Member Reviews

This book initially gripped me. Then, half way through it changed tack altogether and seemed to be a completely different book. It took a long time for the connection between the two stories to be clear and then, all of a sudden the book was finished and I was left with more questions than answers. It honestly frustrated me.

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The Hunt kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish! Erica Sands is such a compelling protagonist, and her personal connection to the case adds so much emotional weight to the story. I was really drawn into her relentless pursuit of her father, a serial killer, and the mystery surrounding his disappearance. The twists were unpredictable, and the investigation led to some truly chilling moments. I especially enjoyed how Erica’s instincts were put to the test, as well as the tension between her and the mysterious figures around her. The pacing was tight, and I couldn’t wait to see how everything would unfold. It lost half a star for a couple of predictable moments, but overall, it’s a thrilling, heart-pounding ride! Highly recommend for fans of psychological thrillers!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I loved this book and could not put it down. I read it in one sitting, I had to know what would happen. I would definitely recommend this book.

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This was a very compelling story of a daughter trying to prevent her father from killing. Some very good characters and a story that was fast moving. The story goes on as we wait for. the next book in the series.

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Book three in this series and it is advisable to read the first two as they give you a better understanding of the main character Erica Sands and how she operates, not only in trying to organise her team at the station but also seek justice and avenge her father. This story is roughly in 3 parts deftly drawn together at the end with an explosive finish and now I can't wait until book 4 !! Overall 4.5*

Thanks to Netgalley/Storm for the ARC to review.

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This was just OK for me. It wasn't awful and definitely held my attention, but I didn't find it exceptional or exciting. There were no big twists or turns until the end; I was not expecting the ending at all. I will read more by this author but maybe not this series.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publishers for letting me read this book

did it really have to end that way.....omg......

have to say i was drawn right into this storyline though part two was like a different book and storyline... not really sure it was needed as the rest of the book was where you wanted to be....

erica sands a DCI who was on the hunt for her murderous father charler sterling.... a serial killer

but when he manages to escape prison and evade capture erica becomes obsessed with finding him.....

have to say there were elements i loved and some i wasnt quite keen on but man that ending .....gonna have to wait for that book to find out what happens

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DI Sands father has escaped from prison. He is apparently dead but Sands needs to find out the truth. Full of twist that come together well. Though I've not read the first two book this did not stop me from enjoying this excellent story. Good characters and well paced. Thanks to Storm publishing and Netgalley for this review ARC.

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Loved this one! As always, a great continuation in the Erica Sands series. There's a cliffhanger, but I was pleasantly surprised at the way the different narrative threads wove together to build a cohesive mystery!

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Wel mae hwn yn cychwyn yn llawn cyffro, mae rhan gyntaf y llyfr yn symud yn gyflym, ar ras wrth i ni ddilyn taith y DCI Sands wrth iddi geisio canfod i ble mae ei thad, un o'r troseddwyr enwocaf erioed, wedi mynd ar ôl iddo ddianc o'r carchar. Mae'r llyfr yn rhan o gyfres ac er mwyn cael gwerthfawrogi datblygiad y cymeriadau'n llawn dw i'n credu bod angen darllen y llyfrau blaenorol gan nad oes cyfle yn y nofel hon i edrych yn ddwfn ar y cymeriadau gyda'r stori'n datblygu'n gyflym iawn. Pan gyrhaeddais yr ail ran roeddwn ychydig yn ddryslyd, yn teimlo fel fy mod wedi pigo llyfr hollol wahanol a dechrau darllen hwnnw, roedd cyflymder y stori yn arafach yma ac roeddwn yn teimlo ychydig yn rhwystredig gan fy mod yn ysu i gael gwybod beth oedd wedi digwydd ar ôl tro yn y gynffon ar ddiwedd y rhan gyntaf! Ond fe ddaeth y stori at ei gilydd a daeth cliwiau bach i'r amlwg gan gysylltu ffawd yr holl gymeriadau. Stori sy'n llawn tensiwn, yn mynd ar garlam o un wlad i'r llall ac o un digwyddiad i un arall. Heb ddatgelu beth yw diwedd y stori.... mae'n rhaid dweud y bydd yn rhaid darllen beth bynnag ddaw nesaf.....

Well this one starts full of action, the first part of the book is fast-paced, as we hurriedly follow the journey of DCI Sands as she tries to find where her father, one of the most notorious criminals ever, has gone after an escape from prison. This book is part of a series and to fully appreciate the character development I do feel you need to read the first two since there's no time in this novel to understand the characters fully with such a fast-paced plot. When I reached the second part, I was a little confused, and I felt like I had picked up a different book to read, the pace was a little slower here and I must admit I felt a little frustrated as I was desperate to know what would happen after quite a twist at the end of the first part! But the story came together and little clues emerged creating links between the fates of all the characters. A story full of tension, racing from one country to another and from one event to another. Without ruining the ending... I must say I'll have to read whatever comes next....

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DCI Erica Sands is on the hunt for her serial killer father, he escaped prison and died....or did he?
There were a few stories happening here and I enjoyed watching the author tie them all together into one solvable puzzle.
A wonderfully suspenseful story, I really hadn't figured it out until the what the...moment.
I normally hate cliff hangers actually I still do, when's the next book.

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DCI Erica Sands is looking for a horrible man who escaped jail and is on the run. Charles Sterling was one of the mist high- profile mass murderers ever caught in the UK and Sands is obsessed with catching this man who also happens to be her father. Pierre Cloarec and Clemence Girard are journalists who are investigating a law firm that helps bad people launder their money.  And who may have also helped Sterling move his crypto currency around in order to make a new life as a new man, or so he thought.

The Hunt will have you chasing the truth even though the twists and turn will keep you guessing until the end.

Thank you Netgalley and
Storm Publishing for this jem!

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The Hunt by author Gregg Dunnett is the 3rd book in the thrilling DCI Erica Sands series. The hunt of the title is Erica trying to catch her father Charles Sterling, the serial killer who escaped from prison. He’s beyond dangerous and no one knows where he is. On the one hand, because he’s her father Erica might have some insight about where he is or what his plans are; on the other hand, he’s a serial killer, not a random dad. He’s unpredictable. Add in the fact that he won’t hesitate to harm or even kill Erica if she gets in his way and author Dunnett has created a spellbinding story that is non-stop action, full of unexpected twists and under a cloud of danger and evil from start to finish.

The pace of The Hunt is fast and exciting. Every time I thought I had finally guessed what Sterling’s next move would be and where Erica would have to dash off to next to try and intercept him, the story took another turn and I was back to square one with my guesses. Plan to be riveted to the book as soon as you start reading it; it will grab you and not let go right up until the shocking ending.

Thanks to Storm Publishing for providing an advance copy of The Hunt via NetGalley. I voluntarily leave this review; all opinions are my own.

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This one was a surprise that snuck up on me and smacked me in the face. The ending of this book is something you will be talking about for a long time to come. No, I will not tell the end or any of it's tid bits. I will tell you that this is another book about Erica Sands who is a detective in England. She has another case that one of her detectives was in charge of. Detective Karim had a case of a woman who had fallen down the stairs at her home in the middle of the night and was now in a coma and had a broken back. Her neighbor said that she had heard a very loud argument between the two occupants. The case goes on from there. Next up was for her was to be drilled by her superintendent, Yorke. He is asking her about the case against Charles Sterling one of the worst mass murders ever caught in the UK. Unfortunately he had escaped from prison the year before. She then was told that interpol has the case and the name is officer Jonathan Briggs.

Sands takes a leave of obscene and goes out on her own to track down Charles Sterling. As she is getting very close she has been in contact with a bartender named Jacques. This turned into the meet and oh my gosh moment of Erica Sands' life or maybe her death...... you will have to read and find out for yourself!

Happy Reading!

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THE HUNT - I missed the first two books of this series but I won't miss the next. Although Erica got a bit on my nerves, I understood her quest. Sometimes what you wish for is not something you should receive. Good characters. Interesting, intriguing and immersing story lines. A good, constant pace. Intense, but a cliffhanger. Source: Netgalley. 5*

THE LAKE HOUSE CHILDREN - A interesting and intriguing story with a twist or two. Well written story lines, good characters and a good pace makes this a one sitting read. Source: Netgalley. 4*

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If only I had known this is one of those series where you need to read the books in order, and that each book ends with a cliffhanger. Overall, yes you can read this book as a standalone, however, it is unsatisfying in that you are left hanging as to what happens next. In reading this book the characters seemed a little underdeveloped but then I am guessing that if a person had read the first two books, they would have a better feel for the characters. For me, this is more of a serial installment than what I would consider a series (with a resolution at the end of each book).

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4⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an advanced copy of The Hunt.

Detective Erica Sands gets word that the man who helped her father escape prison has been located. She goes to speak with him to try to get clues of where her father is. Then she is visited by an attorney who has informed her that her father died a few days ago. She does not believe him and is determined to find the truth. It comes at the cost of stepping down from her job to devote her time to finding out if he is really dead or not.

This is the third book in this series and I do recommend reading the previous books before this one to get all the background on the story. I enjoyed this book-the middle drug on a little but then picked up again towards the end. I have enjoyed this whole series and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

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DCI Erica Sands is once again drawn into her mass murderer father's life, Charles Sterling after his daring escape! She finds a clue into his life since and tries to connect the dots into his whereabouts. Meanwhile, a French journalist is contacted by a source that tips him off to a fraudulent money trail and he realises that all is not what it seems and it leads him to a small French village, where he meets a mysterious Man and all is not right with him. This is a page turner, nail biting read with lots of suspense, action and thrilling moments. We are off on a rollercoaster adventure and it's so unputdownable.

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The Hunt by Gregg Dunnett is the third book in the Detective Erica Sands series. I do recommend that you read the first two books in the series so you know the background of the characters and story.

Erica Sands is determined to find her father, infamous serial killer Charles Sterling, before he can kill again. After escaping from a max security prison no one has seen Charles. But Erica can feel his evil presence all around her. With her career, relationships and sanity at stake, will Erica finally come face to face with this vicious killer and stop his killing spree? Or will she be his next victim?

So I really think to actually understand all of the characters motivations and actions, you should read this series in order. This novel is told in four separate parts that all come together at the end. It does end in a cliffhanger so definitely be looking out for the next one!

Thank you to NetGalley, Gregg Dunnett, and Storm Publishing for this ARC. Expected publication date is February 21st 2025.

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Although there are no more leads to follow Erica keeps in touch with the Interpol agent in charge of her father's case and he has discovered the whereabouts of the guard who helped him flee from prison. After being able to contact the guard they have a new avenue to search but with so many possibilities they were proven to be a dead end until news arrive that her father died. Even after Erica received finger prints, DNA and dental proof of the deceased she's not convinced he has not staged his death and will keep on searching for the truth. Nobody believes her until a journalist dies in a small village in the north of France and the story unravels. The Hunt is well-written, fast-paced and engaging but it ends in a cliffhanger, therefore, I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series asap.
I thank the author, his publisher, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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