

In this unique and exciting new historical fiction novel, readers follow the Honourable Miss Elsie Mackay, a former film star and paparazzi darling whose dream is to be the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. Tracing her pioneering flight and adventurous, unorthodox life, Flora Johnston weaves the stories of Elsie’s friend Stella Campbell (who misses her life at the heart of European politics in her new role as a wife and mother), Stella’s academic sister Corran, and Stella and Corran’s mother through her travels around Europe into this unique and adventurous historical fiction novel. With so many unique and complex characters sharing the pages and alternating perspectives each chapter, the novel really brings the dramatic changes in women’s lives and in technology and transportation to life through their stories. Drawing on real historical events and the real Elsie Mackay, readers will love the historical detail in this novel and how these four women empowered themselves and others in late 1920s Scotland. Exciting and incredibly immersive, this is a brilliant new historical fiction novel where women’s stories and their pushing of social boundaries really dominate the narrative in new and exciting ways that fans of historical fiction novels will love.

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I didn’t realise until I started reading the book that The Endeavour of Elsie Mackay, as well as being a fictionalised account of the exploits of a real life pioneering female aviator, continues the stories of many of the characters who feature in the author’s previous book, The Paris Peacemakers. That wasn’t a problem for me because I loved The Paris Peacemakers. In fact it was an unexpected bonus to be able to find out what had happened to them in the years between the two books. There are brief recaps of events in The Paris Peacemakers that would enable you to enjoy The Endeavour of Elsie Mackay even if you haven’t read the earlier book.

Although Elsie’s ‘endeavour’ (the nature of which we know from the start) is not the only focus of the book, it is the most compelling. Elsie is a wonderfully flamboyant character. She’s a regular guest at glamorous parties dressed in the latest fashions, and rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. But she’s also a woman who relishes time at her family’s Scottish home, Glenapp Castle, enjoying the countryside or picknicking on the beach. But she’s frustrated at the unwillingness of her father, Lord Inchcape, to let her become more involved in his business, the P&O shipping line. Although she is allowed to use her talent for interior design, she longs to have the responsibilties she feels she would have had if she had been a son rather than a daughter.

Although we know what Elsie’s dream is from the start, the interest comes from seeing how she goes about overcoming the considerable obstacles that stand in the way of her achieving it . She does this with a mixture of charm, the occasional deception and sheer persistence. And she’s not averse to using her father’s influence on occasions. But achieving her dream isn’t just about becoming the first woman to fly the Atlantic, she also believes it will prove civil aviation is the way of the future. Above all flying gives her a sense of freedom, a sense of meaning even, that she can’t find anywhere else.

‘This was where she belonged. Right here, up in the sky, where the air was clear and the cares of the world were insignificant, while conventions and expectations and formalities were left far behind on the ground. Up here among the clouds, seeing the world from a different perspective, and embracing possibilities that the earth bound people she spoke to day by day would never begin to understand.’

Although the First World War is over, its impact is still apparent whether that’s the physical or mental scars people bear, the empty chairs at a table or the struggle to return to normal life. In fact, frustration with where you have ended up is something many of the characters share.

Stella, having played an important role in the Paris Peace Conference, finds herself living with her husband Rob and their two children in a small Glasgow tenement along with her widowed mother, Alison. It’s cramped – there’s not enough space for a separate bedroom for herself and Rob – and the daily grind of household chores and caring for her children has left her feeling unfulfilled. ‘It feels as if marriage and children have consumed everything else I ever was. I’m not sure what’s left.’ And she’s frustrated that Rob won’t try to attract more affluent patients so they can purchase a larger house.

Stella’s brother Alex and his wife Luisa long for a baby but, frustatingly, so far Luisa has failed to conceive. Stella’s sister Corran is in a relationship that must remain secret and whose discovery would bring disaster. She also harbours an ambition to be a novelist. Although haunted by his war experiences, Rob misses the comradeship of army life and finds little satisfaction in his current role as a doctor dealing with everyday ailments. He wants to make a difference and is searching for a way to do this.

The author has a way of really drawing you into the lives of the characters. Expect the story to take you on an emotional rollercoaster from the joy of a heartwarming second chance romance, the happiness of an unexpected reunion and the possibility of a new way of life to the ever-present reminder of unbearable loss and a tragedy that gripped a nation.

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The Endeavour of Elsie Mackay is another brilliant historical novel from Flora Johnston. It revisits some of the characters from The Paris Peacemakers and shows what life is like for them in the late 1920s.

The book mainly focusses on four women: Alison Rutherford, her daughters Corran and Stella, and Stella’s friend, the eponymous Elsie Mackay. Stella’s doctor husband, Rob, also features. It was so interesting to see how the women’s lives had changed in the years since the end of the First World War. It was a time of huge change and although things were changing in terms of opportunities for women, there were still many expectations about how they should behave.

Stella is now a wife and mother and feels that she has had to give up so much. I really felt for this intelligent woman who could see her sister and her friend achieving in ways that she couldn’t due to the ties of family life. I think this is so well summed up when she says ‘I want to be seen, I want to exist’ and comments that though she loves her family ‘it seems hard that I have to give up every single aspect of myself in order to have them.‘. In many ways, modern women will still echo this sentiment.

Corran enjoys her life teaching Classics at Oxford University, where women can graduate unlike at Cambridge where she studied, and she seems contentedly single. However, she also has other ambitions and some secrets which she has been keeping well hidden, or so she thinks. Alison has been a great support to Stella but is also beginning to want more from life and a cruise on one of the P&O fleet certainly changes her life. I should mention that Stella and Corran were inspired by the author’s own great aunts and the amazing lives they led.

Elsie Mackay is a terrific character who was in fact a real historical figure and what a remarkable woman she was. She was an actress, an interior designer creating the interiors of P&O liners (her father was chairman of the company), she was divorced in a time when that was most unusual and a talented aviator. She had ambitions to be the first woman to fly across the Atlantic and was determined to achieve this in the face of great opposition from many sides including her own family. If you don’t already know her story, I’d recommend not looking her up till after you’ve read the book so you don’t come across any spoilers. In the author’s note at the end Flora Johnston reveals a fascinating family link to Elsie but I’ll leave you to read about that for yourself.

Flora Johnston weaves many other issues of the day into the narrative such as the rise of fascism in Italy, the beginning of widespread access to contraception and how controversial that was, improving working conditions in industrial settings and more. It makes for a fully rounded and compelling read. The Endeavour of Elsie Mackay is a brilliant book about the hopes and ambitions of women in a time of change. The title is very clever, as you will realise when you read the book. Another fantastic and often moving work of historical fiction from Flora Johnston. I am looking forward to reading more about these women and in particular following Corran on what looks like is going to be quite an adventure.

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An interesting book based on real life of Elsie Mackey. I did not know her story. The story is set between the world wars and deals with aviation in the beginning and the rac to cross the Atlantic in both directions. This presents an interesting history. The book is embellished with a fictional family and the characters are interesting. It is an entertaining read v

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I loved this story and found it very hard to put down.

Elsie Mackay if from a wealthy family, ex film star and dreaming of being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.

Stella Campbell and her family, Rob her husband a local doctor, Alison her mother, sister Corran that lives in Oxford and a bother Jack that was killed in the war. Stella is struggling with motherhood, raising her sons and wishing life was more exciting.

Secrets are discovered, love found and families reunited in this wonderful story of hope and dreams!

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A historical novel based on the true story of Elsie MacKay, socialite, film actress, interior designer and above all aviator who attempted to be the first person to fly across the Atlantic to North America. Woven into her story is her friendship with the Campbell and Rutherfurd families,. The characters of Stella, family matriarch and her daughter's Stella and Corran are strongly written. I was completely immersed in the well researched storytelling and was sorry to finish the novel.

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When Elsie Mackay was a flashy actress, her family wanted nothing to with her. But since Elsie left that life behind, she rejoined her aristocrat father and brothers at one of the largest British shipping companies in the world. Dedicated to making rather bland ships into luxurious transatlantic liners, Elsie quickly became a successful interior designer. This dynamic woman didn’t stop there. She acquired her pilot’s license, unheard of for a woman at that time, and sat on a multitude of prestigious boards. In Post WW1 a woman could either have a career or have a family. One or the other, never both. Elsie rekindled her friendship with Stella Campbell, whom she had met during the war. Instead of sitting in on Paris Peace Conference, Stella found herself pregnant with baby number 3, resenting her husband and yearning to feel seen as a person with purpose. Her sister Corran chose books over people, an authoress that also lectured at university to women who may not be able to receive an actual degree. These three women, determined to find their place in the world support one another at a time when feminists were just beginning to seek birth control and working rights. In 1928, Elsie secretly purchases a Stinson Detroit airplane, partners with a well known ace pilot and was resolved to make history by becoming the first woman to complete a transatlantic flight. Based on a true story, this novel is a fast paced, fascinating peek of a brave, adventurous woman making history.

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Quite a few of the characters in this book were originally in The Paris Peacemakers, the author’s previous book which I enjoyed very much. If you haven’t read that, this is very much a stand alone book and you wouldn’t feel you’d missed anything if you haven’t already read that. Nevertheless it was nice to hear from those characters again and to see where they are at eight years on.

Stella is now married to Rob and they have a young family of their own. Rob, now a GP still suffers from flashbacks to his time as a doctor serving on the front line during WW1 and whilst Stella understands the trauma he lived through, she is frustrated that he is reluctant to take on more affluent patients so that they can move into a home of their own. They still live in Stella’s family home with her mother.

It was good to read about Stella’s life and how its turned out after her work in Paris following on from the war. Her sister Corran, once engaged to Rob herself, is still single, enjoying her career working as an academic at the university.

But the main part of the book relates to Elsie Mackay who the two sisters first met during their work in Paris back in 1919. For Elsie money is no object being the daughter of a shipping company owner. The character in the book is based on the real Elsie Mackay whose love of flying in the early days of aviation drove her ambition to be the first female to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. The story of Elsie’s attempt to complete this flight is beautifully woven into the story and makes for a thrilling read at times.

Overall I enjoyed this book just as much as The Paris Peacemakers. I learned so much about our history through these two books. To be able to write a piece of fiction based around factual events makes history come to life and I found this a compelling and enjoyable read. At the end of the book in the author’s notes, she tells us how she came about writing the story of Elsie Mackay. The one thing I would say, is if you haven’t heard of Elsie or her history then maybe leave looking up her life story until after you’ve finished the book or you could come across a spoiler or two.

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This tale of Fact and Fiction makes for a fascinating read. The titled Elsie Mackay was a remarkable woman who by the age of 35 had been a successful actress, jockey, interior decorator and pioneering aviator. The story revolves around her burning ambition to be the first woman to cross the Atlantic the hard way – east to west – against the prevailing winds. Her family and friendships provide the context of her life at this time in 1927/28 and the whole results in a wonderful read. My only disappointment is that I want to continue the story of those she left
behind as that would be as fascinating as this account.

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It took me a while to get into this book, but it was definitely worth the perseverance. An interesting mix of fact and imagination; so many strands deftly woven together to make a wholly believable and enjoyable story.

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I really enjoyed this as a historical fiction novel, it had that aviation element that I was hoping for . I enjoyed the overall story that was going on and actually learned a bit about the characters in this. Flora Johnston has a strong writing style and was engaged with what was happening in this novel.

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