Member Reviews

Not a horrible book. All of the characters were very unlikable the whole entire time. I didn't completely understand how siblings were marrying siblings and there wasn't some sort of rule, I guess, against it. Overall, it was a tedious book that barely spent half of its time dealing with Alaska and the arrangement that comes from that.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and publishers for an ARC of this book!

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Although this time it is Ethan chasing Kaylin I admit it seemed more like the behavior of a stalker than a lover, but okay, de gustibus.
I probably would have been more interested in Hawk's story, but I don't think I will continue this series.

Anche se stavolta é Ethan che insegue Kaylin ammetto che mi é sembrato piú il comportamento di uno stalker rispetto a quello di un innamorato, ma ok, de gustibus.
Probabilmente mi sarebbe interessata di piú la storia di Hawk, ma non credo continuerò questa serie.

I received from the Publisher a complimentary digital advanced review copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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