Member Reviews

As an HR professional specializing in Workplace Wellbing, I highly enjoyed this book and the insight it gave. The pandemic changed the way we work and behave but it didn't change how we need to connect with others both in and out of the Workplace.

This was a very interesting book! I especially appreciated the data in every chapter and supporting each and every argument. Would definitely recommend this to my workplace's library.

As one would expect from a Harvard Business Review Press publication, this is an academic book: lots of studies, charts, and interaction with bibliography. Workplace wellness and wellbeing has been a hot topic for the last decade, and can and should be increasingly discussed by C-Suite officers in the coming decades. As the authors point out, executives and managers often think, “If workers are unhappy, it’s not our fault,” or managers think that they can’t really do much to improve things if there is some level of unhappiness. But the authors rightly point out that wellbeing (in the workplace) is due to a variety of factors, some of which indeed can be influenced by employers. This book is a worthwhile read since managers often assume, as noted above, we can’t do very much. A manager might say, “give me more funding and I can help my workers experience more joy and fulfillment in their work, but there’s no money so we can’t do anything.” Or we assume that improving wellbeing is simple: as an example, just pass the responsibility on to HR or the C-Suite to institute a new inservice on DEI, or add a benefit to the compensation package. But a lot of wellbeing in the workplace is counter-intuitive, and this book covers the contexts and drivers for a lot of what has a deeper and more lasting effect. Numerous related topics are covered, such as the relation of profitability to wellbeing, or the increase of robots, AI, and technology in general. For what this book is meant to be, an academic study, it’s excellent. Just don’t look for a lot of human stories, or illustrations of specific things companies have done that have resulted in increased wellbeing.