Member Reviews

This was an exciting story, but the ending was so profoundly unsatisfying that I spent ten minutes explaining the plot of the series to my husband just so I could further explain to him why the ending was terrible.
Without going to far into spoiler territory -- six books later we see no character development or growth from our protagonist. At the end of the series we find her sitting right where we found her. No one has a happy ending. Our only consolation is that the story takes place circa 1939 and they're all mercifully dead by now.

This is my all-time favorite series and I've been glued to it since the beginning. To say I was devastated & shocked to see that this was the final book is the understatement of the year. It's one of those worlds where you wish you could live in it, be one. of the characters and stay there forever.
If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would. And although I'm super sad this series is over, I couldn't have wished for a better ending to it.

I received this ARC from Netgalley. I requested this ARC without knowing that it was the 6th book in a series! I was a little scared to start reading from the 6th book since I havnt read the first 5. But, let me tell you, the POV catches you up and refers back that I didn’t feel like I was missing anything! This was such a great and magical story that I NEED to grab the 1st one! 4 stars!

I loved it! This is one of my favorite authors. I did not expect the story line to make an almost circular loop like it did and it worked well. I've grown attached to everyone and I hope I hear more about how they are all doing. Excellent series!

I have absolutely loved this series since the beginning & was shocked to see that this was the final book. I was even more shocked at how horribly this book was done. It was rushed & several well established characters were out of character for much of the book. And the ending was, simply put, crappy. I know Mrs. Harris has a tendency to get bored with her series, but jeeze....killing everyone would have been better than this.
I'm being generous by giving this 2 stars, as the story did stay suspenseful. But by midway through, I could already see where it was going. I was just hoping that maybe it would have been a better ending.

I absolutely ADORE Charlaine Harris. Her work is amazing and her trueblood series is the definition of addiction. This book is no different, so good!

I really liked this book, but I’m sad that it’s the end of the series. It takes place just before WWII in an alternate time line. Felicia is trying to find a husband at a Wizards’ ball. The plot line revolves around keeping Felicia safe during a week of parties in the Russian empire, which used to be California. While most of the storylines got tied up well, I’m hoping for a short story (or many) to come in this world.
Do not jump into this series here, start at the beginning.

I absolutely loved this series… until the last couple of chapters. I adored Lizbeth Rose as a character and that’s why I’m so shocked at the ending. The last half of this book was random and all the characters acted completly different. I’m not sure what made the author change so much but I felt legitimately sad at the ending.

This was an interesting book but honestly didn't feel like a satisfying ending. I liked the real world tie-in of WWII (which is I guess actually WWI in this world) but the character relationships were disappointing to me. I will continue to read and see what - if anything - happens next!

As the reported last book in this series, this is another hit from the author. This book was filled with the authors usual fast paced mystery and suspense. And as always a few twists and turns. Reading the previous books in this series would be helpful to the reader. This is a book which I would recommend to all readers.

I’ve been a fan of the Gunnie Rose magical alternate history and read the first 5 episodes. I’m glad Rose has returned as the narrator because I didn’t enjoy Felicia’s POV as much. It opens with recapping the series during Felicia’s (and Alice’s) society coming-out dance and then plunges into multiple murder attempts by Axis agents preparing for WWII. A lot is going on that Rose doesn’t know about, but she trusts her family implicitly...until the last 10 pages upend everything.
At 192 pages, it felt short when their normal length is above 300. The prose in this novel is choppier than before, with swaths of one-sentence paragraphs. In some areas, key description is missing. The sudden appearance of commercial transatlantic airplanes on p137 came out of nowhere. This didn’t happen until June 28, 1939 with our much higher-tech world. The final chapter felt abrupt, out of character for Rose, and vague; however, it seemed to be a conclusion to her part of the sad tale.

I'm such a huge fan of this series, and I believe this book was a satisfying conclusion to Gunnie Rose's story.
It had a very Bridgerton feel with the balls, teas, and dances. But with an extra dash of danger, assassins', war, magic, and family drama.
I devoured the book in less than two days, it was a mile a minute adventure. With extra heart.

This book disappointed me so much. I should have known that by how much I was annoyed and frustrated with how the miscarriage was handled in the previous book, but though the plot was well written and parts of the book were great, Felicia’s ending and Eli’s actions absolutely ruined this entire series for me. I feel like this series could have ended any other way, and it would have been ok, but this felt like a massive letdown.

This isn't a series I would easily recommend to most people despite the fact I have read every book and am definitely interested in seeing what happens next. I appreciate a lot in this series: the semi-apocalyptic/alternate history, pseudo western setting and a main character who is strong and knows what she wants yet is kind of unlikeable. It's definitely different. I just don't see it appealing to most of my urban fantasy reading friends.
I appreciated catching up with Lizbeth and family and the fact that the author doesn't mind throwing the reader a curve ball and there are several in this book.
If you liked the others books in this series, you will like this one. This is definitely not a book to start with. Previous events are mentioned and you need to understand the relationships and why they are that way, not to mention the world Lizabeth lives in.
I'm torn between an OK and like rating. It's hard for me to be warm towards Lizbeth unlike Aurora or Sookie (two other main characters in other series by Harris) and really like this strange world.
I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

Last book in the series and spoiler alert. Everyone goes their,own leaving me wanting more. There is tension and action. Here’
.also romantic times but they are not to last. Seems some will tear apart while others will get together. Hope for more. Plenty of loose ends.

The next in this engaging Gunnie Rose series finds our heroine, her grigori husband, and her sister back in San Diego for a marriage mart. This installment is typical of the series, and if you enjoyed the previous books, you will enjoy this one. Without giving away any spoilers, I've found that Harris' different series do move main characters along in a narrative in ways that are meaningful and sometimes surprising. Thanks for the ARC. I'm looking forward to more books in this series.